Download PUNIC WARS First Punic War (264-241 BC): The Romans ______

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First Punic War (264-241 BC):
The Romans _________ three wars against
Carthage, a city on the north coast of Africa. The wars are known as the Punic Wars because
Punicus was the Roman name for Carthage. The first Punic War was fought over Sicily, an
island in the _______________ Sea off the southwest coast of the Italian peninsula.
Carthage controlled Sicily, and in 265BC, Sicily was richer than any other land in the area.
The Romans won the First Punic War and took control of Sicily. Some _________ later
Romans took control of Sardinia and Corsica. That infuriated Carthage.
Then, Carthage decided to fight Spain. Under the leadership of a _________ general
called Hamilcar Barca Carthage took control of south and southeast Spain, which were very
rich in mines. The year Hamilcar came to Spain to fight the iberian tribes, his son Hannibal
was nine years old. ___________ says that before leaving Carthage Hamilcar made his son
swear that as soon as he was old enough, Hannibal would fight the Romans and make them
pay for all the lives they had cost. Hannibal promised.
When his father Hamilcar ________, the soldiers chose him as a general. Hannibal
was 26 years old. He inmediately married an iberian princess and started wars to expand
carthaginian _________ in Spain. One of the cities he attacked, Sagunto, had a friendship
agreement with Rome. Rome didn't send help to Sagunto but declared war on Carthage.
War: after first punic war
Rome had a navy capable
of defending from a Punic
attack. But Hannibal had
another idea: attack the
Romans crossing Spain,
south France, the Alps and
______ his army of 90.000
soldiers, 12000 horses and
destroyed Roman cities on its route to Italy. Instead of marching on Rome, Hannibal began
to attack _________ on southern Italy, stealing food to supply his army. In 216 BC in the
battle of Cannae Hannibal defeated a Roman army led by two consuls and killed them.
More than 40.000 Romans died that day. But Hannibal didn't march on Rome.
Then, Roman Senate decided to send an army to Spain, the same tactic of Hannibal:
attack where your opponent would never expect. Carthaginian _________ in Spain were led
by Asdrubal, a Hannibal's brother. Roman forces where led by Publio Cornelio Escipión.
Publio had fought Hannibal in Italy and was eager to fight carthaginian forces elsewhere.
His father, his ________ and his father-in-law had died fighting Hannibal.
By the year 203 BC Roman forces led by Escipion had won over the carthaginians in
Spain. Then, Romans instead of fighting Hannibal, stationed in southern Italy, he decided to
__________ in northern Africa. Carthage called Hannibal's army home.
In 202 BC Romans and Carthaginian confronted in the battle of Zama. 40 thousand
Romans against more than 60 thousand carthaginian. Finally, Escipion won the ________.
Roman Senate expected to raze the city but Escipion signed a peace agreement with very
moderate terms. Carthage had to surrender the navy, pay an annual tribute to Rome for 50
years and leave Spain. With Escipion consent Hannibal became the ________ of Carthage.
That infuriated Roman Senate.
Seven years after the defeat of Zama Carthage was a prosperous city again. Roman
Senate demanded Hannibal's surrender but he moved into ______. He traveled to Asia and
served as general to king Antiochus of Sirya. There, Hannibal proposed king Antiochus to
disembark in Italy to defeat the Romans. Romans, who began to be involved in Greece at
that time, fought Antiochus and Hannibal had to move into exile again.
In 190 BC Hannibal was commanding the navy of the Seleucid King (remember one
of the kingdoms formed after the death of Alexander the Great). After a year he moved to
the court of the Armenian ________. When Armenian King try to surrender Hannibal to the
Romans, Hannibal fled to Crete. After Crete he moved to Asia Minor to serve in the army
of the king Prusias. There he won some battles but the Romans pressed king Prusias to
surrender Hannibal. Finally, Hannibal took _______.
