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1. a) Compare different configurations of differential amplifier.
b). Draw the circuit of basic current mirror and explain its operation
[Dec-2015& June-2016]
2. a) Draw the various functional blocks of an operational amplifier IC. Explain each block.
b). Draw the equivalent circuit diagram of Op amp and derive the expression for gain of noninverting amplifier.
3. a). What is level translator? Explain the necessity of level translator stage in cascading differential
b). Explain DC analysis of differential amplifier.
4. a) Discuss the electrical characteristics of an OP-AMP in detail.
b).Discuss the three basic types of linear IC packages and briefly explain the characteristics of each.
5. a). Explain the term slew rate and write the importance in op-amp circuits? [June-2016]
b). Explain how the voltage gain of a differential amplifier be increased without the increase of very
high voltage collector resistors with necessary circuits.
6. a), Explain the difference between slew rate and transient response.
b). Compare and contrast ideal and practical op-amp?
7. Calculate the amplification factor for AC signal input in dual input balanced output differential
8. Design the dual input balanced output differential amplifier using the diode constant bias to meet the
following specifications and draw the circuit with designed values.
a). Supply voltages = 12V
b). Voltage gain  60
c). emitter current IE in each differential amplifier transistor = 1.5 mA and Vbe = 0.7V
9. a). Why is Re in an emitter coupled differential amplifier replaced by a constant current source with
circuit Diagram?
b). Explain the network replacing Re acts as an approximately constant current Ic.
c). Explain how IC is made to be independent of the temperature.
10. a). What are the merits and demerits of differential amplifier?
b). What type of signal can a differential amplifier amplify?
c). What are the four different configuration of differential amplifier?
Two Marks questions
1. Draw the ideal voltage transfer curve of Op amp.
2. Determine the output voltage for the inverting amplifier if the gain and the input voltage of the
Op amp is 1000 and 20 mV dc respectively.
3. Define differential amplifier.
4. Draw the op-amp equivalent circuit.
5. Write the properties of ideal op-amp
6. Define the Op amp.?
7. Define level translator?
8. Why differential amplifier is called basic building block of Op amp. Justify?
9. Give advantages of IC’s?
10. Define monolithic IC?
11. How the constant current circuit stabilizes the emitter current?
12. Give an expression of Ad, Ri for dual i/p, balanced output diff amp?
13. Give an expression of Ad, Ri for single i/p, balanced output diff amp?
14. Draw the voltage transfer curve for Op amp?
15. Write block diagram of Op amp?
16. Define CMRR?
17. How CMRR improves the constant current bias. Justify?
18. Define Linear IC?
19. What are applications of Linear IC?
20. What are the advantages of the analog IC over the digital IC?
1. Explain in detail about external frequency compensation techniques with neat sketches. [Dec-2015]
2. a). Derive the input resistance and output resistance for a voltage shunt feedback
b). Compare voltage series and voltage shunt feedback circuits.
3. a). Derive the expression for closed-loop gain.
b). Write the difference between compensating and un compensating networks.
4. a).The op-amp non-inverting amplifier and derive the voltage gain?
b). Ex
b).Explain the term “Slew Rate” and how it affects the frequency response of an OP-AMP with
suitable examples.
5. What is the voltage at point A and B for the circuit shown in figure below, if V1 = 5 V and
V2 = 5.1 V.
b). Draw the circuit of non-inverting amplifier and derive the expression for output voltage.
6. List and explain the open loop op-amp?
7. Design an input offset voltage compensating network and draw the designed circuits?
8. Explain the procedure for measuring offset voltage and bias current for a general purpose op-amp?
9. a). Explain about the stability and slew rate of op-amp?
b).Compare and contrast Ideal and Practical op-amp of IC 741?
10. a). Draw the pin diagram and schematic symbol of a typical IC 741 and explain the function of
b). Draw the high frequency op-amp equivalent circuit of op-amp. Explain?
