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Atomic structure of
_________( ):
~ Atom
~ Isotope
~ Ion
Protons –
Neutrons –
Electrons –
Mass –
Charge –
Protons –
Neutrons –
Electrons –
Mass –
Charge –
Protons –
Neutrons –
Electrons –
Mass –
Charge –
Elements are made out of atoms.
And there are 3 parts to an atom, or
“ Subatomic particles ”.
Protons and Neutrons are found in the
center of the atom, called the
The type of
Atom is determined by the
number of Protons.
Proton • Has a positive (+1) charge.
• Has a mass of 1 amu (atomic mass unit).
• Found in the nucleus of an atom.
• The # of protons determines the type of atom (or element).
- Is the number of Protons in an atom.
- In any Atom the …
# of protons = # of electrons = Atomic Number
If subatomic particles with in an atom are found in equal
amounts then, what is the charge of all Atoms?
What are isotopes of Potassium (K)?
Neutron • Has a neutral (0) charge.
• Has a mass of 1 amu.
• Found in the nucleus of an atom.
- The sum of the number of protons and neutrons
in an atom.
Symbolic Notation,
for an elements identity includes;
1. Element symbol
2. superscript (left) = Mass #
3. subscript (left) = Atomic #
4. top right corner = charge on ion
(a.k.a.~ oxidation #)
• Same element (same # of protons), but different
number of neutrons (different mass #)
• Isotope notation =
Hydrogen-2 .....“deuterium”
Hydrogen-3 .......“tritium”
Explain the difference between the hydrogen atoms.
3 isotopes of Potassium (K)
- Calculating Atomic Mass:
Step 1.
- Calculate each isotope’s contribution to the atomic mass
Mass contribution = (mass)(% abundance)
convert % to decimals
Step 2
- Add the mass contributions to find the average atomic mass.
Atomic Mass = (___ amu) + (___ amu)
Electron • Has a negative (-1) charge.
• Has no mass. (1/1840 or 9.11X10^-28 grams)
• Found in orbit around the nucleus of an atom.
- Electrons are found outside the nucleus in an
“electron cloud” or “orbitals” or “energy levels”.
~ Actual picture of electrons orbiting a nucleus.
~ digital model of electron orbitals
~ What do Electrons do?
- Cause elements to have a positive (+) or negative (-) charge.
- Also, cause elements to bond together.
Important to remember
1. Atoms are neutral.
2. Ions are atoms with a charge.
- Ion:
• Is an atom with a charge (+ or -).
• A neutral atom (element) has equal #’s of protons & electrons.
• All atoms are neutral, and they become an ion by gaining or
loosing electrons.
- Ion:
- Atoms become ions by filling their highest electron energy level.
• When the highest electron energy level is full the
atom is “STABLE” or Non-reactive.
• many elements need 8 valence electrons to become stable.
• Valence electrons are the electrons found in the highest energy level
(or the farthest orbital from the nucleus).