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Dr. Rouchelle
Dept of Microbiology
Characteristics of the Enterobacteriaceae
Gram-negative bacilli
Four major features:
1. Ferment glucose
2. Reduce nitrates to nitrites
3. Oxidase negative
4. All except Klebsiella, Shigella and Yersinia are
motile by peritrichous flagella
• Grow readily on
– MacConkey (MAC) agar
– Eosin methylene blue (EMB) agar
• Grow readily at 35oC except Yersinia (25o-30oC)
• Do not form spores
• Natural Habitat:
– Environment (soil, water, and plants)
– Intestines of humans and animals
Classification of Enterobacteriaceae:
• Very large number of organisms in Family
Enterobacteriaceae, species are grouped into - TRIBES
Tribe 1 – Escherichieae
Tribe 2 – Klebsiellae
Tribe 3: Proteae
Tribe 4 : Yersiieae
Tribe 5 : Erwinieae
• Within each Tribe, species are further subgrouped under
Major Genera of family Enterobacteriaceae:
1. Escherichia
2. Shigella
3. Salmonella
4. Yersinia
5. Klebsiella
6. Proteus
Antigenic Factors of Enterobactericeae:
• Ability to colonize, adhere, produce various toxins and
invade tissues
• Some possess plasmids that may mediate resistance to
• Imp antigens used to identify the organisms:
– O antigen – somatic, cell wall, heat-stable Ag
– H antigen – flagellar, heat labile Ag
– K antigen – capsular, heat-labile Ag
Clinical Significance of Enterics:
• Ubiquitous in nature
• Except for Salmonella, Shigella and Yersinia, most are
present in the intestinal tract of animals and humans as
commensal flora; “fecal coliforms”
• Some live in water, soil and sewage
Clinical Significance of Enterics:
• Based on clinical infections produced, enterics are divided
into two categories:
1. Opportunistic pathogens – normally part of the usual
intestinal flora, that may produce infection outside the
2. Primary intestinal pathogens – Salmonella, Shigella,
and Yersinia sp.
Enterobacteriaceae: Modes of Infection
1. Contaminated food and water (Salmonella spp.,
Shigella spp., Yersinia enterocolitica, Escherichia coli
2. Endogenous infection (urinary tract infection, primary
bacterial peritonitis, abdominal abscess)
3. Abnormal host colonization (nosocomial pneumonia)
4. Transfer between debilitated patients
5. Insect (flea) vector: unique for Yersinia pestis
1. Urinary tract infection: Escherichia coli, Klebsiella
pneumoniae, Enterobacter spp., and Proteus mirabilis
2. Pneumonia: Klebsiella pneumoniae; Enterobacter spp.,
3. Wound Infection: Escherichia coli, Enterobacter spp.,
Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Proteus mirabilis
4. Bacteremia: Escherichia coli, Enterobacter spp.,
Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Proteus mirabilis
Enterobacteriaceae: Intestinal Infection
• Escherichia coli
• Shigella
• Salmonella
• Yersinia enterocolitica
Identification of Enterobacteriaceae:
• IMViC Test
• Indole, Methyl Red, Voges-Prosakaur, Citrate
(IMViC) Tests:
– The IMViC series of reactions allows for the
differentiation of the various members of family
A) Indole –Positive, B) MR –Positive
C) VP- Positive, D) Citrate- Negative
Methyl Red-Voges Proskauer (MR-VP) Tests
Acidic pathway
Acety methyl carbinol
Mixed acids
 pH less than 4.4
Barrit’s A
Barrit;s B
Methyl Red
Red color
Neutral pathway
MR positive
E. coli
VP positive
Pink color
MR/VP test
Methyl Red test
Red: Positive MR (E. coli)
Yellow or orange: Negative MR (Klebsiella)
Voges-Proskauer test
Pink: Positive VP (Klebsiella)
No pink: Negative VP (E. coli)
Reaction on TSI
H2 S
black in
Alk/Alk/(No action on
A/Alk/(Glucose fermented
without H2S)
(Glucose fermented
with H2S)
A/A/(three sugars are
Non fermenter
e.g. Shigella
e.g. Salmonella
& Proteus
