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Name ________________________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Hour________________
Rock Unit Study guide E3.1A, E3.1B, E3.1C, E3.1D, E3.1E
What forces change a sedimentary rock into a metamorphic rock? ________________________
a. heat and pressure
b. weathering and erosion
c. melting
d. cementation
Intrusive igneous rocks form ________________________________
a. fine-grained rocks
b. on Earths’ surface
c. a molten mass of rocks
d. coarse-grained rocks
Sedimentary rock is formed through the process of: ___________________
a. cementation
b. erosion
c. foliation
Metamorphic rock can change into an igneous rock if it under goes what processes? ______________________
a. heat and pressure
b. melting and cooling
c. weathering and erosion
d. compaction and cementation
What has to increase for metamorphism to occur? ___________________
a. weathering and erosion b. heat and pressure
c. melting and cooling
What kind of texture does igneous rock have when magma cools slowly? ____________________
a. coarse-grained
b. no-grained
c. fine-grained
d. medium-grained
During the rock cycle, what forms when magma cools? ______________________
a. igneous rock
b. sedimentary rock
c. metamorphic rock
d. melting
d. compaction and cementation
Which of the following processes changes rock on Earth’s surface? ___________________
a. metamorphism
b. weathering
c. compaction
d. foliated rock
d. cementation
What kind of rock is formed from lava that cools on the Earth’s surface? __________________
a. extrusive igneous rock
b. metamorphic rock
c. intrusive igneous rock
d. organic sedimentary rock
10. Rocks formed by the cementing of weathered materials are called: ________________________
a. extrusive igneous rock
b. sedimentary rock
c. basalt
d. magma
11. Heat and pressure can transform igneous rock into metamorphic rock. After weathering and erosion, what processes
can transform the sediments from the igneous rock into sedimentary rock? _______________________
a. heat and pressure
b. melting and cooling
c. compaction and cementation d. evaporation and condensation
12. Rocks are formed when magma __________________________________
a. erodes
b. undergoes radioactive decay
c. crystalizes
13. What kind of texture does igneous rock have when lava cools quickly? ____________________
a. coarse-grained
b. no-grained
c. fine-grained
d. weathers
d. medium grained
14. The molten material deep inside Earth from which igneous rocks form is called_________________.
a. magma
b. lava
c. neither a nor b
d. both a and b
15. The molten material on the Earth’s surface from which igneous rocks form is called ________________.
a. magma
b. lava
c. sediment
d. fire
16. As you go deeper into the Earth, what happens to Earth’s internal heat and pressure? _______________________
a. heat increase but pressure decreases
b. heat decreases but pressure increases
c. heat increases and pressure increases
d. heat decreases and pressure decreases
Circle the correct bold word from each sentence below to make the sentences true.
17. Extrusive igneous rock are formed above / below the Earth’s surface. The substance they form from is lava /
magma. They produce small / large crystals because they form from the magma / lava cooling fast / slow.
18 Intrusive igneous rock are formed above / below the Earth’s surface. The substance they form from is lava /
magma. They produce small / large crystals because they form from the magma / lava cooling fast / slow.
19. Vesicular rocks are formed when gases get trapped / escape because the lava / magma is too thick / hot.
20. Porphyritic rocks form from magma / lava cooling below / above the surface of the Earth slowly / quickly, then all
of a sudden it gets shot up to the Earth’s surface / gets pushed down below Earth’s surface and begins to rapidly
cool / slowly cool.
Match the words on the right with their proper definitions on the left.
____________21. These metamorphic rocks are characterized by layers or
bands of minerals that are perpendicular to the pressure
applied on them.
a. weathering
____________22. This is when sediments get glued together.
c. deposition
____________23. These metamorphic rocks are composed mainly of minerals that
form with blocky crystal shapes.
d. foliated rocks
b. non-foliated rocks
e. clastic
____________24. When rocks get pressed together
____________25. The breaking down of rock
f. physical weathering
g. erosion
____________26. When the minerals in a rock are dissolved or chemically changed.
h. chemical weathering
____________27. This means broken
____________28. When the rock minerals remain unchanged.
The rock just breaks apart along fractures or grain boundaries.
i. compaction
k. cementation
____________29. Process by which sediment is dropped and comes to rest
____________30. Process by which sediment is removed from its source
Choose ONE of the following and answer it. Make sure you have complete detailed sentences. (4 pts. each)
31. What causes rocks to have smooth well rounded surfaces?
32. Describe fine-grained sedimentary rocks. (Shale) (Where are they found? How do they form? Why do they form this
33. Describe medium-grained sedimentary rocks. (sandstone) (Where are they found? What type of sediments are they made