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HHW 2016-17 on Quantum Numbers
( Tobe done in the last sheets of the class register )
Q1. True or False
a). n has integral values from 1 to ∞.
b). l has values from 1 to ∞.
c). ml has values from - l to + l.
d). ms has values from +1/2 to –1/2.
e) The n=3 energy level has no f orbitals.
f) The 2p orbitals can have a maximum of 6 electrons.
g) The s orbital has a spherical shape.
h) The n=4 energy level has three sublevels
Q2. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers is NOT permissible? And why?
a. n = 1, l = 0, ml = 0, ms = + 1/2
b. n = 4, l = 0, ml = 0, ms = + 1/2
c. n = 3, l = 3, ml = -3, ms = - 1/2
d. n = 2, l = 1, ml = 1, ms = - 1/2
e. n = 2, l = 1, ml = 2, ms = + 1/2
Q3. Answer the following
a. What is the value of l for a 4f electron?
b. What is the orbital designation for an electron in the M shell and p subshell?
c. What are the possible values of ml for a 5d electron?
d. What is the maximum number of electrons in the 3rd energy level?
e. How many orbitals in an atom have the following quantum numbers: n = 4, l = 2, ml = -2?
f. How many electrons have the following quantum numbers: n =4, l = 2, ml = -2 ?
g. How many electrons have the following quantum numbers: n =3 & l = 2 ?
h. How many electrons have the following quantum numbers: n =5 & ms = -1/2 ?
Q4 Which of the following orbitals can not exist?
1s 3p 1p 7d 3f 4s 2d 8g
Q5. Name the orbitals described by the following quantum numbers
a) n = 3, l = 0
b) n = 3, l = 2
c) n = 3, l = 3
d) n = 5, l = 0
e) n = 3, l = 1
Q6. Place the following orbitals in order of increasing energy: by ( n+L) value
3s, 6s, 3d, 4f, 3p, 7s, 5d, 5p
Q1. Fill in the blanks with the correct response:
a. The number of orbitals with the quantum numbers n=3, l=1 and ml = 0 is _________.
b. The subshell with the quantum numbers n=4, l=3 is designated as _________.
c. The total number of ml values for a d orbital are ________________________.
d. The allowed values of l for the shell with n=2 are _________.
e. The lowest value of l for the shell is _________.
f. The number of orbitals in a shell with n=4 is _________.
The number of electrons with n=3 and l=1 is _________.
The maximum number of electrons with quantum numbers with n=3 and l=2 is _________.
When n=2, l can be _________.
When n=2, the possible values for ml are _________.
The number of electrons with n=4, l=1 is _________.
The subshell with n=3 and l=1 is designated as the __________ subshell.
The lowest value of n for which a d subshell can occur is n=_________.
The number of electrons with n=4, ml=3 , ms=+1/2 is _________.
Q2. Match the quantum numbers with the information provided by these.
Quantum number
Information provided
Principal quantum number
(a) orientation of the orbital
(ii) Azimuthal quantum number
(b) energy and size of orbital
(iii) Magnetic quantum number
(c) spin of electron
(iv) Spin quantum number
(d) shape of the orbital
Q3.Match the following rules with their statements :
Hund’s Rule
Aufbau Principle
Pauli Exclusion Principle
(iv) Heisenberg’s Uncertainty
No two electrons in an atom
can have the same set of four quantum numbers.
Half-filled and completely filled
orbitals have extra stablity.
Pairing of electrons in the
orbitals belonging to the same
subshell does not take place
until each orbital is singly
It is impossible to determine
the exact position and exact
momentum of a subatomic
particle simultaneously.
In the ground state of atoms,
orbitals are filled in the order
of their increasing energies.
Q4. Calculate the wave length of a golf ball weighing 100 g and moving with velocity as 20 % of the speed of light.
Q5.Fill in the blanks with the correct response:
a. The number of orbitals with the quantum numbers n=3, l=2 and ml = 0 is _________.
b. The number of valence electrons in the outermost p subshell of a sulfur atom is _________.
c. The number of unpaired electrons in a Mn2+ ion is _________.
d. The subshell with the quantum numbers n=4, l=2 is _________.
e. The ml values for a d orbital are ________________________.
f. The allowed values of l for the shell with n=2 are _________.
g. The allowed values of l for the shell with n=4 are _________.
h. The number of unpaired electrons in the cobalt atom is _________.
i. The number of orbitals in a shell with n=3 is _________.
j. The number of orbitals with n=3 and l=1 is _________.
k. The maximum number of electrons with quantum numbers with n=3 and l=2 is _________.
l. When n=2, l can be _________.
When n=2, the possible values for ml are _________.
The number of electrons with n=4, l=1 is _________.
The quantum number that characterizes the angular shape of an atomic orbital is _________.
The subshell with n=3 and l=1is designated as the __________ subshell.