e.g. E. coli,
TSI Reactions of the Enterobacteriaceae
A/A + g = acid/acid plus gas (CO2)
A/A = acid/acid
A/A + g, H2S = acid/acid plus gas, H2S
Alk/A = alkaline/acid
Alk/A + g = alkaline/acid plus gas
Alk/A + g, H2S = alkaline/acid plus gas, H2S
Alk/A + g, H2S (w) = alkaline/acid plus gas, H2S (weak)
A/A + g
• Escherichia coli
• Klebsiella
A/A + gas, H2S
• Citrobacter freundii
• Proteus vulgaris
• Non-lactose, sucrose fermenter
– Shigella
– Providencia
Alk/A + g
– Salmonella serotype Paratyphi A
Alk/A + g, H2S
– Salmonella
– Proteus mirabilis
– Edwardsiella tarda
Lactose fermenting
Non lactose fermenting
Escherichia coli
Most significant species in the genus
Important potential pathogen in humans
Common commensal in the intestine
Pink (lactose positive) colony with surrounding pink area on
– Ferments glucose, lactose, trehalose, & xylose
– Usually motile
– Positive indole and methyl red tests
– Does NOT produce H2S
– Simmons citrate negative
– Voges-Proskauer test negative
Infections caused by E.coli:
– Meningitis, gastrointestinal, urinary tract, wound, and
– Gastrointestinal Infections :
1. Enteropathogenic (EPEC)
– Primarily in infants and children;
– Outbreaks in hospital nurseries and day care
– Stool has mucous but not blood
– Identified by serotyping
Enteropathogenic E.coli
Destruction of surface microvilli
• Fever
Gut lumen
• Diarrhea
• Vomiting
• Nausea
• Non-bloody stools
Enterotoxigenic E. coli
• Diarrhea resembling cholera
• Travelers diarrhea
Enterotoxigenic E. coli
• Heat labile toxin
– Like cholera toxin
– Adenyl cyclase activated
– Cyclic AMP
– Secretion water/ions
• Heat stable toxin
– Guanylate cyclase activated
– cyclic GMP
– uptake water/ions
Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC )
- Resembles shigellosis
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli
• Usually O157:H7
Transmission electron
O157:H7 transmitted- through meat products or
sewage-contaminated vegetables
• Hemorrhagic diarrhea
– Bloody, copious diarrhea
– Few leukocytes
– Afebrile
• Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS)
– Hemolytic anemia
– Thrombocytopenia (low platelets)
– Kidney failure
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli
• Vero toxin- “shiga-like”
• Hemolysins
Enteroaggregative (EaggEC)
Cause diarrhea by adhering to the mucosal surface of the
intestine; watery diarrhea; symptoms may persist for over
two weeks
Urinary Tract Infections
• E. coli is most common cause of UTI and pyelo-nephritis
in humans
• Usually originate in the large intestine
• Able to adhere to epithelial cells in the urinary tract
Septicemia & Meningitis
• Most common causes of septicemia and meningitis
among neonates
• Acquired in the birth canal before or during delivery
• E. coli also causes bacteremia in adults, secondary to
genitourinary tract infection or a gastrointestinal
Klebsiella, Enterobacter
• Usually found in intestinal tract
• Wide variety of infections, primarily pneumonia, wound,
and UTI
• General characteristics:
– Non-motile
– Simmons citrate positive
– H2S negative, Weakly urease positive
– MR negative; VP positive
• Usually found in Gastro-intestinal tract
• K. pneumoniae is most commonly isolated species
• Possesses a polysaccharide capsule - which protects
against phagocytosis and antibiotics
• Makes the colonies moist and mucoid
– Frequent cause of nosocomial pneumonia
– Significant biochemical reactions
• Lactose positive
• Most are urease positive
• Non-motile
• Nosocomial pneumonia: Spread by health care
personnel and equipment
• Frequently caused by K. pneumoniae
• Often seen in middle-aged males who abuse alcohol
• Difficult to diagnose due to commensals in sputum