Two Marks questions
1. List out the properties of practical Op amp.
2. Draw the frequency responses (Gain Vs frequency) of open loop and closed loop operational
3. Write the properties of ideal op-amp.
4. What is the compensating network?
5. Define slew rate?
6. What causes slew rate?
7. Why IC 741 is not used for high frequency applications?
8. What is mean by frequency response of op-amp?
9. Why open loop is not used in linear applications?
10. Define CMRR of an op-amp.
11. In practical op-amps, what is the effect of high frequency on its performance?
12. What is the need for frequency compensation in practical op-amps?
13. What is mean by voltage series feed back amplifier?
14. Define input offset voltage and input bias current?
15. Define thermal drift?
16. Define Virtual ground property of an OP-AMP?
17. Define circuit stability of op-amp?
18. Why negative feedback system is require in amplifier
19. What is mean by voltage shunt feed back amplifier?
20. Define PSRR and input offset current?
1. a). Derive the expression for 3 input summing amplifier with circuit diagram?
b). What is the need of Current to Voltage Converter?
2. a). The op-amp non-inverting summing circuit has the following parameters VCC = +15 V, VEE = 15V, R = R1= 1 kΩ, Rf = 2 kΩ, V1 = +2 V, V2 = -3 V, V3 = +4 V. Determine the
output voltage Vo.?
b).Write the design steps of the second order low pass filter and draw its circuit.
3. a) Design a differentiator to differentiate an input signal that varies in frequency from 10 Hz to
about 1 kHz.
b).Write short notes on V-I and I-V converters using op-amps.
4. Draw the circuit diagram of the instrumentation amplifier and derive the gain?
5. a).Explain the operation of second order low pass buffer worth filter.
b). Design a second order low pass filter for a cutoff frequency of 100 Hz and draw the circuit
6. a).Draw and explain the operation of AC voltage follower having very high input resistance.
b).Draw the circuit of differential amplifier with one Op-Amp and derive the expression voltage
gain and input resistance
7. a) Draw a neat circuit of an integrator circuit. Explain the functioning with the input-output
b). Derive the output voltage VO of an integrator circuit
a). Design and explain the operation of inverting summing amplifier.
b). What is voltage follower? What are its features and applications?
Draw the circuit of a difference amplifier with one op-amp and derive the expression for voltage
10. With neat sketches analyze the 2nd order butter worth low pass filter?
Two Marks questions
1. Design a first order low pass filter at a higher cut off frequency of 1 kHz with a pass band
gain of 2?
2. Draw the circuit diagram of non-inverting Summing amplifier?
3. Draw the op-amp integrator circuit.
4. Write about the first order and second order filter
5. What is a peak detector?
6. How does the precision rectifier differ from the conventional rectifier?
7. What are the advantages of active filters over the passive filters?
8. What is a V to I convertor?
9. Why integrators are preferred over differentiators in analog computers?
10. What are the limitations of an ideal active differentiator?
11. What are the applications of V-I converter?
12. List the applications of Log amplifiers.
13. What are the demerits of passive filters?
14. What are the advantages of active filters?
15. What is the need for an instrumentation amplifier?
16. List the features of instrumentation amplifier.
17. What is an antilog amplifier?
18. Define 2nd butterworth LPF?
19. Define 3-db down frequency?
20. Define voltage follower?
1. Draw and explain the operation of Wein bridge oscillator and write its frequency expression
a) How to design the function generator
b).The monostable circuit used as divide by 2 network. The input frequency of trigger signal is 2 kHz , if
C = 0.01µF, calculate the value of RA.
2. Draw the circuit diagram of RC phase shift oscillator and derive the expression for its frequency of
3. a) Design a 555 Astable Multivibrator to operate at 10 kHz with 40% duty cycle.
b) Draw the block diagram of PLL and explain its operation.
4. a). Explain in which the 555 timer can be used as Astable multivibrator
b). Draw the circuit of PLL as frequency multiplier and explain its working.
