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Earth and Space Science
Earth and Space Science
The Sun
•Which planet is farther
from the Sun from Jupiter
and closer to the Sun than
Planets $100
Planets $200
•Which is the fifth
planet from the Sun?
Planets $200
Planets $300
• A class made a model of the Earth,
Moon, and Sun system. They used
various balls to represent each one.
Which of the following would correctly
model how the Sun, Moon and Earth
Planets $300
The earth orbits the
sun and the moon
orbits th earth.
Planets $400
• Which planet does Q represent?
Planets $400
Planets for $500
Which object is in the
center of our
Planets for 500
The Sun
The Sun for $200
The energy which
drives the water
cycle comes mainly
from -
The Sun for $200
The Sun for $300
What is the Sun made
The Sun for $300
Hot Gases.
The Sun for $400
• All of the following are descriptions of
the Sun EXCEPT • A)a star made of different gases
• B)much smaller than Earth
• C)source of energy for the water cycle
• D)gives light and heat energy to Earth
The Sun for $400
B. Much smaller than
the Earth.
The Sun for 500
•Which to type of energys
come directly from the
Sun to the Earth?
The Sun for $500
Light and Heat
Environments for $100
• Frogs often live in freshwater ponds
where they feed on insects and lay
their eggs in the water. Sometimes
they are eaten by snakes. Frog would
leave the area if • A there were more insects.
• B the snakes all died out.
• C the water in the pond dried up.
Environments for $100
C. The water in the
pond dried up
Envirnments for $200
• All of the following are changes to an
environment that could help an animal
thrive EXCEPT• A)more of the kind of plants the
animal eats.
• B)fewer predators that eat the animal.
• C)less rain during the spring and
Environments for $200
C Less rain druing the
Spring and Summer.
Environments for$300
• How could a forest fire help some
organisms? A forest fire could help –
• A)clear dead plant to allow new plant
to grow.
• B)scare away small mammals that are
food for wolves.
• C)burn the organic matter from soil
where worms live.
Environments for $300
. A)clear dead plant to
allow new plant to
Environments for $400
• A fox is a predator which hunts small
animals. The habitat that meets its
needs is one that has –
• A)heavy rains during some seasons.
• B)a large population of mice.
• C)extreme cold temperatures.
Environments for $400
B)a large population of
Environments for $500
• Flooding in an area will have the most
harmful effect on which group of
• A)Flying insects that eat leaves.
• B)Fish that live in fresh water.
• C)Birds that nest on the ground.
Environments for $500
C. Birds that nest on the
Weather for $100
Students observed the rain gauge in the school
Based on the
Rain gauge, how
Much did it rain?
yard after a thunderstorm
Weather for $100
3 ½ centimeters.
Weather for $200
What is weather?
Weather for $200
Weather is the condition
of the atmosphere
outside at any given
Weather for $300
The table shows the temperature at
12:00 noon on the same day in five
Texas cities.The table shows that
which of the following comparisons is
Weather for $300
• A)San Antonio was warmer than
• B)Dallas was the coldest of all the
• C)Austin was the warmest of all the
• D)Lubbock was colder than Dallas.
Students used a tool to collect weather data and recorded their observations.
Their observations show a change in which of the following weather conditions?
Weather for $400
Students used a tool to collect weather
data and recorded their observations.
Their observations show a change in
which of the following weather
Weather for $400
Wind Direction
Weather for $500
A class is planning a trip to the beach.
They would like to choose a day that will
be the most sunny yet have a lower
temperature for the daily high. Based on this
five-day prediction, which day should they
Weather for $500
Food Chains for $100
• Sun → Grass → Grasshopper → Frog → Snake
In this food chain, the arrows
are used to show the flow of
energy. The grasshopper gets
its energy directly from the —
Food Chains for $100
The Grass
Food Chains for $200
If the mice are
removed from this food
chain, which animal population would most likely
be affected first?
Food Chains for $200
The Snake
Food Chains for $300
What is a population?
a) A group of birds.
b) A group of mice, birds
and trees.
c) A group of mountains
Food Chains for $300
A) A group of Birds
Food Chains for $400
Which is the most
important energy
that starts the food
Food Chains for $400
The Sun
Food Chains for $500
What is a
a) A group of owls.
b) The ocean.
c) A group of frogs, insects, plants
and trees.
Food chains for $500
C) A group of frogs,
insects, plants and