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Chapter 13 – Cardiovascular System
Systemic Circulation – delivers _____________________to all body cells and carries
Pulmonary Circulation – eliminates __________________________ and ________________________
blood (lung pathway)
13.2 Structure of the Heart
Heart Size – about 14 cm x 9 cm (the size of a fist)
Located in the ____________________________ (space between lungs, backbone, sternum), between
the 2nd rib and the 5th __________________________ space.
The distal end of the heart is called the ___________________
Coverings of the heart
Fiberous __________________________ encloses the heart (like a bag) (visceral, parietal)
2 tissues:
o visceral pericardium (inner)
o parietal pericardium (outer, attached to
diaphragm, sternum and vertebrae)
Pericardial cavity – contains _____________________ for the
heart to float in, reducing friction
Wall of the Heart:
Epicardium – outer layer, _______________________
________________ – middle layer, mostly cardiac
Endocardium – thin inner lining, within
_______________ of the heart
13.3 Heart Chambers and Valves
Your heart is a ___________________ pump. Circulation is a double circuit:
 _________________________ (lungs only)
 Systemic (rest of the body)
Heart has __________ chambers:
2 __________________ – thin upper chambers that receive blood returning to the heart
through veins.. Right and Left Atrium
2 __________________ – thick, muscular lower chambers. Receive blood from the atria
above them. Force (pump) blood out of the heart through arteries. Right and left ventricle.
____________________ – separates the right and left sides of the heart
Valves of the Heart – allow one-way flow of blood. 4 total: (2 Atrioventricular Valves (AV) & 2
Semilunar valves)
Left ___________________________ valve – also called the ___________________
valve or ____________________ valve. Between left atrium and ventricle
Right _________________________ valve – also called the ________________ valve.
Between right atrium and ventricle
Aortic Semilunar – or just aortic valve. Between the left ___________________ and the
Pulmonary _______________________, or just pulmonary valve. Between the left ventricle
and the aorta
Know the locations of these anatomical parts of the heart:
Atrioventricular Valve (AV)
Superior Vena Cava
Inferior Vena Cava
Coronary Sinus
Chordae tendinae /
Papillary Muscles
Pulmonary valve
Pulmonary Veins
Mitral valve (bicuspid)
Aortic Valve
Skeleton of the Heart – dense connective tissue holding the heart and valves in place
Heart Actions:
Cardiac Cycle: One complete ___________________________. The contraction of a heart
chamber is called __________________________ and the relaxation of a chamber is
called ___________________________.
The cusps (flaps) of the
____________________________ and
tricuspid valves are anchored to the ventricle
walls by fibrous “cords” called
_______________________________, which
attach to the wall by papillary muscles. This
prevents the valves from being pushed up into
the atria during ventricular systole.
Path of Blood Through the Heart
Quick Overview of heart action
Deoxygenated blood enters right atrium through the vena cava
Blood moves into the right ventricle
Blood goes out the pulmonary arteries and heads to the lungs
Blood returns from the lungs and enters the left atrium
Blood moves into the left ventricle
Oxygenated blood moves out of the left ventricle through the aorta and to the body
Regulation of Heart Activity
Controlled by the cardiac center within the _____________________________________. The
cardiac center signals heart to increase or decrease its rate according to many factors that the
brain constantly monitors.
SADS = (Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes or Sudden Adult Death Syndrome)
Routine _______________ Screening may help prevent deaths in young people
common treatment for life-threatening
The device _________________________ the heart and
allows it to re-establish its normal
The device can also be used to start a heart that has stopped.
Blood Vessels: arteries, veins, capillaries
ARTERIES : strong elastic vessels which carry blood moving ___________________ from the
heart. Smallest ones are ________________________ which connect to capillaries.
VEINS - Thinner, less muscular vessels carrying blood ________________________ the heart.
Smallest ones are called _________________________ which connect to capillaries. Contain
Capillaries: Penetrate __________________________________. Walls are composed of a single
layer of squamous cells – ________________________. Critical function: allows exchange of
materials (oxygen, nutrients) between blood and tissues.
Control of Blood Flow:
Precapillary sphincters – circular, valve-like muscle at ________________________________
_______________________________ – narrowing blood vessel’s lumen (“passageway”
Vasodilation – expanding blood; vessel’s lumen
Blood flow through veins – ___________________________________. Slow, weak “pushing” by
arterial blood pressure is not much of a factor at all. Important factors include:
1. Contraction of the __________________________.
2. Pumping action of the ________________________________.
3. ________________________ in the veins.
Blood Clots can occur if blood does not flow properly through the veins - can occur if a person does
not move enough
Major Blood Vessels
_______________________________ - Ascending Aorta, Aortic Arch, Descending Aorta,
Abdominal Aorta. The aorta is the largest artery. (leaves left ventricle)
_______________________________ Trunk – splits into left and right, both lead to the lungs
(leaves left ventricle)
 _______________________________ Veins – return blood from the lungs to the heart
(connects to left atrium)
Superior and Inferior Vena Cava – ____________________________________ from the head
and body to the heart (connects to right atrium)
Disorders of the Circulatory System
1. MVP - ___________________________________, the mitral valve does not close all the way;
this creates a clicking sound at the end of a contraction.
2. Heart Murmurs – valves ______________________________________________, causing an
(often) harmless murmur sound. Sometimes holes can occur in the septum of the heart which
can also cause a murmur
3. Myocardial Infarction (MI) - a _________________________ obstructs a coronary artery,
commonly called a “heart attack”
4. _______________________________ – deposits of fatty materials such as cholesterol form a
“plaque” in the arteries which ___________________________________________
5. Hypertension – high blood pressure, the
_________________________________________________. A sphygmomanometer can be
used to diagnose hypertension
Virtual Aortic Aneurism Surgery