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Anatomy Viva Questions:
Moore 6th Edition
Anatomy Unit 1:
Viva Questions
No Questions
Anatomy Unit 2:
Viva Questions
X-ray – shoulder. Point out features (2/98, 2/98, 2/01) pg 676-677
X-ray – elbow. pg 677-679
Features. Capsular and ligamentous attachments. (1/97, 2/03, 2/04)
Vascular relations and ossification order. (2/04)
X-ray – hand and wrist. Identify bones. (2/05) pg 679-680
X-ray – hand and wrist.
Features – identify bones (1/97, 2/99, 2/03, 2/05) pg 679-680
Blood supply of scaphoid. (2/99) pg 686
Ligamentous attachments. (2/03)
Bone – clavicle. Relations and muscular attachments. Surface anatomy of
subclavian vein. (1/95, 2/02, 1/04, 1/09) pg 673-675
Bone – scapula. Attachments, rotator cuff. (1/98, 1/05, 2/06) pg 675
Bone – humerus. Pg 676-677
Features. (2/95, 2/98, 1/03, 2/07, 2/09)
Common fracture sites and position of nerves relative to these – SN,
radial groove, supracondylar. (1/06)
Bone – radius. Features, extensor tendons at the wrist. (1/95, 1/00, 2/02,
1/04) pg 678-679
Bone – ulna. Features (proximal), stability (1/00, 2/00, 1/03) pg 678
Bone – ulna and humerus: landmarks and articulation of elbow. (1/06)
Bone – articulated carpus. Features, positions and relations of the flexor
retinaculum. (2/96, 1/05, 1/08, 2/09) pg 680
Photo – upper limb. Venous structures and drainage of the upper limb.
(1/10) pg 689-691
Describe the lymphatic drainage of the upper limbs. (1/09) pg 692
Sensory innervation of the upper limb, including both dermatomal
distribution and peripheral nerves. (2/04, 2/07, 2/08) pg 694-695
Anatomy Unit 3:
Viva Questions
Model – shoulder.
Discuss the insertion and actions of the muscles of the pectoral girdle.
(1/04) pg 697-699
Model – arm. What muscles and nerves are involved in shoulder
movement ? (1/01, 1/02) pg 704-707
Photo – axilla.
Demonstrate the boundaries and content of the axilla. (2/00) pg 713715
Point out the detail of the brachial plexus. (1/97, 1/99, 2/02, 2/04,
1/10) pg 721-724
Tell me about the median nerve. (2/00)
Describe the structure of the brachial plexus. The muscle groups supplied
by the terminal branches of the brachial plexus to the upper limbs. (2/07)
Anatomy Unit 4:
Viva Questions
Photo – arm. Tell me about biceps. (1/00) pg 731
Radial nerve: pg 738
Describe a lesion. (2/04)
Surface markings, course and branches in the upper arm (1/07)
Model + Photo – cubital fossa. Pg 739-740
Name the boundaries and contents. (1/95, 2/96, 2/98, 1/06, 2/08)
Surface anatomy of boundaries (1/08)
Relations of the brachial artery (2/08)
Median nerve relationships and course. (2/05)
Describe the acromio-clavicular and coraco-clavicular joints. (1/97) pg
Model + X-ray – shoulder. pg 796-800
Tell me about the shoulder joint. (1/97, 2/01)
Discuss movement and nerves involved. (2/01, 2/02)
Capsular attachments, ligament and movements of the glenohumeral
joint. (2/07)
Point out features, describe the stabilising factors of the shoulder joint.
(2/98, 2/98, 2/01)
Model – elbow. pg 800-804
Tell me about the elbow joint, stability. (1/99)
Discuss the mechanics of pronation and supination. (2/03)
Name the features. Discuss flexion and extension. (1/01, 1/02, 2/04)
Vascular relationships, order of ossification. ( 2/04)
Anatomy Unit 5:
Viva Questions
Model – forearm.
Volar surface – name muscles, flexor retinaculum, palmar muscles.
(2/95, 2/97) pg 746-750
Forearm flexors and distal insertions (2/06) pg 746-750
Tell me about the muscles responsible for pronation and supination.
