Download reactions that uses like energy from the Sun to convert water and

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October 30, 2012
Lab Review #2
1) Lab #30 Pg 243 What is the purpose of this diagram?
The purpose of this diagram is to see the ration of surface area to volume of
2) Lab #22 Pg 212 In diagram B, what does it explain?
Diagram B explains energy input. Energy from ATP and high energy electrons
from NADPH are used to convert the 12 3-carbon molecules into higher
3) Lab #18 Pg 206, Photosynthesis is a series of reactions that uses like energy
from the Sun to convert water and carbon dioxide into sugars and oxygen
4) Lab #28 Pg 228, Tell me what A, B, C, are identified as. Name 3 parts of
Electron Transport Chain
A. Electron Transport
1. Intermembrane Space
B. Hydrogen Ion Movement
2. Inter memebrane
C. ATP Production
3. Matrix