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Chapter 4 (Genetics and cellular function) review questions-Name: __________________________________________________________; Score: __________ 1. Complete the following table (Table 4.1 comparison of DNA and RNA). Table 4.1 DNA Sugar Site of action RNA Ribose In Nucleus Major function 2. A nucleotide consists of three components: a _______________, a __________________________, and a nitrogenous base. Questions 3-7 (Matching): Match the following terms to their respective statement below. A. Gene B. Genome C. Genetic code D. Base triplet E. Codon 3. _________ All the DNA, both coding and noncoding, in one 23-chromosome set 4. _________ A system that enables 4 nucleotides (A, T, C, G) to code for the amino acid sequences of all proteins 5. _________ A sequence of 3 DNA nucleotides that stands for 1 amino acid 6. _________ An information-containing segment of DNA that codes for the production of a molecule of RNA 7. _________ A 3-base sequence in mRNA is called 8. The initiating transfer RNA, carrying formylmethionine, binds to which site? A) E site B) P site C) A site D) E, P, and A sites E) P and A sites 9. The anticodon is the three base sequences on the messenger RNA that binds with the codons of the transfer RNA. The above statement is _______. A) True B) False