Proteus, Morganella & Providencia species
• All are normal intestinal flora
• Opportunistic pathogens
• Deaminate phenylalanine
• Non lactose fermenters
Proteus species
• P. mirabilis and P. vulgaris are widely recognized
human pathogens
• Isolated from urine, wounds, and ear and bacteremic
• Both produce swarming colonies and have a distinctive
“burned chocolate” odor
• Both are strongly urease positive
• Both are phenylalanine deaminase positive
• Exhibits characteristic “swarming”
Laboratory Diagnosis of Enterics
Specimen collection:
• Specimens collected and transported in Cary-Blair,
Amies, or Stuart media
Isolation and Identification
– Site of origin must be considered
– Enterics from sterile body sites are highly significant
– Routinely cultured from stool
Media for Isolation and Identification of
– Blood agar and a selective/differential medium such
as MacConkey
– On MacConkey, lactose positive are pink; lactose
negative are clear and colorless
– For stool, highly selective media, such as Hektoen
Enteric (HE), XLD, or SS is used along with
MacConkey agar
• Identification: All enterics are
 Oxidase negative
 Ferment glucose
 Reduce nitrates to nitrites
Characteristics of Shigella:
Short gram negative bacilli
Do not produce gas from glucose
Fragile organisms
Non-lactose fermenting
Resistant to bile salts
• Shigellae are classified into 4 subgroups (A, B,
C, D) based on biochemical and serological
• Subgroup A – Mannitol fermentation negative
• Subgroup B, C, D – Mannitol positive
S. dysenteriae
12 serotypes
- mannitol
Countries Africa,
Latin America, Asia
6 serotypes
Few biotypes
form acid & gas
Common in
developing countries
18 serotypes
Indian subcontinent
Late lactose
Developed countries
Clinical Infections
– Dysentery (bloody stools, mucous, and numerous
– S. sonnei and S. flexneri common
– Humans are only known reservoir
– Oral-fecal transmission
– Low infectious dose (102-104 CFU)
• Incubation period = 1-3 days
• Watery diarrhea with fever; changing to dysentery
• Outbreaks in daycare centers, nurseries,
Pathogenesis of Shigellosis (2 stages)
 Early stage:
• Watery diarrhea - Enterotoxic activity of Shiga
• Following ingestion and noninvasive colonization,
multiplication, and production of enterotoxin in the
small intestine
 Second stage:
• Adherence and tissue invasion of large intestine symptoms of dysentery
• Cytotoxic activity of Shiga toxin increases
severity of dysentry
Virulence attributable to:
1. Invasiveness
Attachment (adherence) and internalization
Large multi-gene virulence plasmid regulated by
multiple chromosomal genes
2. Exotoxin (Shiga toxin)
3. Intracellular survival & multiplication
Invasiveness in Shigella-Associated Dysentery
Penetrate through colonic mucosa, invade and multiply
in the colonic epithelium but do not typically invade
beyond the epithelium into the lamina propria
Preferentially attach to and invade into M cells in
Peyer’s patches (lymphoid tissue, i.e., lymphatic system)
of small intestine
Invasiveness in Shigella-Associated Dysentery
 M cells - transport foreign antigens from the intestine to
underlying macrophages,
 Shigella can lyse the phagocytic vacuole (phagosome)
and replicate in the cytoplasm
 Note: This contrasts with Salmonella which multiplies in the
phagocytic vacuole
 Actin filaments propel the bacteria through the
cytoplasm and into adjacent epithelial cells with cell-tocell passage, thereby effectively avoiding antibodymediated humoral immunity (similar to Listeria
Shigella pathogenesis
Toxins produced by Shigella:
1. Endotoxin
2. Exotoxin: acts as Enterotoxin & Neurotoxin
3. Shiga toxin: (Verocytotoxin) produced by Sh.dysentriae
type 1.