(1/00, 2/03) pg 750, 756
Discuss extension of the forearm. (2/97, 1/00, 2/09) pg 750-757
X-ray: elbow. Bony features of the joint. Extensor muscles of the
forearm, origins, common extensor tendon (2/08)
X-ray: wrist. Ligaments of the carpus and wrist (2/05) pg 754
X-ray – hand and wrist.
Boundaries and contents of snuff box. (2/04, 1/07) pg 757
Photo: wrist. Extensor retinaculum and the structures that run under it.
(1/07, 1/09, 2/09) pg 754
Photo – median nerve: position and distribution of median nerve distal to
the elbow (2/05, 1/07, 1/08) pg 761
Photo – dorsum hand. Extensor mechanism. (1/96) pg 755
Describe the flexor retinaculum and the structures bound by it (2/06) pg
Describe the venous drainage of the upper limb. (2/99, 1/03) pg 760
Anatomy Unit 6:
Revision Week
Anatomy Unit 7:
Viva Questions
Model – forearm.
Flexion of a finger, nerve supply of muscles involved. (1/01, 1/02,
1/05) pg 777
Photo – wrist and hand.
Name features, flexor tendons. (1/95, 1/96, 1/98, 2/99) pg 775
Attachments of flexor retinaculum, contents of carpal tunnel. (2/98)
pg 791
Describe the palmar spaces and their relationships to the long flexor
tendons (1/09) pg 773
Describe the innervation of the muscles of the thumb, and it’s
movements. (1/98, 2/99, 2/01, 1/05) pg 773-777
Describe the actions of the interossei and the lumbricals, and their
innervation. (2/03) pg 777
Demonstrate the surface anatomy of the carpal tunnel and anterior wrist.
(1/99, 1/99, 2/02, 1/03, 1/04) pg 786-787
Surface anatomy of the dorsum of the hand and wrist (1/07) pg 787
Describe the arterial supply of the hand. (2/03) pg 781
Describe the sensory innervation of the hand. (2/00, 2/02) pg 784-785
Anatomy Unit 8:
Viva Questions
Bone/X-ray – pelvis. Pg 514-516
Hip joint, ligaments and pubis. (2/96, 2/98, 1/99, 1/08)
Inguinal ligament and relations. (1/96, 1/98, 1/99, 2/02)
Bony landmarks, path of ureters. (1/04, 2/05, 1/08, 1/10)
Muscle attachments of movers of the hip (1/08, 1/10)
Relationships of greater notch/sciatic nerve (2/05)
Bone – femur. Features, blood supply of head and neck, capsular
attachments (1/95, 2/98, 1/05, 2/07, 1/10) pg 516-518
Bone – femur/tibia. Articulation and knee ligaments (1/06)
Landmarks and capsular attachments. (1/06)
Bone – tibia/fibula. Pg 520-522
Features, ligaments, capsular attachments of plateau (1/96, 2/08)
Proximal tib-fib joint, relations of the proximal fibula (2/08)
Model/X-ray – ankle. Pg 520-524
Bony structures (1/07, 2/07, 2/09)
Relations of the medial malleolus (1/07, 2/07, 1/08)
Bone – articulated foot. Pg 522-524
Tendon insertions of the muscles of the posterior and lateral
compartments of the leg (1/97, 2/09))
Bones of the medial and longitudinal arches, factors contributing to
stability of the arches. (1/09, 2/09)
Superficial venous drainage of the lower limb (1/10) pg 532-535
Surface markings of the great saphenous vein. (2/04) pg 534
Discuss sensory innervation of the lower leg and foot, both peripheral
nerve and dermatome. (2/02, 1/03, 1/05, 1/07) pg 537-539
Reflex innervation of the lower limb. (2/99) pg 559,607,625
Myotomes of the lower limbs. (2/99, 2/00, 2/04, 1/05, 1/06) pg 539
Myotomes of inversion and eversion. (2/00) pg 539
Anatomy Unit 9:
Viva Questions
Model – knee. Quadriceps (2/06) pg 545-547
Model/Photo – femoral triangle. Pg 551
Features, boundaries, contents. (2/96, 1/00, 1/08, 2/09)
Features, inguinal ligament. (1/98)
Origin, relations and distribution of the femoral nerve. (1/01, 1/02,
Origin and distribution of the femoral artery. (1/01, 1/02)
Relationships and course of the femoral artery. (2/05, 1/06)
Femoral nerve (1/06) pg 552
Photo – adductor canal. Contents. (1/97) pg 556
Bone/Model/Photo – hip joint. pg 626-634
Articulation of the hip joint, factors that increase stability (2/07)
Tell me about the hip joint. (1/96, 2/98)
Stability and movement. (2/03)
Relations. (2/98)
Anatomy Unit 10:
Viva Questions
Photo – posterior thigh. Pg 567
Identify the structures. (2/02, 1/06)
Course and distributions of the sciatic nerve. (1/04, 1/07, 2/08) pg 574
Branches, relations of nerve. (1/97, 1/07, 2/08) pg 574
What are the surface markings of the sciatic nerve in the thigh ? pg 580
Model/X-ray – knee joint.
