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Sugar and sugar-containing components
More than just sweet.
Sugar is a sweet-tasting carbohydrate which frequently occurs naturally. It is a disaccharide with the chemical name
“sucrose”. A distinction is made between beet sugar, from the sugar beet, and cane sugar, from sugar cane.
Its quality is judged according to its sweetness, solubility and purity, with a role also played by its colour, crystal size
and external shape. We distinguish between granulated sugar, icing sugar, brown sugar, coarse sugar, rock sugar
and light brown sugar.
For our chocolate masses, we use local beet sugar. For us, this is both a question of taste and an ecological
Fondant (French: “melting”) is a finely crystalline mass which melts gently on the tongue. It is made from sugar or
glucose, and can contain up to 90% sugar. If some of the sugar is replaced with glucose syrup or invert sugar, what
is known as “spontaneous crystallisation” takes place. This gives the fondant its typical paste-like consistency.
Fondant is used with chocolate as a filling for pralines, moulded shapes and bars, often enriched with flavouring
substances or essential oils such as the natural mint oil in our RITTER SPORT Peppermint.
Glucose, also known as dextrose, is a monosaccharide (simple sugar) which is slightly less sweet than beet sugar. It
naturally occurs, among other things, in grapes; in Germany it is even known as “grape sugar” (Traubenzucker).
The crystalline white powder is mainly produced from corn starch and potato starch. As a monosaccharide,
glucose is absorbed particularly easily by our cells to produce energy. The amount of sugar in our blood can be
seen from our blood sugar level.
Hard caramel
Fructose, a monosaccharide (simple sugar) is also found in chocolate. The main sources of naturally occurring
fructose are honey, fruits, berries and various types of vegetables. Fructose only raises your blood sugar level
slightly, but if you suffer from a fructose intolerance, you should avoid foods which contain this sugar.
Sorbitol syrup is a watery, colourless solution with a pleasantly sweet taste. Like sorbitol itself, it is roughly half as
sweet as sugar. In the food industry, sorbitol syrup is mostly used as a sweetener, humectant and stabiliser to keep
foodstuffs such as marzipan soft for longer. In our RITTER SPORT Peppermint variety, sorbitol syrup ensures that the
filling remains soft and silky, so that it melts in an especially creamy manner on the tongue.
Maltodextrin is produced from the polysaccharide starch, and especially from corn starch. It is almost tasteless and
is used as a stabiliser, bulking agent, thickener, energy source and fat substitute in low-calorie
foodstuffs. Maltodextrin is found in the fillings of our RITTER SPORT chocolates as a carrier for sensitive substances
such as flavourings and spices.