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Cell Cycle and Mitosis Videos, 2015
username [email protected]
password discoveryeducation
“The cell cycle and mitosis: Introduction” 8 segments. Standard deviants
Biology review series, 2002—2004, Cerebellum. (module one)
1 Where do cells come from? _______________________________
2 The path cells must follow is called the _________
3 During asexual cell divisions, one cell divides into two cells that are genetically
4 The name for asexual cell division of a eukaryotic cell is called
5Some terms you need:
Nuclear membrane
Sister chromatids
Daughter cells
6 Before animal cells, like human cells divide, they are termed “2n”. a. What
does 2n mean for cells in general? B. What does 2N mean for human cells?
7 Sketch a diagram for the cell cycle.
8. What are the parts of the major Segment of the cell cycle called
9. What are the parts of the major segment of the cell cycle called “mitosis”?
10. What happens after mitosis is complete?
11. During interphase, DNA content of diploid (2N during G1) cells changes
from 2n to 4n. What does this mean?
12. What events are most important during the G1 segment of interphase?
13. What events are most important during the S segment of interphase?
14. What events are most important during the G2 segment of interphase.
15. The reason that that cells in S phase have their DNA called chromatin ,
instead of chromosomes, is that
16. Mitosis is the actual splitting of the _____________________ of the cell. At
the start of mitosis, the cell is ____n due to the copying of DNA during S phase.
At the end of mitosis, because the nucleus has divided, the two daughter cells
produced are _____n again, just like the original mother cell!
17. a. During the 1st part of mitosis, called P____________________, the
chromatin becomes visible and is called
_____________________________________. Because during S phase the
chromatin was duplicated, the chromosomes present during prophase are
called sister chromatids. B. Explain how sister chromatids are analogous to
Siamese twins. (use the term centromere in your explanation).
18. The nuclear membrane has been broken down prior to prophase, then the
mitotic spindle forms between the centrioles (in animal & fungal
cells)/centrosomes (protists & plant cells). A. Draw an animal cell during
mitosis, labeling the: Centrioles, spindle, , cytoplasm, and cell membrane. B.
Pro- means __________.
19. a. Draw a cell having 2 red and 2 blue pairs of sister chromatids (so 2n=4
before S phase, but 4n=8 after S phase and before cytokinesis) at Metaphase
of mitosis. Label: cell membrane, cytoplasm, centrioles, spindle fibers, equator,
and a pair of sister chromatids. B. Meta- means ______________________
20. a. Use the siamest twin analogy to explain what happens to the DNA of the
cell during anaphase. B. Draw a 4n animal cell having 2 blue and 2 red pairs
of sister chromatids during anaphase, labeling: spindle, centrioles, cytoplasm,
centromeres, and chromatids. C. Explain why this cell is still 4n.
21. a. During telophase, the separated duplicated chromosomes are placed
into two new ___________________.
B. During cytokinesis in animal cells,
the cell is split into 2 new ____________________________ cells via
development of a cleavage _______________________. During cytokinesis of
plant cells, the cell is split into 2 new ____________________________ cells
via development of a cell ____________________. The two new cells are
_______n and are genetically _______________________.
22. Write an analogy for remembering the parts of the cell cycle AND
23. The only animal cells that do NOT reproduce by mitosis are
_______________ cells, called _______________ in males and
____________________ in females These cells undergo sexual cell division
called _______________________________.
KEY Cell Cycle and Mitosis Videos, 2015
username [email protected]
password discoveryeducation
“The cell cycle and mitosis: Introduction” 8 segments. Standard deviants
Biology review series, 2002—2004, Cerebellum. (module one)
1 Where do cells come from? __division of pre-existing cells____
2 The path cells must follow is called the cell cycle
3 During asexual cell divisions, one cell divides into two cells that are genetically
identical to the cell that divided and to each other
4 The name for asexual cell division of a eukaryotic cell is called _mitosis_.
5Some terms you need:
Nucleus—in eukaryotic cell, a membrane enclosed organelle enclosing
the DNA
Nucleolus—part of the nucleus where ribosomes are made
Nuclear membrane—membrane surrounding the nucleus
Chromatin—the less densely packed form of chromosomes—not visible
by a light microscope and existing during interphase.
DNA—a double helical molecule that is the molecule controlling heredity
Chromatids/chromosomes—each is constructed of a single long double
helix of DNA wrapped tightly around proteins that coil it into a form that
can be seen with a light microscope; each contains a particular group of
genes. Exists during the mitotic phase of the cell cycle.
