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A. Historical Views of Abnormal Behavior
1. Everything attributed to
2. Ancient Greeks – Hippocrates –
3. Middle Ages – seen in
4. Middle Ages – 15th & 16th C –
5. 1793 – Phillipe Pinel – Paris
6. Dorothea Dix – (1801-1887)
7. Franz Anton Mesmer –
8. Jean-Martin Charcot
9. Fournier – 1894 –paresis –
B. Current Views of Abnormal Behavior
1. Psychoanalytic Model – Freud –
2. Behavioral Model –
3. Cognitive Model –
4. Biological Model –
C. Classifying Abnormal Behavior
1. Many
2. APA – DSM – criteria
a. 1952
b. 1968
c. 1980 – DSM II-R
d. 1986 – DSM III – R
e. 1993 – DSM IV
3. Criticism
a. Against
b. Includes behavior that
A. Anxiety characteristic feature
B. Different from usually knowing
C. Were in neurosis category –
D. DSM-III-R treats neurotic disorders separately
E. Panic Attacks
F. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
G. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
1. Obsessions – involuntary
2. Compulsions – repetitive
3. If try to
H. Phobic Disorders – Phobia – intense paralyzing
1. Simple Phobias – specific situation
2. Agoraphobia – alone, or in
3. Social Phobia – fear of
4. According to psychoanalytic theory –
5. Behaviorists – learned association
- may have
- may have had
- prepared
- obsessive-compulsive – may be
6. Cognitive – feeling of not being in
7. Biological – some develop this and some do not,
A. Physical symptoms of serious bodily
B. Conversion Disorder – dramatic, specific disability,
C. Hypochondriasis – interprets small and
D. Sometimes easy to determine
1. Anatomically impossible
2. La belle indifference
3. “illness” resolves
E. Psychoanalysis – displacement (Freud) –
F. Behaviorists – look for
G. Biological – unusually sensitive
Psychophysical disorders
A. Real physiological disorders
B. Valid physical basis –
C. DSM-III-R - categorizes by
A. Some aspect
B. Amnesia – loss
C. MPD – more than one
D. Depersonalization Disorder – feels unreal
E. Psychoanalytic – block out
MPD – projection
F. Behaviorists – can be learned and
vi. Affective disorders
A. Disturbance in
B. Depression – overwhelmed feelings of
1. Can’t seem to
2. May have disturbed patterns of
3. May be
C. Only when
D. Mania – overly
E. Bipolar Disorder – Manic-Depression – periods of
F. Perspectives on Affective Disorders
1. Psychoanalytic (Freud) – Depression is
2. Behaviorists – direct relationship
3. Cognitive learned behavior with more –
Beck –illogical thinking
a. Arbitrary inference
b. Selective abstraction
c. Overgeneralization
d. Magnification & minimization
4. Biological Theories – genetic factors
a. Chemical imbalances in brain
b. May not be level or amount of neurotransmitters,
A. Dysfunction – inability
1. 2 types –
2. Inhibited sexual desire
3. Inhibited sexual
4. Inhibited
5. Only really a problem
B. Paraphilias – unconventional
1. Fetishism –
2. Exhibitionism –
3. Transvestitism –
4. Voyeurism –
5. Sadomasochism –
6. Pedophilia
A. Schizoid Personality Disorder
1. Lack of ability or desire form social
2. Can’t express feelings &
3. Vague, absent-minded,
4. Seldom marry and trouble
B. Paranoid Personality Disorder
1. Suspicious and mistrustful
2. Refuse to accept
3. Guarded, secretive, devious
C. Narcissistic Personality Disorder
1. Nearly total self-absorption, grandiose
2. Name from Greek
3. Self-esteem really fragile –
4. Begins early with infants –
5. Lasch (1979) American Society worships
D. Antisocial Personality Disorder
1. Lie, steal, cheat, & show
2. Often intelligent and
3. Blame society or
4. Responsible for good deal of
5. Difficult if not impossible to calculate
6. Some problem complicate
7. Some feel result emotional
8. Social Learning Theorists – nature of
9. Cognitive – arrested moral
Biological – impulsive and
A. Disordered thought and communication
B. Out of touch with
C. Suffer from hallucinations –
D. Delusions
E. Can’t lead a normal life
F. Unable to communicate –
G. Disorganized Schizophrenia
1. Some most bizarre symptoms –
2. Childish disregard
3. Active, but aimless
H. Catatonic Schizophrenia
1. Severe disturbance motor
2. Immobile and mute –
I. Paranoid Schizophrenia
1. Extreme suspiciousness and
2. Appear more normal than
3. May become hostile or
J. Undifferentiated Schizophrenia
1. Several of symptoms –
K. Causes
1. Genetic
a. More likely have schizophrenic
b. Identical twin is schizophrenic
c. Fraternal twin is schizophrenic
2. Excess amounts of dopamine
a. Drugs – decrease amount of
b. Amphetamines increase
3. Environmental Factors
4. Social Class
a. Higher levels in
5. Family relationships
6. Diathesis stress
Gender differences in abnormal behavior
A. Women (25 – 45)
B. Women – more
C. Men – substance abuse and
D. Genetically more vulnerable
1. No significant sex differences
2. Childhood –
3. Adulthood – divorced women
E. Marriage reduces likelihood –
F. Women
1. Marriage, family,
2. More like to be victims
G. For some married women
H. Stress greater if