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6th Grade Science Class
Planets in Our Solar System
• Our solar system galaxy is called the Milky
• In the Milky Way, all of the planets revolve
heliocentrically around the sun.
• The sun is the largest object in our solar
• It is a star, not a planet.
• Made mostly of hydrogen an helium.
• The sun has 8 planets along with other object
orbiting around it.
• The temperature of the core is
15.6 million Kelvin!
• Closest planet to the sun
• Mercury rotates 3 times in 2 of its years.
• The temperature of Mercury is 90 degrees Kelvin
to 700 Kelvin.
• The surface is cratered heavily, similar to our
• Mercury has no known satellites.
• Venus is the second planet from the sun.
• It is the brightest object in the sky besides the sun and the
• Venus is composed mostly of carbon dioxide, which
makes it unsuitable for life.
• Said to be Earth’s sister planet because they are quite
similar in all aspects, like size.
• Has no known satellites
• Earth is the 3rd planet from the Sun
• There are many different layers that Earth is
divided into.
• It is the densest body in the solar system
• 71% of Earth is covered by water
• Earth has one satellite: the Moon.
• Only planet right now where life
can survive.
• Mars is the 4th planet from the sun
• Referred to as the Red Planet
• Evidence of erosion on Mars from floods
and river systems
• Mars is similar to Earth, but is
much colder
• Mars has 2 satellites:
Phobos and Deimos
Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun
Largest planet in our solar system
It is 90% hydrogen and 10% helium
Jupiter has a Great Red Spot that is big enough to hold two
Earths. The Great Red Spot is much colder than the rest of
the planet.
• Jupiter has 63 known satellites.
• 6th planet from the sun and is the 2nd largest
• 75% hydrogen and 25% helium, which is similar
to Jupiter
• There are two prominent rings that can be seen
from Earth that are around Saturn
• These rings are composed of very
small particles, like water ice.
• Saturn as 34 known satellites.
• 7th planet from the sun
• Planet is composed of mostly rock and various
• Has blue tint to it because it absorbs red light.
• Uranus has 27 moons
• Rotates parallel, unlike the other planets that rotate
• 8th planet from the sun
• Sometimes, Pluto’s orbit crosses Neptune’s, making
Neptune the furthest planet from the sun.
• Similar composition to Uranus—composed of rock and
ice, also has blue tint as Uranus
• Neptune is known for its Great Dark Spot which is half the
size of Jupiter’s Red Spot
• 25 known moons
• Now known as a “dwarf planet”
• Its composition is about 70% rock and 30%
water ice
• There is one known satellite: Charon