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Framework for Review FRQs
Jen Baker
Prompt: Analyze the influence of humanism on the visual arts in the Italian Renaissance. Use at least
THREE specific works to support your analysis.
Category: Northern Renaissance
Death and the Miser (c .1490), Bosch- German master of symbolism and fantasy. His art often looked surrealistic.
Northern Ren. Art was more emotional than Italian renaissance art, usually focusing on death and the torments of Hell.
Also named the “Christian Humanism”. There were several less humanists in Northern Europe than in Italy because the cities in
the rest of Europe were much smaller than the city states of Italy.
Topic Sentence: The Renaissance was separated into two distinct categories which were the Italian
Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance which consisted of Europe not including Italy.
Category: Italian Humanist
Factual information list
The Mona Lisa – Leonardo de Vinci. Considered one of the greatest works of art in all of history.
Shows humanistic style of focusing on people, especially facial features and emotions.
Distinguishable difference between the portrayal of emotion in Italian renaissance and northern renaissance art as
seen in The Mona Lisa.
“Renaissance Popes” (Alexander VI, Julius II, and Leo X) gave tremendous patronage to the arts.
Topic Sentence: Italian Renaissance art differed from Northern Renaissance art in that it showed less
emotion and was much more popular.
Category: Sculptures
Factual information list
David- Michelangelo. Not only was he known for his work in the Sistine Chapel, but also his numerous sculptures.
Ren. Sculpture was heavily influenced by the Greek and Roman sculpture.
It glorified the human body and often portrayed nude figures.
Topic Sentence: A very important part of humanistic art in the Renaissance was the portrayal of the
body through sculptures.
Thesis Statement (Statement linking all categories to a general theme)
Beginning in the late 14th century, humanism impacted the visual arts differently in Northern
Renaissance art, Italian Renaissance Art, and sculptures by glorifying the human body and emphasizing
the individual.
Framework for Review FRQs
Jen Baker
Prompt: Assess the impact of the Scientific Revolution on religion and philosophy in the period 1550 to
Category: Religion
Factual information list
Copernicus’ heliocentric view of the earth (revolves around sun) challenged the bible.
Northern European Protestants supported Galileo’s views because they were questioning the doctrines of the
Catholic Church.
Scientists believed that they were studying and analyzing God’s creation.
People debated whether God was still involved with his creation.
Topic Sentence: A major controversy during the Scientific Revolution was the role of God and creation.
Category: Philosophy
Factual information list
Descartes believed in logic and deductive reasoning. “I think, therefore I am.”
Cartesian Dualism - divide all things in existence into the spiritual and the material world.
Newton discovered forces of nature – showed that God isn’t needed to actively participate in the world. This went
against classic medieval beliefs.
Topic Sentence: In the Scientific Revolution, scholars such as Rene Descartes produced new ways of
Category: Technology
Factual information list
Led to improvements in exploration
Medical knowledge was improved.
Helped to lead to the agricultural revolution
Newton discovered universal gravitation and several other physical laws
Topic Sentence: The Scientific Revolution led in the advancement of technology for Europe
Thesis Statement (Statement linking all categories to a general theme)
Scientists and scholars such as Nicolas Copernicus, Rene Descartes, and Isaac Newton dedicated their
lives to science. With the help of these men and several others, the Scientific Revolution impacted long
believed religious views, changed philosophical ideas, and introduced new technological advancements.
Framework for Review FRQs
Jen Baker
Prompt: Contrast the impact of nationalism in Germany and the Austrian Empire from 1848 to 1914.
Category: Revolutions of 1848
Factual information list
Nationalism encouraged people to revolt against the current problems in Europe.
Age of Realism (Replaced Romanticism): strong enough to accomplish revolutionary goals.
“Kleindeutsch Plan” unify Germany without Austria
Topic Sentence: Nationalism stroke power into people who revolted in the 1848 Revolutions to attempt
to make the European situation better.
Category: German Unification
Factual information list
Nationalism built up Germany and made it stronger
Franco-Prussian War, (1871, German Empire created, Bismarck appointed chancellor)
Bismarck and “realpolitik”. He wanted Germany to be separate from Austria, meaning that the
center of German affairs would be in Berlin, not Vienna. (Austro-Prussian War.
Topic Sentence: The German nationalism built Germany up and led it to becoming a unified European
Category: Austrian deterioration
Factual information list
Revolutions weakened Austria
Ethnic diversity in Austria between Roman Catholic Church and the people of Nazareth,
Bethlehem and Jerusalem.
Catholics were in the minority. The Franco-Turkish treaty solidified the RCC’s authority, but
there weren’t that many Catholics to protect.
Topic Sentence: Nationalism in the Austrian Empire led to diversity that drove the nation apart by
Thesis Statement (Statement linking all categories to a general theme)
Beginning with the Revolutions of 1848, nationalism encouraged many European states to
attempt to fix the problems in Europe. For Germany, the extreme nationalism led to unification and a
strong nation. For Austria, nationalism led to war between people of different ethnic backgrounds.