Download The GASTRO-INTESTINAL SYSTEM Module (SYS 328) Credit Hours

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)SYS 328(
Credit Hours : 5
The gastrointestinal system is a complex, multi-organ structure that performs
many vital functions, including ingestion, digestion, movement, absorption and
elimination. The tubular gastrointestinal tract includes the mouth, esophagus,
stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus. The luminal surface along
much of this tract is lined with cells that is in continuous regeneration and secrete
substances that aid in breaking down ingested food or absorb nutrients and water into
the bloodstream for distribution throughout the body. The layers of muscles and
associated nerves that surround the lumen propel food and waste through the system
for eventual elimination. The pancreas secretes enzymes into the small intestine to
help break down proteins, fat, and carbohydrates. The liver and biliary system secrete
bile into the small intestine to aid in the digestion of fat. In addition, the liver
processes nutrients absorbed by the small intestine into forms that can be used by the
body and detoxifies potentially harmful substances.
Adequate function of the digestive system requires proper control of both the
nervous and endocrine systems. Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, may result
not only in one of the many digestive system disorders, but also to illnesses in any
system of the body, such as the nervous system or the immune system.
In this module the students will link the basic science knowledge with the clinical
science and skills. They will learn the causes, pathogenesis, prognosis and the most
important clinical features of some gastrointestinal and hepatobilliary diseases. The
students will learn how to approach a diagnosis and or the differential diagnosis of
these lesions.
The implementation of this knowledge will be fundamental in their future clinical
It is necessary to look at this module from different aspects including the normal
process carried out by the involved cells/organs and abnormalities that can affect the
system and their consequences. The structure / function relationship is emphasized in
this module rather than the classical teaching of isolated topics of anatomy,
physiology, biochemistry, pathology, parasitology and pharmacology.