Download Our Lady of Guadalupe - Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church

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Virgin of Guadalupe
and miraculous facts
about the Tilma
Mary, Empress of the
Kean Spellman
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• The year was 1531
• Juan Diego a
humble widower +
convert, and one
of only a small
fraction of converts
from the Aztec
Pagan religion.
The Virgin of
changed the
course of Mexican
• 1. That year there
were three
earthquakes in
Mexico and an
eclipse of the sun.
• Mary appeared on
the most important
feast day of the
Aztec religion…
December 9 – the
feast of the
• 2. To replace the
Aztec practice of
human sacrifice that
the Spaniards has
suppressed, Mary
brought the final
sacrifice of Jesus
Christ… The
slaughter of
hundreds of
thousands per year.
• 3.Her complextion
is olive, an Aztec
Indian, but in a
European dress.
• She is robed in a
royal Tourquise
blue – the Aztec Color
• She blocks out the
SUN (chief Aztec God)
• She has the
MOON under her
feet (another God)
• She is pregnant
• 4. No sign of paint has been
discovered on the actual tilma.
From a distance of 3-4 inches
from the image, one can see
only the maguey cactus fibers
of the material: the colors
Scientific studies have not been
able to discover the origin of
the coloration, nor the way the
image was “painted”. They
cannot detect vestiges of any
brush strokes or any other
known painting technique.
• 5. The Tilma is now
480+ years old. When
the material was
examined under a
laser ray, it was shown
that there is no
coloration on the front
or the back of the cloth.
• The color on the
original is just as vibrant
as it was in 1531 and
using the fabric itself,
the image has a 3dimensional look when
seen in person.
Isn’t that amazing?
• 6.The tilma, has been
attacked by bombs,
handling, candle black but
has not shown any
Notice the black tie
ribbon – the traditional
Aztec dress for a woman
with Child.
• Notice her posture,
submissive and prayerful,
and yet she is walking
towards you.
• She has a cross on her
neckline, and below her
hands as in a Rosary
• 7. In the year 1791,
muriatic acid
accidentally spilled
on the upper right
side of the tilma.
During the period of
30 days, without any
special treatment,
the affected fabric
re-constituted itself
• 8. The stars that
appear on the
Mantle of Mary
reflect the exact
Winter Equinox
configuration and
positions that
astronomers have
proved would have
been seen in the sky
the day the miracle
• On the right side of the
Virgin’s mantle, the southern
constellations are indicated:
• Orphiuchus constellation.
• Libra, corpio,Lupus,Hydra.
• Further down, one can
clearly see the Southern
Cross; above it appears the
slightly inclined square of the
Centaurus constellation.
• On the left side of the Virgin’s
mantle one sees the northern
• Stars of the Herdsman
constellation; the Great Bear. To
its right is Berenice’s Hair; below
it, Hunting Dogs, and to its left,
the Thuban, which is the brightest
star of the Draco constellation.
• Another pair of constellations: the
Auriga and at the bottom, three
stars of Taurus.
• Thus, in their totality and
proper places, the 46 most
brilliant stars that can be seen
on the horizon of the Valley of
Mexico are identified.
• 46 Stars = Books of Old
• 9. The angel was
painted on the
mantle in the
1800’s. This human
paint has faded.
• Communists in
1921, placed a
concealed, high
powered explosive
bomb the feet of the
tilma. The explosion
everything around it.
Mary the Woman of Revelation
The explosion bent a thick gold
plated iron cross into a pretzel,
but the class encased tilma was
not even cracked. Not a soul
was hurt in the packed
Cathedral. But there is more…
• 10. Scientists
discovered that
the eyes of Mary
have the three
of a human eye.
• 11. In the eyes of Mary (only about 1/3rd inch in size), miniscule human
figures were discovered that no artist could have painted. The same
scene is repeated in each eye.
Using digital technology, the images in the eyes were enlarged many times,
revealing that each eye reflected the figure of the Indian Juan Diego
opening his tilma in front of Bishop Zumarraga.
Do you know the size of this scene?
One fourth of a millimeter (1/100th of an inch).
• It is evident that all
Miracles were
given to us for a
To convert a
continent and
catch our attention
in 2012.
Have they
caught yours?
• To close, let us look at review and
remember three surprising facts:
• In the Indian language, "Guadalupe" means to
“crush the head of the serpent.” Properly refers
to Genesis 3:15: Mary, the conqueror of evil.
• The image also depicts a detail from the Bible
Apocalypse 12: “And a great sign appeared in
Heaven: A woman clothed with the sun and the
moon under her feet.”
• 3. The Virgin wears a black band at her waist,
which symbolizes pregnancy, to indicate that
God wanted Jesus to be born again in the
Americas, within the heart of each American.
“While I live I will praise the Lord: I will sing praise
unto my God while I have any being”
(Ps 146:2).
• Never forget the words she spoke
to Saint Juan Diego, and her touching
Maternal tone to him:
• My little child, the smallest of all, let
nothing afflict you.
• Do you not know that you are in my lap?
• Am I not here, I, who am your mother?