Independence logic and tuple existence atoms
... Definition R relation, ~x , ~y , ~z tuples of attributes. Then R |= ~x ~y | ~z if and only if, for all r , r 0 ∈ R such that r (~x ) = r 0 (~x ) there exists a r 00 ∈ R such that r 00 (~x ~y ) = r (~x ~y ) and r 00 (~x ~z ) = r (~x ~z ). Huge literature on the topic; If ~x ~y ~z contains all attri ...
... Definition R relation, ~x , ~y , ~z tuples of attributes. Then R |= ~x ~y | ~z if and only if, for all r , r 0 ∈ R such that r (~x ) = r 0 (~x ) there exists a r 00 ∈ R such that r 00 (~x ~y ) = r (~x ~y ) and r 00 (~x ~z ) = r (~x ~z ). Huge literature on the topic; If ~x ~y ~z contains all attri ...
Semantic Enrichment - UMKC School of Computing and Engineering
... terminologies with a two-level structure are the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) [2-4] and the WordNet [5] mapping to the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO) [6]. There are major differences between these two examples. The UMLS was built from the outset as a two-level structure, is about 1 ...
... terminologies with a two-level structure are the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) [2-4] and the WordNet [5] mapping to the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO) [6]. There are major differences between these two examples. The UMLS was built from the outset as a two-level structure, is about 1 ...
possibilistic logic - an overview
... Π(A) = 1 whenever N (A) > 0, which totally fits the intuition behind this formalism, namely that something somewhat certain should be first fully possible, i.e. consistent with the available information. Moreover, one cannot be somewhat certain of both A and Ac , without being inconsistent. Note als ...
... Π(A) = 1 whenever N (A) > 0, which totally fits the intuition behind this formalism, namely that something somewhat certain should be first fully possible, i.e. consistent with the available information. Moreover, one cannot be somewhat certain of both A and Ac , without being inconsistent. Note als ...
Ontology Integration Experienced on Medical Terminologies
... Intuitively, categories should have been introduced for the purpose of categorizing concepts (similar to semantic types in the UMLS). This is what the name ”categories” seems to imply. However, as mentioned before, there exist different kinds of relationship between concepts and categories of the AC ...
... Intuitively, categories should have been introduced for the purpose of categorizing concepts (similar to semantic types in the UMLS). This is what the name ”categories” seems to imply. However, as mentioned before, there exist different kinds of relationship between concepts and categories of the AC ...
An analytic approach for obtaining maximal entropy OWA operator weights ∗ Robert Full´er
... Additionally, Fuller and Majlender (2001) used Lagrange multipliers on Yager’s OWA equation to derive a polynomial equation, which determines the optimal weighting vector under maximal entropy (ME-OWA operator). The proposed approach thus determines the optimal weighting vector under maximal entropy ...
... Additionally, Fuller and Majlender (2001) used Lagrange multipliers on Yager’s OWA equation to derive a polynomial equation, which determines the optimal weighting vector under maximal entropy (ME-OWA operator). The proposed approach thus determines the optimal weighting vector under maximal entropy ...
Predicate logic
... Proving universal statements Claim: For any integers a and b, if a and b are odd, then ab is also odd. Definition: integer a is odd iff a = 2m + 1 for some integer m Let a, b ∈ Z s.t. a and b are odd. Then by definition of odd a = 2m + 1.m ∈ Z and b = 2n + 1.n ∈ Z So ab = (2m + 1)(2n + 1) = 4mn + 2m ...
... Proving universal statements Claim: For any integers a and b, if a and b are odd, then ab is also odd. Definition: integer a is odd iff a = 2m + 1 for some integer m Let a, b ∈ Z s.t. a and b are odd. Then by definition of odd a = 2m + 1.m ∈ Z and b = 2n + 1.n ∈ Z So ab = (2m + 1)(2n + 1) = 4mn + 2m ...
Artificial Intelligence
... Studio), MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox and MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox. I chose these tools because they can easily demonstrate the theory being presented. However, the book is not tied to any specific tool; the examples given in the book are easy to implement with different tools. This book is also ...
... Studio), MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox and MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox. I chose these tools because they can easily demonstrate the theory being presented. However, the book is not tied to any specific tool; the examples given in the book are easy to implement with different tools. This book is also ...
as a PDF
... Some other approaches include genetic fuzzy neural networks and genetic fuzzy clustering, among others ...
... Some other approaches include genetic fuzzy neural networks and genetic fuzzy clustering, among others ...
Description Logics
... In their introduction to The Description Logic Handbook [11], Brachman and Nardi point out that the general goal of knowledge representation (KR) is to “develop formalisms for providing high-level descriptions of the world that can be effectively used to build intelligent applications” [32]. This se ...
... In their introduction to The Description Logic Handbook [11], Brachman and Nardi point out that the general goal of knowledge representation (KR) is to “develop formalisms for providing high-level descriptions of the world that can be effectively used to build intelligent applications” [32]. This se ...
Completeness or Incompleteness of Basic Mathematical Concepts
... truth values for all sentences of first-order arithmetic. That is, it implies each first-order sentence or its negation. In fact I think that the concept of the natural numbers has a stronger property than first-order completeness. I will discuss this property, which I call “full determinateness” in ...
... truth values for all sentences of first-order arithmetic. That is, it implies each first-order sentence or its negation. In fact I think that the concept of the natural numbers has a stronger property than first-order completeness. I will discuss this property, which I call “full determinateness” in ...
review and analysis of different methodologies used in mobile robot
... respond to human supplied commands such as “Follow the corridor and turn right at the second T junction” is achieved by an ensemble of neural networks whose activation and deactivation are controlled by a supervisory controller that is rule-based. Glasius, Komoda, and Stan (1994) have proposed a mod ...
... respond to human supplied commands such as “Follow the corridor and turn right at the second T junction” is achieved by an ensemble of neural networks whose activation and deactivation are controlled by a supervisory controller that is rule-based. Glasius, Komoda, and Stan (1994) have proposed a mod ...
A Knowledge Representation Tool for Autonomous Machine
... concepts and knowledge systems in multiple ways in order to simulate and visualize the dynamic concept networks during machine learning based on concept algebra. Keyword: Cognitive informatics, cognitive computing, computational intelligence, denotational mathematics, intelligent systems, concept al ...
... concepts and knowledge systems in multiple ways in order to simulate and visualize the dynamic concept networks during machine learning based on concept algebra. Keyword: Cognitive informatics, cognitive computing, computational intelligence, denotational mathematics, intelligent systems, concept al ...
A Formal Characterization of Concept Learning in Description Logics
... in DL, then hE0 , . . . , En i is a solution for Γ . Moreover, we say that the formula ∃X0 · · · ∃Xn .Γ is true in DL if there exist at least a solution for Γ , otherwise it is false. ...
... in DL, then hE0 , . . . , En i is a solution for Γ . Moreover, we say that the formula ∃X0 · · · ∃Xn .Γ is true in DL if there exist at least a solution for Γ , otherwise it is false. ...