Made of 2 subunits: A & B
• Subunit B binds to intestinal cells
• Subunit A inhibits protein synthesis
Shiga toxin (3 effects)
1. Enterotoxic
2. Cytotoxic
3. Inhibits protein synthesis
Enterotoxic Effect:
– Adheres to small intestine receptors
– Blocks uptake of electrolytes, glucose, and amino
acids from the intestinal lumen
• Incubation: 1 to 2 days (up to 7 days)
• Duration: 4 days to 2 weeks (shedding!)
Clinical Signs:
• Mild watery diarrhea
• Severe dysentery
• Abdominal pain,
• Fever
• Bloody stools with mucus, tenesmus
• Dehydration, acidosis and death – in young, old,
immunocompromised & malnourished
Complications of Shigellosis
Intestinal perforation
Toxic megacolon
Reactive Arthritis
HUS (S. dysenteriae)
Laboratory diagnosis:
1. Specimen collection:
• Stool
• Rectal swabs
Transport medium used- Sach’s buffered glycerol saline
2. Microscopy (wet mount)
Fecal leucocytes are found in large No. (>50
cells/HPF) in Shigellosis
*Clumps of fresh leucocytes, RBCs & Macrophages
typical of Shigellosis
3. Inoculation of primary isolation media
• MA- convex, colorless NLF colonies
• XLD- red, smooth colonies
• SSA- colourless, transluscent colonies
• Selinite F broth – enrichment medium
Confirmtion is by :
4. Biochemical identification
5. Serological identification
– Polyvalent antisera for Group A, B, C and D
serogroups – slide agglutination test
• Proper hydration - generally a self-limiting disease
• Sever disease – treated with antibiotics (children)
• Nalidixic acid , Norfloxacin - used
• Effective antibiotic treatment
– Reduces duration of illness from 5-7 days to 3 days
– Reduces period of Shigella excretion after symptoms
• Antimicrobial resistance a worldwide problem
Prevention of Shigellosis:
• Proper sanitation, cooking and storage of food
• Identification of carriers, especially food
Clinically important species
• S. typhi
• S. paratyphi A, B, C
• Other Salmonella species
Diseases caused:
• Enteric fever
• Gastroenteritis
• Septicemia
Normal habitat:
• Intestines of animals - especially pigs, cattle, rodents,
shellfish (contaminated meat and fish)
• S.typhi and S. paratyphi - found only in humans
• Excreted in faeces & urine of patients , and present in the
gall bladder of long term carriers.
• Mode of Infection - By ingestion organism in food/water
or contaminated hands.
• S. typhi causes typhoid – spread mainly by water
• S. paratyphi by food.
General Characteristics of Salmonella:
 Coliform bacilli (Enteric rods)
 Motile gram-negative facultative anaerobes
 Non-lactose fermenting
 H2S producing (except S.paratyphi A &
Biochemical reactions:
• Salmonellae ferment glucose, Mannitol and maltose –
producing acid and gas.
• ( S.typhi does not produce gas)
• Utilise citrate (except S.typhi & S.paratyphi A)
• Indole negative
• Do not ferment lactose
• Most produce H2S in TSI agar. (except S.paratyphi A
& S.cholersuis)
Antigenic structure:
• Salmonellae possess 3 types of antigens based on which
they are classified
1. Flagellar antigen ‘H’
2. Somatic antigen ‘O’
3. Surface antigen ‘Vi’
Flagellar antigen ‘H’
• Present on the flagella
• Heat labile protein
• Destroyed by boiling, alcohol & acids
• Strongly immunogenic
• When mixed with antisera, H agglutination occursproducing large , loose. Fluffy clumps
• Flagellar antigens present in 2 phases – phase 1 &
phase 2
Somatic antigen ‘O’
LPS – part of the cell wall
Heat stable
Resistant to boiling, alcohol & acids
Less immunogenic than H antigen – Titre of ‘O’ Ab in
serum after infection / immunisation.
