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Nitrosoative stress: Metabolic pathway involving glutathione-dependent formaldehyde
dehydrogenase/alcohol dehydrogenase
The focus on NO biology has increased the last years and involves a family of NO-related
molecules. Of these, S-nitrosothiols are ascribed a central role in signal transduction and cell
defense through its nitrosolysation of proteins. However, it is not known how cells switch off
the signals or protect themselves from nitrosoative stress. Recently, it was shown that one
type of alcohol dehydrogenase is capable to metabolize GSNO, a 1:1 komplex between
glutathione and NO, and we have shown that this is also valid for the human system.This
project involves the study of the metabolic pathway of GSNO, a main actor in NO signalling.
Techniques that will be included are:
general molecular biology techniques
proteomics techniques such as 2-D gels and masspectrometry for identification of
spectroscpic techniques for determination and identification of products formed
bioinformatics to build up metabolomics database.
The project is within a hotspot area and can change rapidly.
For further information, please contact
Jan-Olov Höög
Dep of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics
Karolinska Institutet
171 77 Stockholm
Tel: 08-728 7740
E-mail: [email protected]