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Aztec Everyday Life – fill in the blanks using the word bank.
The people of the Aztec empire had mandatory ___________________, regardless of
gender or class, so people in the Aztec society were generally well educated.
Except for the nobility, the people were quite poor. Common people lived in adobe
_____________, made of mud bricks. One building was for sleeping, cooking, eating
and worship. Another building contained a steam bath. It was believed that the bath was
important for good health.
They spoke their own ________________ (Nahuatal) and used an accurate 365-day
____________________ based around their harvest seasons. The Aztec’s entire culture
was dominated by ___________________., and worshipping their many gods. They
made colorful ___________ and masks and covered the bodies of children in spiritual
_______________. They had religious celebrations full of song, dance and sports to pay
tribute to all of their ___________.
In Aztec culture, ________________ were glorified for religious reasons. Taking
prisoners to _________________ to the gods was an essential ritual in Aztec daily life.
They believed that they owed a blood-debt to their gods, and would sacrifice thousands
of people every year! Though life was very structured, it seemed close to chaos as the
people were very ____________________ and tried to avoid natural (and imagined)
Word Bank:
Aztec Calendar
Art Sacrifice
Huitzilopochtli (God of the Sun and War)
Aztec Ball Game – Ullamaliztli