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The Effects of Tobacco Use
A. Tobacco Use – A Serious Health Risk
a. ____________________ use (smoking, chew, or _________) is the number one cause of
__________________________________ disease and death in the US.
b. An _________________________ drug is a substance that causes physiological or psychological
c. Nicotine
i. All tobacco products contain _______________________, the addictive drug found in
tobacco leaves.
ii. Classified as a _______________________, which is a drug that ____________________
the action of the central nervous system, the heart, and other organs.
B. Cigarette Smoke – A Toxic Mixture
a. 1992 - The Environmental Protection Agency classified environmental tobacco smoke, or
________________________________ smoke, as a Group A carcinogen. This is the most
_____________________________ class of carcinogen.
b. A carcinogen is a ____________________ - causing substance.
c. Cigarette smoke contains _______________, a thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco
d. Tar does the following:
i. Destroys ____________________
ii. Damages the _______________________
iii. Destroys _________________ tissue
e. Cigarette smoke also contains _________________ _______________________________, a
colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas that is taken up more readily by the
______________________ than oxygen.
f. Cigarettes contain _______ known carcinogens.
g. Cigarettes also contain ___________________________________ chemicals.
C. Harmful Effects of Pipes and Cigars
a. Smoking _____________ and cigars presents major health risks just like __________________.
D. Harmful Effects of Smokeless Tobacco
a. ______________________________ tobacco is tobacco that is sniffed through the nose, held in
the mouth, or chewed.
b. Smokeless tobacco contains ____________________________ in addition to ___________
carcinogens, all of which are absorbed into the blood.
c. _________________________ of the mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus, stomach, and pancreas
are common among users of smokeless tobacco.
E. How Tobacco Affects the Body
a. Short-Term Effects
i. Changes in ____________________ chemistry. Causes the body to crave more.
ii. Increased respiration and ________________________ rate.
iii. Dulled _______________________ buds and reduced ___________________________.
iv. Bad _________________________ and smelly hair, clothes, and skin.
b. Long-Term Effects
i. Chronic _________________________________
ii. ______________________________. This disease destroys the tiny air sacs in the lungs.
iii. Lung _________________________.
iv. Coronary ______________________ disease and __________________________.
Choosing to Be Alcohol Free and Harmful Effects of Alcohol Use
A. The Facts About Alcohol
a. __________________________ - the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages
B. Immediate Effects of Alcohol Consumption
a. ______________________ - a drug that slows the central nervous system; an effect of alcohol
b. _________________________ is the state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another
substance and the person’s physical and mental control is significantly reduced.
C. Alcohol’s Role in Unsafe Situations
a. Alcohol-related ________________________________ accidents are the number one cause of
_____________________ and disability among teens.
b. Alcohol ______________________ - the excessive use of alcohol
c. ________________ consequences for drinking underage range from being arrested, fined, and
sentenced to a juvenile detention center.
D. Short-Term Effects of Drinking
a. On the _________________ System
i. ____________. It becomes less able to control the body. Movement, speech, and
vision may be affected.
ii. ____________. Thought processes are disorganized, and memory and concentration
are dulled.
iii. ___________________. Judgment is altered and coordination is impaired.
b. On the ____________________________ System
i. ____________. With a low intake, alcohol causes an increase in heart rate and blood
pressure. At higher intake levels, heart rate and blood pressure decrease and heart
rhythm becomes irregular. Risk of cardiac arrest increases.
ii. ____________________. Alcohol causes the blood vessels to expand. The increased
surface area of the blood vessels allows body heat to escape and the body’s
temperature to drop.
c. On the _____________________ System
i. ____________. Some alcohol passes quickly from the stomach into the bloodstream.
Stomach acid production increases and often results in nausea and vomiting.
ii. ____________. Toxic chemicals are released as the liver metabolizes alcohol. These
chemicals cause inflammation and scarring.
iii. ____________. Alcohol causes the kidneys to increase urine output, which can lead to
d. On the ________________________ System
i. ____________. Carbon dioxide formed by the liver is released through the lungs.
ii. ____________________. Alcohol depresses nerves that control involuntary functions
such as breathing. If an excessive amount of alcohol is consumed, breathing may slow,
become irregular, or stop.
E. Factors that Influence Short-Term Effects
a. _____________________ size and _______________________
b. ___________________________
c. ________________________ and rate of ________________________________
F. Long-Term Effects of Alcohol on the Body
a. Changes to the Brain
i. ______________________________ – inability to stop
ii. Loss of __________ functions – loss of verbal skills, visual and spacial skills, and memory
iii. Brain damage – long-term excessive use of alcohol can lead to major brain damage and
even to a reduction of the brain size. Moderate drinking can also ________________
brain cells.
b. Cardiovascular Changes
i. Heart – damage to heart muscle
ii. Enlarged heart – from increased ______________________ caused by alcohol
iii. High __________________________________ – damages the heart and can cause
heart attack
c. Liver Problems
i. Fatty liver – fats build up in the liver and cannot be broken down; excess fat blocks the
flow of blood to liver cells, leading to cell ___________________
ii. Alcoholic ____________________________ – inflammation or infection of the liver
iii. Cirrhosis – liver tissue is replaced with useless scar tissue; the disease can lead to liver
failure and death unless a liver transplant is performed.
d. Digestive System Problems
i. Irritation – digestive lining is damaged; can lead to stomach ____________________
and cancer of the stomach and esophagus
e. Pancreas Problems
i. Lining of the pancreas – swells to block the passage from the pancreas to the small
intestine. Chemicals that the small intestine needs for digestion can’t pass through the
blocked area. The chemicals begin to ___________ the pancreas.
G. Alcohol and Drug Interactions
a. Alcohol combined with medicines or other drugs can result in a ____________________ effect,
in which the medication has a _______________________ or different effect than if it were
taken alone.