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Why do living things need energy?
Where do they get it?
Explain how growing is different
from reproducing.
A printer moves & uses energy. It
can also respond to its environment
(turns off, communicates). Why is it
not considered alive?
You are a multicellular organism.
Millions of unicellular organisms are
living in & on you. List 5 things you
have in common with a bacterium.
A flower is a producer, & a cow is a
consumer. What is the difference
between a consumer organism & a
producer organism?
a) Give 3 characteristics that both
prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells have.
b) Give the difference between the
c) Give an example of each type.
A meteorite strikes earth.
Photosynthesis is reduced by 50%
because of the dust in the air.
Predict what will happen to animal