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1. Compound light
magnifies by
allowing light to
pass through an
object and then
through two or
more lenses
2. electron
microscope: bends
beams of electrons
in a magnetic field
and can magnify
images up to one
million times or
3. cell theory: major
theory based on
observations and
conclusions by
many scientists;
states that the cell
is the basic unit of
life, organisms are
composed of one or
more cells, and all
cells come from
other cells
4. cell membrane:
structure that
allows only certain
things to pass in
and out of the cell
and forms the outer
boundary of the cell
5. nucleus:
Eukaryotic organelle
that directs all the
activities of the cell
and is surrounded
by a double
6. chromatin: long
strands of
hereditary material
within the cell
nucleus that are
made up of proteins
and DNA
7. cytoplasm:
constantly moving,
gelatin-like mixture
inside the cell
contains structures
that carry out life
processes of the cell
8. organelle:
structure within the
cytoplasm of a
eukaryotic cell
having a specific
function or
9. endoplasmic
complex series of
folded membranes
in the cell
cytoplasm that is
involved in moving
cellular products
12. mitochondria:
eukaryotic cell
organelles where
food molecules are
broken down and
energy is released
10. ribosome: small
two-part organelles
on which cells make
their own proteins
13. lysosome:
eukaryotic cell
organelle that
contains digestive
chemicals that
break down food
molecules, cell
wastes, and worn—
out cell parts
11. Golgi body:
stacks of
sacs that package
materials and move
them to the outside
of the cell
14. cell wall: rigid
structure that
supports and
protects the plant
cell and is made
mostly of bundles of
cellulose fibers
15. chloroplast:
green, chlorophyllcontaining organelle
in the cytoplasm of
many plant cells,
where plants their
own food
16. tissue: group of
similar cells that
work together to do
one job
17. organ: structure
made up of
different types of
tissues that work
together to do a
certain job
18. virus: nonliving
structure that
consists of a core of
hereditary material
surrounded by a
protein coat cell: cell in
which a virus
20. vaccine:
preparation made
from damaged virus
particles that are no
longer able to cause
disease and that
can prevent some
viral disease such as
polio and measles;
substance that is
made from killed
bacteria or
damaged bacterial
particles and can
prevent, but not
cure, many bacterial