Download GASTRIC CANCER Gastric cancer is the second leading cause of

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Gastric cancer is the second leading cause of death from cancer in the world, with a net decline in
frequency due to the change in eating habits and food preservation. In 40% of cases the lower part
of the stomach is involved, in another 40% the middle part, and in about 15% the upper part. In
most instances gastric cancers are adenocarcinomas, in about 5% of cases are lymphomas, while
carcinoids or stromal tumors can rarely be diagnosed. The diagnosis may occur in advanced stages
of the tumor due to unspecified clinical symptoms.
The treatment is represented by surgical resection in the initial stages while the treatment of cancers
diagnosed in advanced stages includes surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. The surgical
procedure consists in the partial or total resection of the stomach and of the surrounding lymph
nodes, with the aim to remove the tumor tissue and a margin of normal tissue. The long-term
mortality depends on the extension of the tumor, the possible occurrence of relapses and the
extension of the intervention , that in case of very large tumors and /or distant metastases often has
only palliative purposes.
We defined the measure Thirty-day mortality after gastric cancer surgery in which the outcome is
measured by death within 30 days after surgery and the exposure is given by the hospital were the
intervention is performed.
This measure helps to assess the risk of patients diagnosed with lung cancer who underwent surgery
for gastric resection in terms of 30-day mortality, as measured by mortality during surgery, during
the postoperative hospital stay or within 30 days of surgery.
Values of this measure can vary across areas and hospitals. This heterogeneity may be explained not
only by differences in the quality of care provided but also by difference in the case mix or in the
distributions of the risk factors (age, gender, and comorbidities).
American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts and Figures 2012. Atlanta, Ga: American Cancer
Society, 2012.
Correa P. Diet modification and gastric cancer prevention. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr.
Cunningham D, Allum WH, Stenning SP, Thompson JN, Van de Velde CJ, Nicolson M, et
al. Perioperative chemotherapy versus surgery alone for resectable gastroesophageal cancer.
N Engl J Med. Jul 6 2006;355(1):11-20.
Garcia M, Jemal A, Ward EM, Center MM, Hao Y, Siegel RL, et al. Global Cancer Facts &
Figures 2007. American Cancer Society.