• When mixed with antisera- agglutination produces
compact, chalky, granular clumps.
Surface antigen ‘Vi’:
• Surface antigen, Interferes with agglutination of freshly
isolated strains
• Poorly immunogenic - Induces production of low titres of
Ab following infection- not useful for diagnosis
• Total absence of Vi antibody in a typhoid case- poor
• Persistence of Vi Ab indicates- CARRIER STATE
• The Kaufmann-White system used to classify Salmonella
based on identifying the O and H antigens by agglutination
• The detection of Vi antigen is also used in the detection of
Salmonella typhi and other species.
2nd bacteremia
phagocytes )
Bone Marrow
early stage (1-3W)
Bacilli. In gall
Bac. In
Bac. In
peyer's patches &
mesenteric lymph nodes
LN Proliferate,swell
necrosis defervescence
1st bacteremia
(Incubation stage)
S.Typhi eliminated
convalvescence stage
S. Typhi causes : Typhoid fever.
Symptoms –
 Fever with low pulse rate,
 Headache,
 Spleenomegaly
 Mental confusion,
 Rashes [rose spots] on light colored skin,
 In uncomplicated typhoid, total WCC is low with
relative lymhocytosis and anaemia.
S. Paratyphi A&B
• Paratyphoid or enteric fever - milder than typhoid fever.
• Diarrhea and vomitting
Other Salmonella species cause:
• Food poisoning [enterocolitis]
• Food poisoning strains can also cause bacteremia,
inflammation of the gall bladder, ostitis and occasionally
Laboratory diagnosis of enteric fever:
Specimens: Blood, Bone marrow, Urine, Stools, Intestinal
contents by enterotube
Commonly Blood, urine & feces for culture.
• Blood Culture– positive in 75-90% of patients during first
10 days of infection
• Faeces – S.typhi can be isolated from 80% of patients in the
3rd week.
• Gram negative motile bacilli
• Faeces may contain blood and few pus cells
• Enrichment & selective media for enrichment of
Salmonella from faeces –Selenite F broth.
• Differential media is XLD and BSA
• XLD-pink colonies with black centers
• BSA- black colonies with silver metallic sheen.
XLD Agar
XLD - Red pink black
centered colonies Salmonella
BSA- Black colonies
with silver metallic
Biochemical reactions
• K/Ag+ Salmonella species
• K/A+ (H2S) Salmonella typhi
Salmonella typhi Salmonella species +
O Antigens
• Cell wall heat stable antigens.
• Groups are designed A- Z
• Medically important Salmonella belong to groups A to G.
• Each group has a group factor, which is an O antigen
common to all members of the group and not possessed
by Salmonella belonging to other groups.
H Antigens
• Flagella – heat stable antigens
• Serotyped by their H antigens
• Many Salmonella are diphasic, i.e. occur in 2 antigen
forms referred to as phase l and phase ll.
• Phase l antigens are given in alphabetical letters and
phase ll are either numbered or given a letter if known
to occur in both phases.
Vi Antigen:
• Surface or capsule antigen can be found in S. typhi, S.
paratyphi C and a few other Salmonella.
• Associated with virulence and can be detected using Vi
• It can interfere with O antigen testing
• Saline suspension of organism should be heated in water
bath for 20 mins and after being allowed to cool, the
bacterial cells should be retested with the O antiserum.
Grouping and serotyping of Salmonella
• Specific O, H and Vi antisera to identify the S. typhi.
• The following sera are required to identify S. typhi:
 Salmonella O antiserum Factor 9 [Group D]
 Salmonella H antiserum
 Salmonella Vi antiserum
Widal Test
• This tests for presence of O & H antibodies in the
patients serum.
• Useful test when culturing facilities are not
Buffy coat cultures
• A low yield is related to low numbers of Salmonella (<15
organisms per milliliter) in infected patients and/or to recent
antibiotic treatment.
