* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Worksheet 1 BY330 Summer 2014 1. List the three major components of cell theory. 2. A cell is 67 micrometers in diameter. Express this value in millimeters and nanometers. 3. Why do cells need to be so small? Explain using the surface area and volume relationship. 4. Ninety-nine percent of the cell is made up of which six chemical elements? 5. Water is required for many chemical reactions in a cell and is perfect to serve as a solvent for other molecules in the cell. List at least three reasons why this is a true statement. (Drawings may be helpful!) 6. List the four categories of small organic molecules. 7. What are the two components of a simple sugar? What is the typical formula for a simple sugar? Name the most abundant simple sugar. List three functions and examples of the simple sugar. Worksheet 1 BY330 Summer 2014 8. Draw an omega-4 fatty acid. Label the carboxylic group, the methyl group, and the hydrophilic and hydrophobic ends. Is this fatty acid saturated or unsaturated? 9. Draw a typical amino acid. Label all parts and indicate two major functions. 10. List three functions of a nucleotide. 11. Draw the deoxyribose form of guanine diphosphate. Label all parts. Is this a pyrimidine or a purine?