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Earth Forces
Plate boundaries and what
they mean to the earth.
Learning Outcomes.
By the end of this topic I will be able to:
 Explain what we mean by plates and plate
 Say where the plate boundaries are in the
 Explain why volcanoes and earthquakes
happen at plate boundaries.
Lesson re-cap
With the person sitting beside you
discuss the structure of the Earth
(what we learnt last time).
Can you remember all of the
The Structure of the earth.
The structure of the earth.
Fossil Mystery?
In 1969, during a scientific expedition in Antarctica, a
team of scientists discovered the fossil remains of the
skull of a dinosaur. It was called Listrasaurus, a very large
dinosaur, and it had been found before, but no where near
the Antarctic.
They knew it fed on lush green vegetation and it lived in a
tropical climate. Other fossils had been found in India.
Which of the following theories do think are true?
1. The fossil was found there because the dinosaur
swam across.
2. The Antarctic once had a hotter climate.
3. The Antarctic was once attached to India.
4. The Dinosaur could survive in the Arctic climate.
You must give reasons for your answers.
Fossil Mystery?
 Video
 Animation
Millions of years ago the continents that
we know today were one land mass called
Collect the Pangaea hand out and identify
each continent. Use an atlas to help you.
Colour code each continent so you can see
the difference clearly.
Why do volcanoes and Earthquakes Happen?
Read pages 72 and 73 in the S1/S2 textbook then
answer the following questions in your jotters under
the heading ‘Why do volcanoes and earthquakes
happen’. Answer questions in full sentences.
1. When was the earth formed?
2. How far do the plates move each year?
3. Why do plates move?
4. What do we call the place where two plates meet?
5. What two events can be caused by plate
Tectonic Plates.
What places in the world do
think will have
the look
Turn to page 74 in the “S1/S2
book and
Volcanic and Earthquake
at figure 5.6
Go over the plate boundaryactivity.
lines on your map in one
Answer the following questions in your jotter in full sentences:
colour (not blue).
1. Name any 3 plates.
2. Which plate is Scotland on?
3. Name 2 plates that are colliding.
4. Name 2 plates that are moving apart.
5. Why do you think Scotland does not have earthquakes?
6. Why does Japan have many earthquakes?
7. Lightly shade in the different plates (in different
What happens at plate boundaries?
Map of Volcanic activity
Map of the Earthquake activity
What ways can plates move?
What do you know already?
 Colliding or Destructive plate boundaries.
 Parting or Constructive plate boundaries.
 Transform plate boundaries
Movement of the plates.
What happens at parting plate boundaries?
What happens at parting plate boundaries?
1) H____ pushes magma
up towards the _______
2) The convection currents
move the ______ apart.
3) ______ breaks
through and
creates new land.
What happens at colliding plate boundaries?
What happens at colliding plate boundaries?
1) Two ______
move into each
other and ______.
2) The ______
of the two is
forced under.
3) It is forced
down into the
______ and
becomes magma.
4) This can cause
both earthquakes
________ and
<<<<Continental crust
Oceanic Mantle
crust >>>>
Fold mountains.
What is a fold mountain?
This is a mountain that is created due to
two plates colliding and pushing the land up.
Examples are:
The Alps,
The Himalayas,
The Andes
• You have 3 minutes
• To tell 4 people
• 5 things that you know
About Earth Forces