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Chapter 23
The Coming of War
Page 770
Section 1
Dictators and War
• Explain how dictators and militaristic regimes
arose in the 1930’s
• Summarize the actions taken by aggressive
regimes in Europe and Asia
• Analyze the responses of Britain, France, and
the U.S.
• The terrible world economy would allow
dictators to rise up in several countries
Section 1
The Rise of Dictators
• The end of WWI was suppose to end all wars
• However, the world wide recession of the
1930’s would allow many irrational dictators
to rise to power
• Joseph Stalin would come to power in the
• Wanted to modernize the backward country
• Russia and the U.S. did have a positive
relationship economically in politically
• However, disagreed with the ways Stalin
quieted political dissent which would not
become evident till after WWII
• Known for the purges of his own peopleGreat Terror- possibly 10 million
• How is Fascism different than communism or
The State has absolute power
Everything is done for the good of the nation
The nation grants or refuses rights.
Political system
Mussolini and Italian Fascism
• Italy’s economy would plummet after WWI
• Benito Mussolini, a blacksmith’s son and war
veteran, would use his powerful charisma and
oratory prowess to rise to power
• Played on people’s fears of Communism to set
up a Fascists state
• Promised to build Italy into powerful state
once again
• Kept political power buy deploying blackshirts
• Crush political dissent, outlaw political parties
Rise of Nazi Germany
• War torn German economy can’t recover,
especially under the pressure of war
• 1920’s, extremists groups promise renewed
prosperity. Communist and Fascist Nazis
• Adolf Hitler would arise as leader of Nazi
Party- National socialist German Workers
• First attempt to overthrow Weimar Gov’t
failed- put in jail in 1922- Wrote Mein Kampfmy struggle- Blamed Jews, Communist,
traitors, cowards, and German Gov’t for WWI
defeat. German Army didn’t actually lose
• 1933, Convinced President to make Hitler
• Gov’t building set on fire. Claimed was a
communist uprising. Used as excuse to take
complete power
• Once in power, began a huge rearmament
program and stressed Nationalism
• Scapegoat philosophy- blamed all of
Germany’s problems on the Jews and the
signers of the Treaty of Versailles
• Anti-Semitism official policy of gov’t
• Kristallnacht- night of Broken Glass
Japan Militarism
• Extreme nationalist coming to power in Japan
and wanted to expand the power and empire
of Japan
• 70 million and not much resources in Japan
• When hard economic times hit, the extremist
took over
• In 1931, invaded rich Manchuria
• U.S. and League of Nations did nothing
• Rape of Nanking??
From Neutrality to War
• Italy turns to Fascism to solve poverty and
• In 1935 Italian Army invaded Ethiopia
• League of Nations condemned actions but did
• Violated the Kellogg Briand Pact
Civil War in Spain
• 1931 Spain changed from Monarchy to
• General Francisco Franco leads army against
the gov’t
• Became world affair as many Americans and
Soviets helped loyalist while Germany and
Italy helped Franco
• Franco- Nationalist- actually Fascists
• Republican- Democracy
• 1939, Franco wins and democracy is lost
Germany Expands
• 1935 Hitler announces they will no longer
honor treaty of Versailles and they rearm
• Enlarges Army, Navy, and Air force
• March 1936, sent army into Rhineland, which
was suppose to be demilitarized
• Allies did nothing.
– Why?
• Allies were using strategy of appeasement- give
Hitler part of what he wants. Hitler would not
• Lebensraum- living space
• Hitler Annexes Austria- Anschluss- Austria did
nothing to stop this
• Next Hitler turned on Czechoslovakia
• Three million Germans lived in Sudetenland, part
of Czechoslovakia
• British ambassador Chamberlain at Munich
Conference allows this to happen- Munich Pact
• “We have peace in our time”
• Hitler said he would take no more
• Why did the Allies appease Hitler??
Tired of War
Germany better than Soviets
Are allies united?