The lowest value of n for which a d subshell can occur is n=_________.
Q1. Fill in the blanks
a) ________ is the lowest value for principle quantum number.
b) ________ is the lowest value for azimuthal Quantum number.
c) ________is the number of subshells for an atom with n = 4
d) _________is the number of orbitals for an atom with n = 5.
e) ________ is the maximum number of electrons for an atom with n = 3
f) ________ is the maximum number of electrons for an atom with l = 3
g) ________ is the maximum number of electrons for an atom with n = 4 and l = 0
h) ________ is the maximum number of electrons for an atom with n = 5 and ms = +1/2
i) ________ is the maximum number of electrons for an atom with n = 3, l = 2 & ms = +1/2
j) From the given subshells 2p , 5s , 3p , 3f , 2d
______________are not possible.
Q2. Complete the given table
S no.
No. of unpaired electrons
Value of Magnetic Moment in BM
Q3. Give the complete electronic configuration for the following:
a) Cr
b) Mn+2
c) Cu+2
Q4. State the Hunds rule
Q5. .Give the EC , No of unpaired electrons & calculate the magnetic moment for the following
a) As +3 ( Z = 33 ) b) Co +2 ( Z = 27 ) c) Fe +3 (Z=26 )
Q6. . Which out of the following pairs will be filled first and why
a) 3s & 4p
b) 3d & 4s
c) 4f & 6s
d) 3d & 3 p
PQ-1 Periodic classification
A. Ionisation enthalpies of elements of second period are given below :
Ionisation enthalpy/ k cal mol–1 : 520, 899, 801, 1086, 1402, 1314,1681, 2080.
Match the correct enthalpy with the elements and complete the graph given in Fig. 3.1. Also write symbols of
elements with their atomic number.
B. Choose the correct order of atomic radii of fluorine and neon (in pm) out of the options given below and
justify your answer.
(i) 72, 160
(ii) 160, 160
(iii) 72, 72
(iv) 160, 72
C. Nitrogen has positive electron gain enthalpy whereas oxygen has negative. However, oxygen has lower
ionisation enthalpy than nitrogen. Explain.
PQ-2 Periodic classification
1. Explain the deviation in ionisation enthalpy of some elements from the general trend by using Fig.
.2. The radius of Na+ cation is less than that of Na atom. Give reason.
3.. Among alkali metals which element do you expect to be least electronegative and why?
PQ-3 Periodic classification
A) Match the correct atomic radius with the element.
Atomic radius (pm)
B) Electronic configuration of some elements is given in Column I and their electron gain enthalpies are
given in Column II. Match the electronic configuration with electron gain enthalpy.
Column (I)
Column (II)
Electronic configuration
Electron gain enthalpy/kJ mol-1
1S22S22p6 3S1
C) The formation of the oxide ion, O2– (g), from oxygen atom requires first an exothermic and then an
endothermic step as shown below:
O(g) + e– → O–(g) ; Δ Hθ = –141 kJ mol–1
O–(g) + e– → O2– (g); Δ Hθ = +780 kJ mol–1
Thus process of formation of O2– in gas phase is unfavourable even though O2– is isoelectronic with neon. It is
due to the fact that,
(i)oxygen is more electronegative.
(ii) addition of electron in oxygen results in larger size of the ion.
(iii) electron repulsion outweighs the stability gained by achieving noble gas configuration.
(iv) O– ion has comparatively smaller size than oxygen atom.
PQ-4 Periodic classification
1. Which of the following is the correct order of size of the given species: (i) I > I– > I+
(ii) I+ > I– > I
(iii) I > I+ > I –
(iv) I– > I > I+
2. The order of screening effect of electrons of s, p, d and f orbitals of a given shell of an atom on its outer
shell electrons is:
(i) s > p > d > f
(ii) f > d > p > s
(iii) p < d < s > f
(iv) f > p > s > d
3. The first ionisation enthalpies of Na, Mg, Al and Si are in the order:
(i) Na < Mg > Al < Si (ii) Na > Mg > Al > Si
(iii) Na < Mg < Al < Si (iv) Na > Mg > Al < Si
4. Consider the isoelectronic species, Na+, Mg2+, F- and O2-. The correct order of increasing length of their
radii is _________.
(i) F- 2– < Mg2+ < Na+
(ii) Mg2+ < Na+ < F– < O2–
(iii) O2– < F– < Na+ < Mg2+
(iv) O2– < F– < Mg2+ < Na+
5. In which of the following options order of arrangement does not agree with the variation of property
indicated against it?
(i) Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+ < F– (increasing ionic size)
(ii) B < C < N < O (increasing first ionisation enthalpy)
(iii) I < Br < Cl < F (increasing electron gain enthalpy)
(iv) Li < Na < K < Rb (increasing metallic radius)
6. . Identify the group and valency of the element having atomic number 119. Also predict the outermost
electronic configuration and write the general formula of its oxide.
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