Download Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) – Call for Projects

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Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) –
Call for Projects (Round 9)
WBIF was established with the aim of coordination, preparation and financing of investment
projects by the European Commission through funding from the Multi-IPA and the
International Financial Institutions (IFIs) within the candidate countries and potential
It was founded by the European Commission, the European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development, European Investment Bank and the Development Bank of the Council of
It aims to unite the grants, loans and expertise for financing of common set of priority
investment projects and strengthen the coherence of aid.
Granted funds are intended for infrastructure projects and economic development, and also
to strengthen small and medium-sized businesses in the Western Balkans.
The two main goals:
Association of grants, loans and expertise for the preparation of financing of priority
investment projects;
Strengthening coherence and synergy among donors in order to increase the
positive impact and transparency of investment in the Western Balkans
Eligible Beneficiaries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia
European Commission under the Western Balkans Investment Framework gives priority to
regional projects, which in this context means projects that contribute to cooperation
among the beneficiary countries.
Provides support through two instruments:
• Joint instrument for grants within for contribution to financing the preparation and
implementation of priority projects
• Joint instrument for loans, which function as a complementary tool for the Joint Grants
Grants can be for:
Technical assistance to prepare infrastructure investments
Technical assistance to overcome specific obstacles that are delaying the preparation
or implementation (e.g. construction) of a priority investment project
Technical assistance to undertake research and analysis to facilitate the
development of investments in a particular sector or sub-sector
Technical assistance to support policy reforms and institution building required to
improve the investment climate
Capital expenditure
Incentive payments for financial intermediaries
Interest rate subsidies
Insurance premia
Loans can be used for investments in infrastructure.
Eligible sectors:
a) Infrastructure:
i) Transport
Road, rail, sea and water ways, air transport, urban transport, inter-modal terminals
ii) Energy
Generation (a preference is given to renewable technologies), electricity, gas and oil
strategic transmission, storage, CHP/cogeneration, district heating and energy
iii) Environment
Water supply, waste water, sewerage, solid waste, hazardous waste, emission
iv) Social
Education, judiciary, health, social housing, public buildings
b) Private Sector Development
c) Energy Efficiency
d) “Sector Development” projects
The WBIF Project Application Process
Project applications for WBIF support are triggered by calls for project proposals. These are
sent by the WBIF Secretariat in DG Enlargement to all NIPACs and there are normally two
calls (also known as rounds) each year timed to allow approval of grants at the WBIF
Steering Committee meetings in June and December.
Deadline for receipt of proposals: 22 February 2013
Applications for WBIF support must be made on a Project Grant Application Form (PFAF)
which can be downloaded from the WBIF website at:
For filling project proposals there is available assistance from consultant team engaged by
European Commission (Infrastructure Project Facility, in coordination with
the European Integration Office.
For more information: and