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12 PHYSICS – TERM 4 – Unit 4 ELECTROMAGNETISM 1 UNIT LEARNING GOALS: DECLARATIVE KNOWLEDGE Assessment SA: Exam The student will know definitions & accompanied equations: Success Criteria: SYLLABUS GENERAL DESCRIPTORS. Accurate and successful completion of problems from the textbook. Reached set Target. 3 right hand rules for: current carrying wire & solenoids Magnetic Field Strength, Magnetic Flux Density, Magnetic Flux, Induced EMF, Force on charged particle, Electromagnetic Induction, Motors, Generators Induced EMF = Blvsinθ ; F = Bqvsinθ; φ = BAcosθ Equations for 3 cases: Magnetic Field Strength of current carrying wire: B = kI/r; Force on a current carrying wire: F = BILsinθ; Magnetic Flux Density inside a current carrying solenoid: B = 2πknI. Galvanometers, Ammeters, Voltmeters, Shunt resistance Key Verbs Understand Manipulation Calculate Define Analyse . PROCEDURAL KNOWLEDGE: Students will be able to: DEFINE terms Complete problems involving relevant theory from text Design Voltmeters & Ammeters using knowledge of shunt resistance & previous knowledge of Ohm’s Law ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Resources “PHYSICS SPECTRUM”, Peter Eastwell “New Century Physics”, Richard Walding