Download Cell Cycle Quiz Study Guide The cell cycle can be described as the

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Cell Cycle Quiz Study Guide
1. The cell cycle can be described as the life of a cell.
2. The cell cycle consists of two main phases interphase and the mitotic phase .
3. A cell spends most of its life in which phase of the cell cycle? interphase
4. Interphase is broken down into three parts; G1,S,&G2.
5. The longest part of interphase is G1.
6. Describe what happens in each of the three steps of interphase.
G1- the cell grows and performs its job
S- the cell copies its DNA
G2- the cell grows again and copies its DNA
7. What are the two parts of the mitotic phase? Mitosis and Cytokinesis
8. What are the four steps of mitosis in order? Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
9. The cell that leads to the creation of two new identical cells is called the parent cell.
10. During mitosis chromosomes form to allow for the proper separation of the DNA.
11. The two identical cells that form as a result of the mitotic phase are called? Daughter
12. The two identical sides of a chromosome are known as sister chromatids.
13. The two sides of a chromosome are joined together by a centromere.
-Read the following statements and identify the correct step of the cell cycle.
14. S The DNA is copied.
15. metaphase Chromosomes line up in a single file at the middle of the cell.
16. telophase A nuclear membrane forms around the chromatin.
17. G1 Rapid cell growth and the cell performs its job.
18. Anaphase The cell begins to lengthen.
19. Prophase DNA condenses into chromosomes.
20. Cytokinesis The cytoplasm completely separates.
21. Prophase Spindle fibers begin to form.
22.Telophase Spindle fibers begin to break down.
23. Mitosis Division of the nucleus.
24.G2 Cell growth and replication of organelles.
25. Anaphase Sister chromatids separate.
26. Prophase The nucleolus disappears, and the nuclear membrane breaks down.
27.Telophase A nuclear membrane forms around the chromatin.
28.Anaphase The cell begins to lengthen.
29.Telophase Two identical nuclei form.
30. How is mitosis different in a plant cell compared to an animal cell?
During mitosis in plant cells, a cell plate forms during telophase and cytokinesis. The cell
plate becomes the cell wall separating the two new daughter cells.
31. Give two reasons as to why mitosis is important.
Mitosis is important for multicellular organisms, because it allows the organism to grow and
it is also responsible for replacing dead or damaged cells. In single celled organisms,
mitosis is used for reproduction.