Stability of the knee joint. (2/95, 2/97, 1/00, 2/04, 2/05, 1/08) pg 634636
Capsular attachments (1/06) pg 636
Features, origin and insertion of ligaments. (1/00, 1/03, 2/05, 1/06,
1/09) pg 636-642
Movement and locking. (2/03, 2/04, 1/09) pg 642
Bursae – locations and functions (1/09) pg 643-645
Patellar stability (2/06)
Anatomy Unit 11:
Viva Questions
Photo – popliteal fossa. Features, boundaries, contents. (1/98, 2/99, 2/01,
2/08) pg 584-587
Photo – anterior compartment. Neurovascular. (1/99) pg 592-594
Model/Photo – lateral compartment.
Neurovascular. (1/99) pg 595-596
Fibularis muscles – O+I, actions and nerve supply (1/09) pg 590
Muscles/nerves involved in inv/ev of the foot (2/00) pg 591, 595
Model/Photo – posterior leg.
Features. (1/97, 2/01) pg 596-602
Attachment of Achilles tendon (2/05) pg 596-597
Muscles, nerves and blood supply of the calf (2/00)
Muscles/nerves involved in flex/ext of the foot. (2/00) 589/591/597
Describe a common fibular nerve lesion. (2/04) pg 605
Anatomy Unit 12:
Viva Questions
Photo – dorsum of the foot. Features. (2/98) pg 614
Model – leg. Pg 612-613
Muscles involved in flexion and extension of the foot. (2/00)
Muscles involved in inversion and eversion of the foot. (2/00)
Sensory innervation of the foot (2/02, 2/03, 1/05) pg 618
Bone/Model/Photo/X-ray – ankle
Bony landmarks, nerves. (1/03, 1/05) pg 647
Medial – features. (1/95, 2/96) pg 650
Lateral – features, extensor tendons. (2/97, 2/98, 2/99) pg 649
Attachments of superior and inferior extensor retinaculum and the
structures passing below them. (2/07) pg 590
Ligamentous stability and attachments. (1/01, 1/02, 2/03, 1/05, 1/06,
2/06) pg 648-649
Neurovascular structures that pass over and around the joint. (2/07)
Surface relations of structures around the ankle. (2/04) pg 623
X-ray – foot.
Features, mid-tarsal joint. (2/95, 2/99) pg 651
X-ray – foot. Stability of the arch. (1/01, 1/02) pg 654
Anatomy Unit 13:
Revision Week
Anatomy Unit 14:
Viva Questions
Bone – first rib.
Features, relationships of nerves and vessels (2/05, 1/07) pg 76
Muscle attachments (1/07) pg 89
Layers passed through for a needle thoracostomy (1/07) pg 90, 121
Bone – rib.
Landmarks (1/97, 2/04) pg 74-76
Rib articulations and joints (1/07) pg 79-81
Chest wall
Muscles of the anterior thoracic wall. (1/96, 1/08) pg 88
Tell me about the contents of a typical intercostal space. (1/96, 2/04)
pg 90
Course and relationships of the neurovascular bundle (1/08) pg 92, 95,
Anatomy Unit 15:
Viva Questions
Lung – features (hila) (1/97) pg 111-113
Insertion of ICC landmarks (1/06) pg 121
Chest X-ray.
Pleura and lung surface markings. (2/99, 1/05, 2/09) pg 119-120
Features (1/95, 1/98, 1/99, 2/00, 2/02, 1/03, 1/05 1/07, 2/08) pg 125127
Anatomy Unit 16:
Viva Questions
Model – heart.