First Punic War (264-241 BC): The Romans fought three wars against Carthage, a
city on the north coast of Africa. The wars are known as the Punic Wars because Punicus
was the Roman name for Carthage. The first Punic War was fought over Sicily, an island in
the Mediterranean Sea off the southwest coast of the Italian peninsula. Carthage controlled
Sicily, and in 265BC, Sicily was richer than any other land in the area. The Romans won the
First Punic War and took control of Sicily. Some years later Romans took control of
Sardinia and Corsica. That infuriated Cathage.
Then, Carthage decided to fight Spain. Under the leadership of a powerful general
called Hamilcar Barca Carthage took control of south and southeast Spain, which were very
rich in mines. The year Hamilcar came to Spain to fight the iberian tribes, his son Hannibal
was nine years old. Legends says that before leaving Carthage Hamilcar made his son
swear that as soon as he was old enough, Hannibal would fight the Romans and make them
pay for all the lives they had cost. Hannibal promised.
When his father Hamilcar died, the soldiers chose him as a general. Hannibal was 26
years old. He inmediately married a iberian princess and started wars to expand carthaginian
empire in Spain. One of the cities he attacked, Sagunto, had a friendshig agreement with
Rome. Rome didn't send help to Sagunto but declared war on Carthage.
War: after first punic war
Rome had a navy capable
of defending from a Punic
attack. But Hannibal had
another idea: attack the
Romans crossing Spain,
south France, the Alps and
north Italy. Hannibal led
soldiers, 12000 horses and
destroyed Roman cities on its route to Italy. Instead of marching on Rome, Hannibal began
to attack cities on southern Italy, stealing food to supply his army. In 216 BC in the battle of
Cannae Hannibal defeated a Roman army led by two consuls and killed them. More than
40.000 Romans died that day. But Hannibal didn't march on Rome.
Then, Roman Senate decided to send an army to Spai, the same tactic of Hannibal:
attack where your opponent would never expect. Carthaginian forces in Spain were led by
Asdrubal, a Hannibal's brother. Roman forces where led by Publio Cornelio Escipión.
Public had fought Hannibal in Italy and was eager to fight carthaginian forces elsewhere.
His father, his uncle and his father-in-law had died fighting Hannibal.
By the year 203 BC Roman forces led by Escipion had won over the carthaginians in
Spain. Then, Romans instead of fighting Hannibal, stationed in southern Italy, he decided to
disembark in northern Africa. Carthage called Hannibal's army home.
In 202 BC Romans and Carthaginian confronted in the battle of Zama. 40 thousand
Romans against more than 60 thousand carthaginian. Finally, Escipion won the battle.
Roman Senate expected to raze the city but Escipion signed a peace agreement with very
moderate terms. Carthage had to surrender the navy, pay an annual tribute to Rome for 50
years and leave Spain. With Escipion consent Hannibal became the leader of Carthage. That
infuriated Roman Senate.
Seven years after the defeat of Zama Carthage was a prosperous city again. Roman
Senate demanded Hannibal's surrender but he moved into exile. He traveled to Asia and
served as general to king Antiochus of Sirya. There, Hannibal proposed king Antiochus to
disembark in Italy to defeat the Romans. Romans, who began to be involved in Greece at
that time, fought Antiochus and Hannibal had to move into exile again.
In 190 BC Hannibal was commanding the navy of the Seleucid King (remember one
of the kingdoms formed after the death of Alexander the Great). After a year he moved to
the court of the Armenian King. When Armenian King try to surrender Hannibal to the
Romans, Hannibal fled to Crete. After Crete he moved to Asia Minor to serve in the army
of the king Prusias. There he won some battles but the Romans pressed king Prusias to
surrender Hannibal. Finally, Hannibal took poison.
1. fought
2. mediterranean
3. years
4. powerful
5. legend
6. died
7. empire
8. led
9. cities
10. forces
11. uncle
12. disembark
13. battle
14. leader
15. exile
16. king
17. poison