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Aims to bridge the gap between
behaviour and knowledge based
 Implications for understanding of
emergence of cognitive intelligence
 Also holds implications for the
application of these methods in future
Vegetative – by default in order to live.
Reflex – simple immediate reaction to
Reactive – more complex reaction to stimuli
Motivated – Dependent on external stimuli
and internal motivations
Reasoned – Manipulation of abstract
Conscious – Anything higher, too complex
to be modelled by the methods proposed
Problem – How to abstract perception of
world for manipulation and reasoning?
 Generalization of perceptions or other
 Concepts learned from patterns and
 Concepts reinforced with experience
 Concepts are unique to the individual as
experiences differ
1. concept abstraction
 2. grounding of concepts though action
 3. sharing of concepts through social
interactions (language)
 4. manipulation of concepts (logic)
 5. evolution of concepts (culture)
BBKS are necessarily simplifications of
natural systems
 Not going to produce convincing
imitations of natural intelligence
 More detailed analysis is described in
subsequent papers
The paper itself is quite general
 Of interest as a means of understanding
emergence of knowledge
 Limited potential as a means of
producing intelligent systems
 Nature has already produced
intelligence so it makes sense to learn
from it
The website relating to Gershenson’s work on BBKS including
virtual lab
His current website at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de