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Facts about tobacco:
1. Of current smokers in the U.S., __________ have a cancer other than lung
cancer from smoking.
2. ___________, about ________ youth and young adults become daily
3. Of former smokers in the U.S., _______________ have lung cancer from
4. Smoking can cause erectile dysfunction in men as young as ________
5. In the U.S., about ____________ people die each year from secondhand
smoke-related diseases
6. _____________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________
 Advertisements for tobacco products often feature __________, attractive
people, sending the message that using tobacco has
 All tobacco products display ____________________ stating that using
tobacco products can be harmful to an individual’s health
 _______________ is the leading cause to preventable death
 Smoking can be linked to ________________, ___________________, and
 It’s easier to ___________ tobacco use rather then quit later
 _________________ users have difficulty quitting because tobacco
contains an _________________
 A substance that causes physiological or psychological ________________
 ______________- the addictive drug found in tobacco leaves
 ______________- a drug that increases the actions of the central nervous
system, the heart, and other organs
o Raises ________________ and ____________________
Poisonous Substances in Tobacco Smoke
 ________________- a cancer-causing substance
o Smoke contains _______ and ___________________
o Poisonous compounds found in products such as ________, rat
poison, and _______________
 __________- a thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns
o Damages a smoker’s ____________________ by paralyzing and
destroying cilia
o Destroys air sacs and ________ tissue
 ____________________- a colorless odorless, and poisonous gas
o Deprives the body’s __________ and cells of ____________
o Increases risk of high blood pressure, _________________,
hardening of arteries
Pipes, Cigars, and Smokeless Tobacco
 _______ tobacco product is safe to use
 ___________ and ____________ can also cause health problems
 _________________________ that is sniffed through the nose, held in the
mouth, or chewed
 The ___________ and carcinogens in these products are absorbed into the
 They are absorbed into the body at levels up to _____________ times the
amount of a _________ cigarette
 Can cause cancers of the _________, throat, larynx, esophagus, ________,
and pancreas
 Vaporizers release the active components of a ________, wax, or
__________ by heating at a low temperature, producing an aromatic vapor
that can be inhaled
 Produces the __________________ effects as smoking
 Considered to be ______________ then smoking cigarettes however,
studies have not been found since product is new and uprising
 Some--but not all--e-cig vapors have been found to contain formaldehyde.
Which is used to _________________________
Short Term Effects
 _________ chemistry changes
 Respiration and heart rate _____________
 Taste buds are dulled and appetite is ___________
 Users have ______________
 __________________
 Smelly ________, _________, and ___________
Long Term Effects
 ________________
 Emphysema
 ________________
 Coronary heart disease and stroke
 ________________
Other Consequences
 ______________
 ______________
 ______________
Reduced tobacco use among teens
• The CDC reports that _____ percent of high school students nationwide do
not smoke
• Why??
• Tobacco legislation
• _______________
• Family values
• _______________
• Health risks
Strategies to Avoiding Tobacco
 Surround yourself with __________________
 ___________ peer pressure
 Be prepared with __________________
Health Risk of Tobacco Smoke
 Environmental tobacco smoke- AKA _____________________- air that has
been contaminated by tobacco smoke
 ETS is composed of ____________________- the smoke exhaled from the
lungs of a smoker
 ___________________- the smoke from the burning end of a cigarette,
pipe, or cigar
 Contains ___________ concentrations of carcinogens, tar, and nicotine
 More likely to develop ____________ if surrounded by ETS
 Causes _____________ deaths from lung cancer a year