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Feeding the Hydra Review Questions1. How does the Hydra behave when the Daphnia or
blackworm touches its tentacles?
The Hydra uses its Nematocycts (stinging cells) to release
paralyzing toxin into its prey. The prey is unable to swim
away because it is paralyzed.
2. How does the Hydra take the organism into its body?
It uses its tentacles to bring prey into its mouth (located
between tentacles.)
3. How does the Hydra trap organisms that are so much
larger then it is?
It paralyzes its prey. The body of the Hydra is able to
stretch to fit large prey.
4. How does the Hydra digest the organism if it does not
have a “stomach?”
It releases enzymes (chemicals that break down food into
smaller pieces). Specialized cells of the Hydra are able to
absorb nutrients and the wastes are removed through
the mouth.