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General Biology II Lab
Chapter 27
From the Sea: Understanding Animals-Part 1
1. Read your chapter material.
2. Know the following terms:
Radial symmetry
Bilateral symmetry
Incomplete digestive system
Complete digestive system
True coelomate
Laboratory Exercises:
Ex 27.1 Procedure 1Macroanatomy of Poriferans
1. Examine the small Grantia sponge given you under the stereoscope. Use fig. 27.8 and
try to locate the main features of this sponge.
2. Examine the other specimens of sponges on the back table. Recognize that these are in
the Phylum Porifera. You will not have to know species names or classes for this
Ex 27.1 Procedure 2 Microanatomy of Poriferans
1. Use prepared slide of Grantia and fig. 27.11 - 15 to recognize structures listed:
osculum, choanocytes, ostium , radial canal, spongocoel. Attempt to draw what you see
in one of the boxes provided and label structures that you can see.
2. Using the sponge provided for procedure 2 follow the directions under numbers 3 and
4 on page 500.
Answer your “Check your Understanding” questions on p. 501.
Ex 27.2 Procedure 1 Macroanatomy of Hydrozoans and Scyphozoans
1. Procure a living hydra from the table and follow directions in lab book. You will use
some of the protists from last week to observe feeding behavior (#4). Attempt to return
the hydra back to jar when finished. Use fig. 27. 19 & 27.26-29 to recognize structures
listed: tentacles, hypostome, mouth, gastrovascular cavity, basal disk
2. Know life cycle of Obelia. Fig. 27.18 p.503
1. Observe specimens from the Class Scyphozoans.
2. Know life cycle of a jellyfish. See fig. 27.21 p. 504
Ex 27.2 Procedure 2 Microanatomy of Hydra and Scyphozoans
1. Use prepared slides of Hydra whole mount and budding. Draw and label in spaces
provided. Use fig. 27.34 to recognize and label structures: mesoglea, epidermis,
gastrodermis. gastrovascular cavity, manubrium, mouth, tentacles.
2. Use prepared slide of Obelia colony. Draw and label. Use fig. 27.35 and know the
structures: feeding polyps, reproductive polyp, medusa buds, tentacles, hypostome
3. Use prepared slide of Obelia medusa. Draw and label. Use fig. 27.36-7 and know the
structures listed with this diagram: tentacles, manubrium, mouth, gonad.
4. Use prepared slide of Aurelia. Draw and label. Recognize structures in fig. 27.30 on p
507: mouth, gonad, tentacles, oral arm, ring canal.
Macroanatomy of Anthozoans (Sea Anemones)
1. Observe specimens from class Anthozoa on back table. Notice the many different
types of anthozoans in the pictures on p. 505
Review Questions pp.517-520 are due by next week. Your online quiz will be available
to you and must be submitted by next Wednesday.