Download Master/PhD position in cell biology of virus infection at the University

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Master/PhD position in cell biology of virus infection
at the University of Cologne
We offer a master and/or PhD position to join the DFG-project “Herpes simplex virus entry
into skin or mucosa” with the possibility to study at the Graduate School for Biological
Sciences at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
The main interest of our lab is to understand how HSV-1 invades its natural target tissue,
skin or mucosa, to reach its receptors and initiate infection. We aim to characterize physical
barriers, signaling pathways and receptors that are involved in the viral entry process. The
establishment of a protocol for ex vivo infection of epidermal sheets allows us to study virus
entry into the epidermis of mouse models as well as of human mucosa (Rahn et al., JOVE
2015 + J.Invest.Dermatol. 2015, 2016)
Our group is embedded in an excellent, very stimulating, multidisciplinary research
environment at the University Hospital Campus in Cologne.
If you are highly motivated and interested in viruses and skin biology and ideally have
knowledge in basic methods of molecular and cell biology, please forward your application
(including CV, certificates, and recommendation letter or contact information of two
references) to:
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dagmar Knebel-Mörsdorf
Center for Biochemistry, Medical Faculty, University of Cologne
[email protected]