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A. Binary fission
A. Host
Q. To which kingdom do bacteria
Q. Some bacteria have a layer
outside the cell wall. Name this
layer and state its function.
A. Monera or Prokaryotae
Q. Other than being prokaryotic,
state two ways in which a typical
bacterial cell differs from a typical
human cheek cell.
A. Cell wall; Size; Capsule;
Flagellum; Plasmid
A. Capsule or Mucilage; Protection
Q. What is autotrophic nutrition?
A. Organism makes its own food
Q. Suggest an advantage of
classifying organisms.
Q. What is meant when a bacterium
is described as being pathogenic?
A. Disease-causing
Q. Describe how some bacteria
respond in order to survive when
environmental conditions become
A. Produce (endo)spores
A. Identification
Q. What is saprophytic nutrition?
A. Organisms feed on dead matter
Q. To which kingdom does the
organism used in industrial
fermentation belong?
Q. Give examples of two harmful
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A. Tuberculosis; Cholera; Tetanus;
Sore throat
A. Fungi
Q. Name a structure, other than the
capsule, which is not found in all
Q. What are antibiotics?
A. Substances produced by microorganisms that inhibit growth or
reproduction of bacteria or fungi
A. Flagellum; Plasmid
Q. Name any two of the main
bacterial types (shapes).
Q. What are photosynthetic
A. Using light to make food or
obtain energy
A. Rod; Coccus; Spiral
Q. Name two forms of heterotrophic Q. What is the function of flagella?
nutrition found in bacteria.
A. Parasitic; Saprophytic
A. Movement
Q. Why are antibiotics not
prescribed for a person suffering
from a viral infection?
A. Antibiotics have no effect on
Q. Under what circumstances does
a bacterial cell form an endospore?
Q. What is heterotrophic nutrition?
A. Organism uses food already
made by other organisms
Q. Why are doctors reluctant to
prescribe antibiotics to patients
suffering from the common cold?
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A. Harsh unfavourable conditions
Q. What are chemosynthetic
A. Common cold is a viral disease;
Antibiotics do not affect viruses
Q. Why are saprophytic bacteria
important in nature?
A. Use a chemical reaction to make
food or obtain energy, e.g. in soil
A. Decompose dead organisms;
Recycle nutrients
Q. What term is used for the type of
asexual reproduction used by
Q. What term is used for the
organism from which a parasite
obtains its food?
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Follow-me Quiz
Follow-me Quiz
3.1.1 Diversity of Organisms
3.1.2 Micro-organisms
3.1.3 Monera, e.g. Bacteria
3.1.1 Diversity of Organisms
3.1.2 Micro-organisms
3.1.3 Monera, e.g. Bacteria
Follow-me Quiz
Follow-me Quiz
3.1.1 Diversity of Organisms
3.1.2 Micro-organisms
3.1.3 Monera, e.g. Bacteria
3.1.1 Diversity of Organisms
3.1.2 Micro-organisms
3.1.3 Monera, e.g. Bacteria
Follow-me Quiz
Follow-me Quiz
3.1.1 Diversity of Organisms
3.1.2 Micro-organisms
3.1.3 Monera, e.g. Bacteria
3.1.1 Diversity of Organisms
3.1.2 Micro-organisms
3.1.3 Monera, e.g. Bacteria
Follow-me Quiz
Follow-me Quiz
3.1.1 Diversity of Organisms
3.1.2 Micro-organisms
3.1.3 Monera, e.g. Bacteria
3.1.1 Diversity of Organisms
3.1.2 Micro-organisms
3.1.3 Monera, e.g. Bacteria
Follow-me Quiz
Follow-me Quiz
3.1.1 Diversity of Organisms
3.1.2 Micro-organisms
3.1.3 Monera, e.g. Bacteria
3.1.1 Diversity of Organisms
3.1.2 Micro-organisms
3.1.3 Monera, e.g. Bacteria
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