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Notes Chapter 13 Energy
Energy is the ability to do work. It is
measured in joules.
Power is the rate at which work is done.
Power=energy transferred/time
Energy Forms of
1.Kinetic – motion or movement
2.Potential- stored up, has potential to do work
3.Mechanical- associated with motion or position
of object
4.Thermal- heat energy, total potential and
kinetic energy
5.Electrical-moving electrical charges
6.Chemical-stored in chemical bonds between
7.Nuclear-stored in nucleus of atom
8.Electromagnetic-travels through space as
Factors Affecting Kinetic Energy
Mass and velocity ( speed in a given direction).
The energy increases as mass and velocity
The greatest potential energy on a roller
coaster is at the top of the hill before the first
Potential energy changes or transfers into
kinetic energy (energy of motion) as the coaster
moves down the hill. There is a constant
transfer of energy as the coaster goes from hill
to hill and turn to turn.
Gravity also plays a part in energy transfer.
Energy Transformations
Energy transforms from one type to another.
Example: a toaster transforms electrical energy
to thermal energy
Law of Conservation of Energy says energy
cannot be created or destroyed
Fossil Fuels include coal, petroleum and natural
Fossil fuels contain energy that came
from the sun.
Fossil fuels can be burned to release
chemical energy. The process of burning
them is called combustion.
Chemical energy can be stored. An
example is the sulfur that is on the tip of
a match. When it is lit, chemical energy
is converted to thermal and light energy.