Sister chromatids—the two identical copies of a double helix that are
generated during S phase
Centromere—the location where sister chromatids are connected until the
end of metaphase.
Cytokinesis—the division of the cytoplasm after the end of the mitotic
phase, generating 2 daughter cells
Daughter cells—the two genetically identical cells produced after the
completion of a mitotic cell cycle and cytokinesis
6 Before animal cells, like human cells divide, they are termed “2n”. a. What
does 2n mean for cells in general? B. What does 2N mean for human cells?
a. 2 for 2 sets and n for the number of chromosomes in 1 set, diploid
b. For human cells, each cell contains one set of 23 chromosomes from the
person’s mother and another set of 23 chromosomes from the person’s
father, so 2n for humans = 46.
7 Sketch a diagram for the cell cycle. See textbook or study guide
8. What are the parts of the major Segment of the cell cycle called
G1, S, G2
9. What are the parts of the major segment of the cell cycle called “mitosis”?
Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase
10. What happens after mitosis is complete? Cytokinesis splits the cytoplasm
so that two daughter cells form
11. During interphase, DNA content of diploid (2N during G1) cells changes
from 2n to 4n. What does this mean? Every chromosome is copied, so that 4
sets of chromosomes exist in the cell.
12. What events are most important during the G1 segment of interphase?
Growth and development
13. What events are most important during the S segment of interphase?
Replication of each chromosome
14. What events are most important during the G2 segment of interphase.
More growth and development and preparation of the cell for entry to the mitotic
15. The reason that that cells in S phase have their DNA called chromatin ,
instead of chromosomes, is that DNA is more loosely packed around proteins
during replication than during mitosis—it isn’t visible by a light microscope
during S phase.
16. Mitosis is the actual splitting of the _replicated genome(nucleas)_ of the
cell. At the start of mitosis, the cell is 4n due to the copying of DNA during S
phase. At the end of mitosis, because the nucleus has divided, the two
daughter cells produced are _2n again, just like the original mother cell!
17. a. During the 1st part of mitosis, called Prophase, the chromatin becomes
visible and is called _chromatids or chromosomes_. Because during S phase
the chromatin was duplicated, the chromosomes present during prophase are
called sister chromatids. B. Explain how sister chromatids are analogous to
Siamese twins. (use the term centromere in your explanation). Both are
identical copies joined together
18. The nuclear membrane has been broken down prior to prophase, then the
mitotic spindle forms between the centrioles (in animal & fungal
cells)/centrosomes (protists & plant cells). A. Draw an animal cell during
mitosis, labeling the: Centrioles, spindle, , cytoplasm, and cell membrane. See
textbook & illustration at the end of this key B. Pro- means early or
19. a. Draw a cell having 2 red and 2 blue pairs of sister chromatids (so 2n=4
before S phase, but 4n=8 after S phase and before cytokinesis) at Metaphase
of mitosis. Label: cell membrane, cytoplasm, centrioles, spindle fibers, equator,
and a pair of sister chromatids. See textbook & illustration at the end of this key
B. Meta- means middle
20. a. Use the siamese twin analogy to explain what happens to the DNA of
the cell during anaphase. The identical copies have their connection removed
so that they are freed from each other B. Draw a 4n animal cell having 2 blue
and 2 red pairs of sister chromatids during anaphase, labeling: spindle,
centrioles, cytoplasm, centromeres, and chromatids. See textbook C. Explain
why this cell is still 4n. both sister chromatids are still present in one cell!
Cell membrane
G2 4n=8
Metaphase 4n=8
G1, 2n=4
Cell membrane
Anaphase 4n=8
After telophase
and cytokinesis, 2
daugher cells
each 2n=4
21. a. During telophase, the separated duplicated chromosomes are placed
into two new ___________________.
B. During cytokinesis in animal cells,
the cell is split into 2 new ____________________________ cells via
development of a cleavage _______________________. During cytokinesis of
plant cells, the cell is split into 2 new ____________________________ cells
via development of a cell ____________________. The two new cells are
_______n and are genetically _______________________.
22. Write an analogy for remembering the parts of the cell cycle AND
23. The only animal cells that do NOT reproduce by mitosis are
_______________ cells, called _______________ in males and
____________________ in females These cells undergo sexual cell division
called _______________________________.