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Security Defined
• “Freedom from undesirable events”.
• There are usually three elements to
security :
 Confidentiality
 Integrity
 Availability
What is Security?
• Safe from malevolent programs
• Non-intrusive
• Authenticated
• Encrypted
• Audited
• Verified
• C2 or B1 certified
Why Java Security is important?
• Java security is important to a number
of distinct sets of people
• Web users
• Developers of Java code
• System administrators
Guidelines for Java Web Users
• Web sites visited
• Learn about Java security
• Java environment
• Security updates
• Security alerts
• Apply drastic measures
• Assess your risks
Guidelines for Java Developers
• Rule 1: Don't Depend on Initialization
• Rule 2: Limit Access
• Rule 3: Make Everything Final
• Rule 4: Don't Depend on Package Scope
Developers of Java Code Cont.
• Rule 5: Don't Use Inner Classes
• Rule 6: Avoid Signing Your Code
• Rule 7: Archive file
Rule 8:Classes Uncloneable
public final void clone() throws
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException {
throw new
Rule 9: Classes Unserializeable
private final void
writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out)
throws {
throw new"Object
cannot be serialized");
Rule 10: Classes Undeserializeable
private final void
readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws { throw new"Class cannot be
Rule 11:Don't Compare Classes by Name
if(a.getClass( ) == b.getClass()){ // objects
have the same class }else{ // objects have
different classes }
• Rule 12: Secrets Stored in Your Code
Won't Protect You
Other People Security Effects
System Administrator
– Install, configure and manage the products
– For managers who decide which products are
developed and they are developed.
Java Security Manager
• Class that allows applications to
implement a security policy
• Useful to determine a possibly unsafe
or sensitive operation
• The application can allow or disallow
the operation
Java Security Manager
• Descends from class
• For each potentially unsafe action,
there is a method in the security
manager that defines whether or not
that action is allowed by the sandbox.
Method’s Classification
• The methods in the Security Manager
can be broadly classified into groups
 Methods protecting file access
• e.g. checkRead(String file)
 Methods protecting network access:
• e.g. checkAccept(String host, int port)
Method’s Classification
 Methods protecting program threads
 Methods protecting the JVM
• e.g. checkExit(int status)
 Methods protecting system resources
• e.g. checkPrintJobAccess( )
 Methods protecting Java security aspects
• e.g. checkSystemClipboardAccess( )
Anatomy of a Java Application
Anatomy of a Java Application
• The bytecode verifiers
• The class loader
• The access controller
• The security manager
• The security package
• The key database
The Bytecode Verifier
 The bytecode verifier ensures that
Java class files follow the rules of the
Java language.
 In terms of resources, the bytecode
verifier helps enforce memory
protections for all Java programs.
Class Loader / Access
• The class loader
One or more class loaders load classes that
are not found on the CLASSPATH
• The access controller
The access controller allows (or prevents)
most access from the core API to the
operating system.
The Security Manager
• Primary interface between the core API
and the operating system
• Allowing or preventing access to all
system resources
• The access controller used for decision
• Responsibility on actions
Security Package / Key Database
• Security Package
Basis for authenticating signed Java
 The security provider interface
• Message digests
• Keys and certificates
• Digital signatures
• Encryption (an optional extension to the
security package)
• The key database / digital signature
Potential Threats
There are four basic categories of
potential attacks Java applets could
 Attacks that modify the system
 Attacks that invade a user's privacy
 Attacks that deny legitimate use of the
machine by hogging resources
 Attacks that antagonize a user
Potential Threats
Invasion of
If you value your privacy, this attack class
may be particularly odious. They are
implemented by malicious applets. Include
mail forging. Consequences of these attacks:
Denial of Service
Also serious but not severely so, these attacks
can bring a machine to a standstill. Also
implemented by malicious applets. May
require reboot. Consequences of these
attacks: moderate.
Merely annoying, this attack class is the most
commonly encountered. Implemented by
malicious applets. May require restart of
browser. Consequences of these attacks: light
to moderate.
Invasion of Privacy
• Disclosing information about a user or
host machine that should not be
 On Unix machines, if someone gains
access to the /etc/passwd file (which
contains usernames and encrypted
passwords) he or she could mount a
password - cracking attack.
• A successful password - cracking
Denial of Service
• System resources become unavailable.
• There are many subcategories of denial of
service attacks. Some examples include:
 Completely filling a file system
 Using up all available file pointers
 Allocating all of a system's memory
 Creating thousands of windows, effectively
denying access to the output screen or window
event queue
 Using all of the machine's cycles (CPU time) by
creating many high-priority threads
• Sometimes seemingly antagonistic
attacks may be the result of simple
programming errors.
• Examples:
 Playing unwanted sound files through a
 displaying obscene pictures on a monitor
Java Risks in Perspective
• Stopping the worst potential attacks
that hostile applets might carry out
• System modification and invasion of
privacy attacks
• One kind of mobile code that everyone
wants to avoid is a computer virus
Java Sandbox
• Restriction of programs
• Damage can be done in the sandbox,
but will not affect other applications,
system resources, and files.
• Three steps of defense:
 Byte Code Verifier
 Class Loader
 Security Manager
• They depend on each other
• Each part must do its job properly
Java Sandbox
• Java is designed so that programs
can be dynamically loaded over the
network and run locally
• Restriction on programs
• Damage can be done in the sandbox,
but will not affect other applications,
system resources, and files.
Java Sandbox
• Three steps of defense:
 Byte Code Verifier
 Class Loader
 Security Manager
• They depend on each other
• Each part must do its job properly
Type Safety
• Programs are prevented from
accessing memory in inappropriate
• A program cannot perform an
operation on an object unless that
operation is valid for that object
• Most essential element of Java’s
Type Safety Example
Type Safety
• Class tag / Dynamic type checking
• Static type checking
• Guarantees security
• Prevent arbitrary access to memory
using typing constraints
• Encapsulation
Where to Find More
Information on Java
Jia, Xiaoping. Object-Oriented Software
Development Using Java. 2nd Ed.
Addison Wesley. 2001