5. a) Configure a 555 timer as a Schmitt trigger and explain.
b).Explain frequency translation and FSK demodulation using 565PLL.
6. a). What is the purpose of law pass filter in a phase Locked Loop? Describe different types of law pass
filters used in a PLL.
b). What are the basic blocks of analog multiplexer? Explain how the data selection process is
performed in it
7. a). Explain the performance parameters of multiplier
b).Discuss the applications of Astable multivibrator?
8. a). What are the different types of multiplexers? Explain logic diagram and truth table of Dual 4 to 1
line multiplexer.
b). Explain the basic multiplier and its characteristics.
9. a). What are the conditions to be satisfied by a circuit to produce oscillations
b). Generate a triangular wave from the square wave with a neat expressions?
10. Explain in detail about wide bandwidth Precision Multiplier and its Applications.
Two Marks questions
Draw the circuit diagram and waveforms of zero crossing detector.
List out the applications of MPY634
How the name implies 555 timers.
Write the applications of PLL.
Give some applications of Comparator
What is a window detector?
Differentiate Schmitt trigger and comparator.
8. Define the following terms a). PLL b) Capture range
9. Write the expression of a) capture range
b) lock range
10. Define voltage to frequency conversion factor of VCO.
11. Mention the applications of analog multipliers.
12. List out the applications of PLL
13. Define lock-in range of a PLL.
14. What is a switch type phase detector?
15. What is the purpose of having a low pass filter in PLL?
16. What do you mean by monostable multivibrator?
17. Define analog multiplexer?
18. List applications of 555 IC timer?
19. List the features of 566 VCO.
20. Define multiplier?
1. Draw and explain successive approximation type ADC?
2. Draw and explain in detail about R-2R DAC.
3. Draw the circuit diagram of Dual Slope ADC and explain its working with neat sketches.
4. a) Explain the operation of Weighted Resistor DAC with the help of circuit diagram.
b).The basic step of a 9 bit DAC is 10.3 mV. If “000000000” represents 0 V. What output is
produced if the input is “101101111”?
5. a). LSB of a 9 - bit DAC is represented by 19.6 mv. If an input of 9 zero bits is Represented by 0
i. Find the output of the DAC for an input 10110 1101 and 01101 1011.
ii. What is the full scale reading (FSR) of this DAC?
b). Discuss the parameters specifications of ADC?
6. a). Calculate the no. of bits required to represent a full scale voltage of 10 V with a resolution of
5mV approximately.
b). An 8-bit Analog to Digital converter has a supply voltage of +12 volts. Calculate:
(i) The voltage step size for LSB.
(ii) The value of analog input voltage for a digital output of 01001011.
7. a). Draw and explain the weighted resistor DAC?
b). Explain about the oversampling ADC?
8. Draw the circuit diagram of single Slope ADC and explain its working with neat sketches
9. a). Explain about the sample and hold circuits?
b). Explain about flash type ADC?
10. Explain about counter type ADC?
Two Marks questions
1. Define resolution and settling time.
2. What are the main advantages of integrated type ADC?
3. Write the disadvantage of weighted resistor DAC. ?
4. List out the ADC techniques?
5. What is the difference between direct ADC and integrating type ADC
6. What are the types of DAC?
7. Define start of conversion and end of conversion.
8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of R-2R ladder DAC.
9. Find the resolution of a 12 bit DAC converter.
10. What is the advantage and disadvantages of flash type ADC?
11. State the advantages and applications of sample and hold circuits.
12. Where is the successive approximation type ADC used?
13. What is integrating type converter?
14. What is meant by linearity?
15. What is a sample and hold circuit? Where it is used?
16. Define sample period and hold period.
17. What is the main drawback of a dual-slop ADC?
18. Explain in brief stability of a converter?
19. Define accuracy of converter?
20. What is the difference between direct ADC and integrating type ADC?