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The Urinary and
Respiratory Systems
Urinary system
Parts of the urinary system:
Function of the kidneys
Main function is to maintain water and mineral balance
In 24 hours – all the blood passes through the kidneys about 400
Function of the kidneys
Nephrons are the functional ‘filters’ of the blood
Reject blood cells and proteins
Accept fluid salts and other chemicals
Also filter nitrogenous waste (Urea)
Function of the kidneys
Also act in reverse – return water to bloodstream
All but about 2 gallons of water are returned to bloodstream, kidneys
filter approximately 200 gallons of water daily.
Salts (and some liquid) are passed from the nephron to the glomeruli
and on to a collecting duct.
From the collecting duct, the urine enters the ureter and on to the
Simply defined – a sac to hold urine
When the bladder is full, nervous impulse signals indicate the
bladder needs to be emptied
Excretion of the urine
Urine is excreted through the urethra
Mares, urethra is relatively short, empting into the vagina.
Stallions or geldings, much longer because it must past through the
Respiratory system
The lungs are the organ of respiration – the other parts act as
transport mechanisms.
The average horse lungs hold 1.5 cubic feet of air
At resting respiration, about 250 cubic inches of air are inhaled
Resting respiration rate is approximately 8 – 16 times per minute.
When called for by initiation of the Kreb’s cycle, respiration
increases to supply oxygen needed for muscular action.
Breathing process
Air is drawn into the nostrils, passes through the turbinates and on to
the trachea.
At the juncture of the trachea and the lungs the air is directed into
the bronchia where it is evenly distributed to the bronchioles and
eventually to the alveoli.
Physiology if respiration
Respiration is the act of breathing
Exchange of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
In internal respiration, the diaphragm contracts, and an outward
rotation of the ribs. effectively acting like a piston to draw in air
External respiration, the process is reversed, the diaphragm relaxes
and the ribs contract.
Gas exchange
Gas exchange takes place in the alveoli.
The epithelial cells of the alveoli act by diffusion.
Diffusion is a form of passive transport (no energy required) in which
substances flow from an area of high concentration to an area of low
concentration. Substances such as O2 and CO2, are small enough to
pass through the walls of the capillaries in the alveoli.