Chambers and valves (2/05, 2/08) pg 138-144
Structure, tell me about the coronary circulation. (1/97, 1/01, 1/02,
2/02, 1/04, 1/05, 1/07, 1/08, 1/10) pg 144-148
Venous drainage (1/08) pg 148
Conducting system (2/08) pg 148-149
Blood supply of the conducting system (1/06) pg 149
Anatomy Unit 17:
Viva Questions
Photo - arch of the aorta. Relations. (1/96, 2/96) pg 162-163
Model – heart. Pg 164
Great vessels, branches, ductus arteriosus. (2/04)
Photo – thoracic inlet. Pg 161-163, 167-170
Features. (1/00, 2/07)
Venous drainage of the head and upper limb. (2/01, 2/03)
Arterial supply of the head and upper limb. (2/01, 2/04, 2/06)
Thoracic aorta and its branches and area of supply (2/07)
Vascular structures, branches of the subclavian artery (1/09, 2/09)
Surface anatomy of the heart (2/08) pg 171-173
Anatomy Unit 18:
Revision Week
Anatomy Unit 19:
Viva Questions
Photo – anterior triangle of the neck. Pg 990
Boundaries and contents, carotid. (1/95, 2/99, 1/05, 1/07, 2/08)
Sternomastoid relationships. (1/05) pg 989
Boundaries of posterior triangle (2/08) pg 990
Carotid sheath – vessels and relationships (2/96) pg 1000
Photo – neck.
Relations, branches and supply of carotid artery (2/06, 2/08) pg 10011004
Relationships of IJV (2/05) pg 1004
Surface anatomy of the neck: anterior triangle, thyroid gland, carotid
bundle (1/09) pg 1005
Anatomy Unit 20:
Viva Questions
Model – larynx.
Features, movements (2/08, 1/10) pg 1023
Structure, compare adult with child. (2/04) pg 1024
Muscles of vocalization, nerve supply (1/08, 2/08, 1/10) pg 1025
Superficial neck muscles. (2/95, 1/98) pg 1027
Cartilages and intrinsic muscles. (2/99, 2/02, 2/08) pg 1027-1029
Model – neck.
Tongue, palate, pharynx. (1/98) pg 1032-1038
X-ray: lateral neck.
Relationships of anterior cartilage structures to cervical levels (1/07)
pg 1033
Soft tissue landmarks of pharynx, larynx and oesophagus (1/07) pg
Anatomy Unit 21:
Viva Questions
Bone/X-ray – mandible.
Features. (2/97, 2/99, 2/01) pg 824, 827
Bone – skull. Facial bones. (2/04) pg 823-830
Bone – base of skull. (2/95) pg 830-835
Xray – face.
Features of zygomatic bone. (2/01) pg 823, 825
Features. (2/97, 1/98, 1/00, 2/04) pg 841
Photo – side of the face.
Muscles and innervation. (2/03) pg 844-848, 853
Sensory innervation of the face. (1/99, 1/00, 1/03, 1/05, 1/06) pg 849853
Infraorbital nerve. (1/00, 2/04, 2/05, 1/10) pg 851
Intra and extraorbital path of infraorbital nerve (2/08) pg 851
Distribution and relations of the facial nerve. (1/95, 2/96, 2/98, 2/98,
1/04, 2/05, 2/06) pg 853-855
Demonstrate the blood supply of the face. (1/99, 2/00) pg 855-856
Facial vein and venous drainage of the face (1/07) pg 856-858
Anatomy Unit 22:
Viva Questions
CT head
Outline the structures of the cerebellum (1/09) pg 879
Trace the ventricular system of the brain (2/07) pg 878-881
Describe visible intracranial structures (2/07, 2/09) pg 881
Area and functions supplied by middle cerebral artery (2/07) pg 885
Arteries of posterior circulation and areas supplied (1/09) pg 885
Secretion, circulation and absorption of CSF (2/07) pg 880-881
Arterial circle of Willis and the areas of brain supplied (2/06, 2/08, 1/10)
pg 883-885
Bone/Xray – face.
Fissures (2/08) pg 889
Bones that form the orbit (2/05, 2/06, 2/08, 1/10) pg 889-891
Model – eye.