Many territories were full of Germans
Section 2
From Isolation to Involvement
• Obj: understand the course of the early years
• Describe FDR’s foreign policy
• Explain how the U.S. became more involved in
the conflict
• As conditions in Europe and Asia turned for
the worst, the U.S. could not remain on the
FDR Opposes Aggression
• FDR condemned the actions of Germany,
Japan, and Italy, but did nothing
War Erupts in Europe
• By 1938, France and Britain no longer willing
to Appease Hitler
• Hitler worried about Russia- signs NonAggression Pact- secretly agree to divide
• Hitler uses Blitzkrieg to attack Poland
• Sep, 1st, 1939- by Sep 17 Poland is taken
• Allies still did noting
• Axis – Tripartite Pact
– 1.
– 2.
• Allies 1.
– 2.
Hitler Triumphant
• Hitler then opened up on all of Europe
• 1940 took Denmark, Norway, Belgium and the
• By the end of 1940, had defeated the French
and forced the British Army from the
continent at Dunkirk- Miracle of Dunkirk?
• Captured Paris on June 17, 1940 and France
• Great Britain now stood alone
Battle of Britain
Winston Churchill- PM of Britain
Operation Sea Lion- Hitler’s plan to invade GB
German Luftwaffe vs. Royal Air Force
German forces bombed major cities for a year
straight- the Blitz
• Could not destroy British air force- canceled
Hitler Invades Soviet Union
Before Nazis defeat GB, invade Soviet Union
Successful at first
Russia huge nation and huge army
Stupid idea
Debating America’s role
• FDR pledges U.S. would remain Neutral
• Neutrality Acts-35,36,37- why??
• However we agree to supply warring nations as
long as they paid in cash- Neutrality Act of 1939
• Also passed Selective Training and Service Act of
1940- first peace time draft- triples the size of the
army• Defense spending from 1.8 billion to 6 billion
• U.S. wants to stay out, but be prepared
• Interventionists-
• Isolationists-
Moving Towards War
• FDR- 4 freedoms
• Britain running out of money
• U.S. gives even more to Great Britain in the
Lend-Lease Act- allowed U.S. to sell, lend, or
lease war materials to allies- Arsenal of
Democracy- sent 40 billion in supplies
• FDR also uses American destroyers to protect
British shipping against U-boats
• U-boats start sinking American ships
• U.S. still officially neutral
• U-Boats sunk several U.S. ships
• FDR give order to sink U-Boats
Relations with Japan
• Japan expanding empire in Pacific threatens
U.S. superiority
• FDR announces oil embargo against Japan
• Peace talks take place, but looks like heading
for war with Japan
• Hideki Tojo- Japanese Military General and
Prime Minister
• Began a plan to knock U.S. out of Pacific
Attack on Pear Harbor
• Morning of December 7th 1941 U.S. became
aware of impending attack by Japanese
– Too Late
• 353 Japanese planes struck at Pearl Harbor
killing more than 2,300 Americans and
destroying 18 ships and 150 aircraft
• Roosevelt Asked Congress for a declaration of
War next day
• Rallied Americans to support war
Could have been worse
Third wave was canceled
Our Carriers were not in the Harbor
Only USS Arizona, USS Oklahoma, and USS
Utah damaged beyond repair
Fierce Fighting in the Pacific
• Japanese took the initiative
• December 1941- Also take Guam, Wake Island,
and Hong Kong from U.S.
• Invades Philippines
• Douglas MacArthur ordered to flee, but has to
leave his troops behind
• After holding out, 75,000 American and
Filipinos surrender
• U.S. almost entirely out of the Pacific
Japan Marches on
• Invades New Guinea, and prepares to invade
Australia and New Guinea
• Also moving into Southeast Asia, further into
China, and invaded India
U.S. Strike Back
• Doolittle Raid- Attack on Japan
• Little effect militarily, but moral booster
• Battle of Coral Sea- Japan and U.S. face off in
May 1942 near the Solomon Islands
• Battle a draw but first time forced the
Japanese to withdraw