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Explain the contributions of the Byzantine Empire.
Constantine creates Constantinople. New Rome. Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Icons, Justinian’s Code,
Hagia Sophia, Hippodrome.
Describe the rise of the Ottoman Turks, the conquest of Constantinople in 1453, and the subsequent growth
of the Ottoman empire
Constantinople was weak Use of massive cannon breached the walls leading to its downfall.
Describe the orders of medieval social hierarchy, the changing role of the Church, the emergence of
feudalism, and the development of private property as a distinguishing feature of Western Civilization.
Describe developments in medieval English legal and constitutional history and their importance to the rise
of modern democratic institutions and procedures.
Magna Carter 1215. Habitus Corpus, Due Process, Parliament. End to Absolutism in England
Compare Japanese feudalism with Western European feudalism during the Middle Ages.
Compare the major beliefs and principles of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Same Monotheism, Abraham the Matriarch, belief in the same God.
(See Chart)
Analyze the causes, key events, and effects of the European response to Islamic expansion beginning in
the 7th century.
Europe is in the Dark Ages. No Unification. Islam Spreads West. Battle of Tours. Charles Martel beats
Muslims and pushes them back east.
Recognize major influences on the architectural, artistic, and literary developments of Renaissance Italy
(Classical, Byzantine, Islamic, Western European). See notes
Summarize religious reforms associated with Luther, Henry VIII, and the effects of the Reformation on
Luther breaks with Roman catholic Church, Selling indulgences, He writes 95 Thesis Nails them to Church
of Wittenberg. Says all you need for god is to read the bible and have faith. “Forced to recant. “Here I stand
for I can do no other” He is excommunicated. Spends time in seclusion fake kidnap. Translates bible to
German. First book Guttenberg Bible is Luther’s Translati9on.
Break with Roman Catholic Church over Pope not allowing for his divorce. Forms the Church of England.
Not quite protestant.
Analyze the Roman Catholic Church's response to the Protestant Reformation in the forms of the Counter
and Catholic Reformation.
Church agrees priests need more education. Stops indulgences but that is it.
Evaluate the scope and impact of the Columbian Exchange on Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
Biological diversity of plants, animals and disease. Small pox nearly wipes out south America.
Explain the origins, developments, and impact of the trans-Atlantic slave trade between West Africa and the
Portugal and Spain enter Slave Trade, Treaty of Tortalsallis Gives west of Brazil to Spain, East to Portugal.
Slave trade based on sugar, Middle Passage and Triangle Trade. Imperialism leads to competition for
Africa, Berlin Conference partitions Africa
Evaluate the impact of Enlightenment ideals on the development of economic, political, and religious
structures in the Western world.
John Locke 2nd Paragraph DOI all men equal rights born with gov protects rights if not overthrow.
Adam Smith Lazier Faire (gov. hands off) Capitalism. Market economy based on supply/demand and
Voltaire – Religious Freedom
Monique – Separation of Powers
Summarize the important causes, events, and effects of the French Revolution including the rise and rule of
Napoleon. See notes
Napoleon takes over Directory crowns himself Emperor. Disaster for N when he tries to conquer Russia and
1/2million men die frozen
Summarize the social and economic effects of the Industrial Revolution.
Social Enclosure Act makes large industrial Farms. People move to cities for factory work.
Move from Cottage to Factory System
Extreme uneven distribution of wealth. Leads to Karl Marx Communist Manifesto
Analyze the causes and effects of imperialism
Industrial Revolution Countries needs raw materials rubber, oil, etc. Colonialism, India example
Analyze the causes of World War I including the formation of European alliances and the roles of
imperialism, nationalism, and militarism, Alliances..
World History Honors End of the year review.
Each day we will review the sections from the following standards. Use your notes, study guides for more in depth information.
My Web Page has review material that will be helpful as well.
Germany militarizes causing arms race, Imperialism Germany desire to take continent, Nationalism –
reunification of Italy and Germany In addition Black Hand assassinates Arch Duke Fernand wanting Serbian
Independence causing Alliances each to fall like dominoes when Austria declares war on Serbia
Summarize significant effects of World War I.
Schieflan plan to capture France and turn towards Russia. Germany frozen in Russia, Trench warfare is a
stalemate. Poison Gas used. 8 million dead, Treaty of Versailles punishes Germany. Spanish Flu kills
millions following war.
Describe the rise of authoritarian governments in the Soviet Union, Italy, Germany, and Spain, and analyze
the policies and main ideas of Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, and Francisco
Franco. (Use Class notes and SG
Trace the causes and key events related to World War II. Use Class notes and SG
Explain the causes, events, and effects of the Holocaust (1933-1945) including its roots in the long tradition
of anti-Semitism, 19th century ideas about race and nation, and Nazi dehumanization of the Jews and other
Describe the effects of World War II. 50 million dead, Atomic bomb used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
creates arms race with Soviet Union. Winston Churchill says “Iron Curtain” Separates Soviet Union and the
Democratic Europe. Germany is divided East to Soviet Union/ West Democracy. Marshall Plan rebuilds W.
Germany. East Germany Creates Berlin Wall to keep in its own citizens from fleeing. Cold war between
Soviet Union and Western Democracies.
Describe characteristics of the early Cold War.
President Truman policy of “containment” not to allow for communism expansion. Korean War, Cuban
Missile Crisis put nukes in Cuba 90 miles from Key West. President Kennedy resolves without conflict.
Soviet launch of the satellite Sputnik launches the Space Race.
Identify the factors that led to the decline and fall of communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
Explain the 20th century background for the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948 and the
ongoing military and political conflicts between Israel and the Arab-Muslim world.
Describe the impact of and global response to international terrorism.