Structures (1/05, 1/06) pg 890
Control of pupil, reflexes. (1/05, 2/06) pg 896, 911
Drainage of aqueous humour (1/06) pg 897
Extraocular muscles and eye movements. (2/01, 1/05, 2/07, 2/09) pg
898-902, 904
Anatomy Unit 23:
Viva Questions
Bone/Model/X-ray – mandible.
Movements, TMJ. (1/05) pg 916
Bony features (1/08) pg 916-920
Attachments of muscles of mastication (2/00, 1/05, 1/08) pg 918
Face – temporal region (1/95) pg 916
Upper airway – tongue, palate (1/98) pg 938, 940
Model – neck
Muscles, blood supply, nerves and lymph drainage of the tongue
(1/01, 1/02, 1/08) pg 940-943
Anatomy Unit 24:
Revision Week
Anatomy Unit 25:
Viva Questions
Photo – ear. Sensory innervation. (1/00)
Cranial nerve palsies. (1/05) pg 913
Anatomy Unit 26:
Viva Questions
Cervical spine X-ray – features (1/96, 2/97, 2/02) pg 443-444
Stability (2/99, 1/05) pg 446
Flexion, extension and rotation of the head (2/00) pg 467
PEG view (2/02, 1/06) pg 468
Components of the soft tissue shadow. (2/07)
Bone – C6 (2/99) pg 445
Articulation (2/04) pg 444
Bone – C2 (2/97, 2/03, 2/09) pg 445
Ligaments (2/99, 2/07, 2/09)
Movement with C1 and stability of joint (2/00, 2/03, 2/07) pg 446
Bone – thoracic vertebra. (1/07, 1/09) pg 448
Stability and movement. (2/00, 2/03, 1/07) pg 470
Rib articulations. (2/03) pg 446
Posterior ligament attachments (1/09)
Bone – lumbar vertebra.
Features, stability. (1/95, 1/96, 1/01, 1/02, 2/03, 2/05, 1/07) pg 450
Articulation. (2/98, 2/05) pg 451
X-ray – lumbosacral spine. (2/98) pg 451
C+L-spine: bony features, highlight differences (1/09)
Organisation of a spinal nerve. Pg 473, 498
Spinal cord/vertebral column – layers passed through during LP (1/03,
1/06, 1/07, 1/09) pg 505
Anatomy Unit 27:
Viva Questions
Bones: Pelvis – esp inguinal ligaments and relations (1/99) pg 202-203
Anatomy Unit 28:
Viva Questions
Peritoneal folds and potential spaces for fluid collection (2/08) pg 217
Blood supply of the gut – outline the major arteries (1/08) pg 228
X-ray – abdomen.
Position of solid organs (2/00, 2/08)
General description. Bowel and other soft tissue structures. (2/05,
2/08) pg 229-239
Anatomy Unit 29:
Viva Questions
Photo – upper abdo.
Spleen. (2/98) pg 263-264
Liver. (2/97) pg 268-272
Abdo CT –
Relations of the spleen (2/06) pg 263
The relations of the pancreas (1/09) pg 266-267
Relations of the liver (2/06) pg 268
Identify the structures (1/09, 1/10) pg pg 323-325
Anatomy Unit 30:
Revision Week
Anatomy Unit 31:
Viva Question
X-ray – abdomen. Solid organs, path of ureters. (2/96, 1/99, 2/00, 1/04,
1/07) pg 292
Photo – retroperitoneum.
Left kidney. Relations and blood supply (1/07) pg 292
Right kidney relations (1/10) pg 292
Kidneys, ureters. (2/95, 2/98, 1/03, 1/08, 1/09) pg 292-294
Relations of the ureters. (2/00, 2/05) pg 294
Attachments and openings of the diaphragm, and structures passing
though. (1/07, 1/09) pg 306, 308-309
Diaphragm – innervation and contribution to respiration. (1/09) pg 307,
Photo/X-ray – abdo.
Branches and distribution of aorta. (2/98, 2/02, 2/06, 2/07, 2/09) pg
Course, relationships of the aorta. (2/02, 1/04) pg 313
Vasculature, venous drainage and relations. (2/03, 1/05, 2/07) pg 315
Anatomy Unit 32:
Viva Questions
Bone – pelvis (1/96, 1/98, 1/99, 2/02) pg 329
X-ray – pelvis (2/96, 2/98) pg 329
Iliac arteries, pelvic walls (2/06) pg 350
Anatomy Unit 33:
No Viva Questions