• Centrifugation to isolate and culture the buffy coat, which
contains abundant blood mononuclear cells associated with
the bacteria, decreases time to isolation
Stools/intestinal secretions culture:
• 40-50- % positivity in 2nd week, 80 % in 3rd wk
Urine culture:
• 25 % in second week
• Excretion intermittent
• Multiple cultures needed
Bone marrow
• In long standing enteric fever more success in bone
marrow cultures than with blood especially if patient
on antimicrobials
• The test is extremely painful. Clinicians should try
to establish the diagnosis with less traumatic means.
Culture/blood/buffy coat/Bone marrow
• Blood collected in tryptic soy broth
Enrichment cultures of specimens like stool
/intestinal contents
• Stool/intestinal contents are put in selenite F broth /
tetrathionate broth before being cultured on to selective
/differential media
Selective /differential media for the isolation of salmonellae
from clinical samples including blood from
enrichment/selective broths
• Media of medium to high selectivity
• Inhibit gram positive and commensals including Gram
negative enterics
– Brilliant green Agar
– Bismuth sulfite Agar
Final identification
• By biochemical methods
• Slide and tube agglutination tests with
specific antiserum
DNA testing:
• Polymerase chain reaction assays for
identifying S typhi are available
Stools Microscopy/enteric fever
• Macrophages
• Blood
• Stools microscopy in other salmonellosis
• Pus cells and red cells
Detection of Abs against the organisms of enteric fever
Antigens known
• O antigens and H antigens
• Available commercially
• Qualitative
• Quantitative
• Qualitative slide method
• End point agglutination
• Quantitative, agglutination test
• Doubling dilutions of serum and addition of constant
quantity of antigen
• Incubation water bath
• Reaction
• Followed by settling time
• Examine the tubes with a hand lens against a dark
• End point carpet formation
• Granular agglutination
• Floccular agglutination
• Also look for clearing in supernatant fluid
Larger flocules
Widal interpretation
• Active typhoid if titers above 1:180 or 1:200 against
O or H or both agglutinins is present
• High titer > 1:160 against O antigen suggestive of
• High titer > 1:160 against H antigen alone suggests
past infection
Widal interpretation
• In acute infection, O Ab appears first
• H Ab appears slightly later but persists longer and
can be used to distinguish between various types of
enteric fever.
Limitations of Widal test:
• Titers against almost all the antigens raised
– TAB Vaccination
• Titers against o and H antigens may be raised in the
following diseases/conditions
• Other salmonellosis
• Chronic liver disease
• Immunological disorders
– rheumatic fever
– Nephrotic syndrome, Ulcerative colitis etc.
Prevention and control
• Prevent consumption of contaminated food and water
• Food like ice creams – can be contaminated with nontyphoidal Salmonella
• Boiling of milk before drinking
• Periodic check up of food handlers
• Exclude carriers
Antimicrobial treatment
• Chloramphenicol -emergence of resistant strains
• Co-trimoxazole, Ampicillin
• Amoxycillin
• Ciprofloxacin. Ofloxacin
• Ceftriaxone or some other third gen cephlosporins
• Emergence of MDR
Multidrug resistant strains
• These bacteria are resistant to chloramphenicol, ampicillin,
trimethoprim, sulfonamides, and tetracycline.
• Like chloramphenicol resistance, resistance to ampicillin
and trimethoprim is plasmid-encoded.
• Drug of choice for MDR treatment: Fluroquinolones
Chronic carrier state (stool & urinary carriers)
A small percentage become chronic carriers and continue to
have positive stool cultures for at least 1 year
• 1-4% of untreated patients become chronic carriers
• Bladder infection with Schistosoma haematobium
predisposes to urinary carriage.
• .
Typhoid Mary
Typhoid Mary's real name was Mary Mallon.
Irish immigrant who made her living as a cook
Mallon was the first person found to be a "healthy carrier"
of typhoid fever in the United States.
She herself was not sick – but over 30% of the bacteria in her
feces were S. typhi
Mallon is attributed with infecting 47 people with typhoid
fever, three of whom died.