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Hinduism, Buddhism, and Ancient Greece ANSWER KEY
all the deeds and actions of your life that determine how you come back in your next life--"what
you get" KARMA
This religion believes in Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and a bunch of other gods. HINDUISM
This group was the largest population in Athens and most of the ancient world. SLAVES
the rebirth of the soul in a new body REINCARNATION
"love of wisdom"—meaning of PHILOSOPHY
the collection of city-states, mostly islands, that today is the name of a country GREECE
The four basic beliefs that Buddha asks people to accept FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS
the religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama BUDDHISM
This guy, in his very short life, conquered Greece, Persia, and parts of India. ALEXANDER
In this Greek city-state, military might was the most important value. SPARTA
the name given to the civilization and culture after Alexander HELLENISTIC (blend of Greek,
Egyptian, Persian, & Indian cultures)
These male, over-19 people in the Athenian population were the only ones allowed to participate
in gov't. CITIZENS
the deeds and actions of your life--"what you do" DHARMA
direct citizen participation in gov't DIRECT DEMOCRACY
when cultures interact and influence each other CULTURAL DIFFUSION
a person with rights and responsibilities for governing the community CITIZEN
the cycles of reincarnation SAMSARA
gov't run by a king MONARCHY
a physical and mental form of exercise that calms your mind and tones your body YOGA
The eight “rules” that Buddhists try to follow in their own lives THE EIGHT-FOLD PATH
This was the cultural and artistic center of ancient Greece and today is the capital of modern-day
country of Greece. ATHENS
the one unifying spirit of the universe that humans can't comprehend until we reach moksha
the Hindu god of destruction and recreation SHIVA
specific characteristics or traits of a certain god ATTRIBUTES
the social group in Hinduism in which you are born and can't move during your lifetime CASTE
The words for which B.C.E. and C.E. stand BEFORE COMMON ERA & COMMON ERA