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Energy in a Cell
 All living things need ______________________ (a characteristic of life)
Cells need energy for:
Active transport
Cell division
Production of proteins
And lots more!
Energy cannot be CREATED or DESTROYED, it can only be _____________________ from one form
to another
 Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
ATP is the ______________________ that cells use for short-term energy storage
The energy is stored in the ____________________ bonds of the molecule
 Forming and Breaking Down ATP
 To ______________ the third phosphate group (by dehydration synthesis) you have
to _____________ ________ a lot of energy to make that bond
 When ATP is broken apart by a hydrolysis reaction (or hydrolyzed), the ___________
between the second and third phosphate group is broken and energy is
Energy in a Cell
 It’s a Cycle
Cells ______________ energy by adding a phosphate group to ADP ( Dehydration synthesis reaction )
ADP + P + energy in 
Cells release energy by breaking the bonds of ATP
( Hydrolysis reaction )
ADP + P + energy out
Crash Course Video - ATP and Respiration
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