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Content Benchmark L.12.D.3
Students know the fossil record gives evidence for natural selection and its evolutionary
consequences. E/S
1st Item Specification: Recognize patterns of diversity observed throughout geologic
Depth of Knowledge Level 1
1. Species with features between hypothesized ancestors and descendant species are
known as
A. transitional species.
B. relative species.
C. homologous species.
D. middle species.
2. Which of the following is NOT an example of a fossil?
A. A frozen wholly mammoth.
B. The footprints from a dinosaur.
C. Skin tissue of recently dead animal.
D. An insect preserved in amber.
3. The graph below shows the number of different genera that have existed over the
past 550 million years.
The greatest increase in the number of known genera has occurred
A. between 300-400 million years ago.
B. between 100-200 million years ago.
C. within the past 100 million years.
D. within the past 200 million years.
Depth of Knowledge Level 2
4. The following diagram shows the number of marine animal families over the last
600 million years.
Over geologic time, the diversity of marine animal families has
A. increased over the past 600 million years.
B. decreased over the past 600 million years.
C. decreased, but increased with the past 50 million years.
D. increased, but decreased with the past 50 million years.
5. Use the diagram below to answer the following question.
Using the diagram, select the following option that correctly lists the organisms
that evolved from the most distant past to the most recent.
A. Reptiles, Fish, Ginkos, Birds
B. Humans, Birds, Amphibians, Ferns
C. Pines, Ginkos, Reptiles, Birds
D. Fishes, Ferns, Mammals, Flowering Plants
2nd Item Specification: Identify evidence for biological evolution gathered by
scientists and others from the fields of biology (including biochemistry and
molecular genetics) and geology.
Depth of Knowledge Level 1
6. George Cuvier reconstructed fossils that showed organisms in the past differed
greatly from organisms in the present. His discovery helped support the theory of
A. catastrophism.
B. uniformitarianism.
C. heredity.
D. evolution.
7. The fossil record supports the theory of evolution because it shows species
A. have changed or have gone extinct through time.
B. that live now are much like those that live millions of years ago.
C. going through the process of natural selection.
D. living millions of years ago were identical to species today.
8. Fossil evidence from the Cambrian period indicates hundreds of new species of
animals emerged during that period. These new species arose as a result of
A. increased volcanic activity.
B. natural selection and evolution.
C. extinction and endangerment.
D. an abundance of food in the world.
9. Scientists like Charles Darwin hypothesized that the modern day whale evolved
from a land mammal, but they had no proof. Eventually fossils were found of a
mammal with fins and a vestigial pelvis that was related to the whale. This fossil
would be known as a
A. common fossil.
B. transitional fossil.
C. homologous fossil.
D. coevolved fossil.
Depth of Knowledge Level 2
10. The diagram below illustrates the evolution of a horse.
This diagram provides evidence for the evolution of a modern horse because it
A. the early ancestors of the modern day horse and when they existed
based on fossil evidence.
B. the early ancestors of the modern day horse as determined by
biochemical comparisons.
C. modern day species related to the horse and the similarities in their
bone structure.
D. modern day species related to the horse and the differences in their
molar teeth structure.
11. The geological theories of James Hutton and Charles Lyell aided Charles Darwin
in developing his theory of evolution because it provided evidence that
A. explained why volcanoes and earthquakes occur.
B. showed the landforms can change over time through natural events.
C. suggested the Earth was old enough for evolution to have occurred.
D. proved the Earth was formed 6,000 years ago.
Content Benchmark L.12.D.3
Students know the fossil record gives evidence for natural selection and its evolutionary
consequences. E/S
Answers to Sample Test Questions
1. A, DOK Level 1
2. C, DOK Level 1
3. C, DOK Level 1
4. A, DOK Level 2
5. D, DOK Level 2
6. D, DOK Level 1
7. A, DOK Level 1
8. B, DOK Level 1
9. B, DOK Level 1
10. A, DOK Level 2
11. C, DOK Level 2