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Hwang Ho Civilization
1- How did people live in Hwang Ho
2- What does the word “Hwang Ho” mean
in Chines?
3- How long did Hwang Ho civilization last?
4- What special about Hwang Ho
Asia in the Past
The Hwang Ho civilization – began about 4000
years ago. It started in the valley of the Wang
Ho or Yellow River in North China.
In this civilization people were wandering
hunters and fishermen, later they had learnt to
farm, and settled in villages.
Gradually, they developed cities, governments,
religions and system of writing. They coined
money and invented a calendar.
Asia in the Past
The early Chines kept cattle, horses and sheep.
They had learnt to make pottery from clay and
jewelry from metals and shells. They played music
on whistles, and make silk from silkworms.
Those who settled in the Hwang Ho valley joined to
form kingdoms, other settled in the valley of
Yangtze valley.
For about 1500 years, China was divided into a
number of kingdoms.
Hwang Ho Civilization
Yellow River
Kingdom of Qin
Kingdom of Qin
1- How long did this kingdom last?
2- What do the words “Qinshi Huangdi” mean
in Chinese?
3- For what people in China remember the first
emperor of the kingdom of Qin ?
4- Was the Great Wall completely built during
the kingdom of Qin?
5- For what reason was the Great Wall built?
Asia in the Past
The kingdoms fought each other for power, one of
the most powerful kingdoms was the kingdom of
Qin. The word China comes from Qin.
By 221 BC the king of Qin conquered all other
kingdoms and then took the title of Qinshi Huangdi
, means “the first emperor”. China remained an
empire for the next 2000 years.
The Qinshi Huangdi was remembered not only as
ruler who united China, but as the builder of the
Great wall.
The Great Wall in China
The Great Wall of China was
built originally to protect the
northern borders of the
Chinese Empire. It was built in
the 5th BC, and has been
rebuilt and maintained from
then through the 16th century.
It is one of the most famous wall
built by the first Emperor of China,
Qin Shi Huangdi. The construction
had been continued during the Ming
The Great Wall stretches for
8,851.8 km (5,500.3 mi).
Tang Dynasty
1- When was Tang rule the country?
2- How was China during Tang Dynasty?
3- Who invented the length of year? What
was the length of year they came up with?
4- What is the name of the very first
printed book in Tang dynasty?
Asia in the Past
The Tang Dynasty –
What is a Dynasty ? It is a family of rulers.
China was ruled by Tang Dynasty from 618 AD to
906 AD. China then was perhaps the most civilized
nation in the world – it was called the Golden Age
of China.
The Tang capital had many luxurious palaces; the
streets of the city were crowded with many
foreigners, such as Arabs, Persians (Iranians),
Central Asians, Syrians, Koreans, Vietnamese and
Tang Dynasty
Tang Dynasty(618-906) was
the most glistening (shiny)
historic period in China's
history, the most powerful and
prosperous country in the
world. Particularly, in this
glorious period, the economy,
politics, culture and military
strength reached an
unparalleled advanced level.
Asia in the Past
During Tang periods, China had more than 20,000
poets, they also had famous mathematicians and
scientists; for example the Chinese mathematicians
had calculated the length of the year as 364.2444
days. The Chinese also invented gun-powder. They
developed a method of printing from wood-blocks.
One of the oldest printed books in the world came
from Tang China – Diamond Sutra (Prajnaparamita =
Perfection of Wisdom or the practicing of non-attachment).
Asia in the Past
1- How did people in Southeast Asia live in the
2- How did Indians come to Southeast Asia?
3- How did Buddhist religion brought into
Southeast Asia?
4- Which countries were not influenced by
Indian Culture?
5- Which country that influenced Vietnam in
the past?
Asia in the Past
People in Early South East Asia lived in a large areas,
close to the natural sea-route from China to India.
These people lived a simple life, they were farmers
and fishermen, they lived in a remote areas, such as
jungles, and hills, they were wandering hunters, and
food gatherers.
They later adapted Hinduism and Buddhism; most of
them were influenced by Indian cultures, except two
countries – the Philippines and Vietnam.
Asia in the Past
Travellers from China and India often stopped in
Southeast Asia.
Indians stayed in Southeast Asia for longer time,
they started trading settlements there, later
stayed in this areas of Southeast Asia; they
brought with them the religions – Hinduism and
Buddhism (sine then people of Southeast Asia
learnt to adopt these religions into their life).
Asia in the Past
Southeast Asian people not only adopted
religions into their practices in life, but also they
learnt to accept Indian words into their
languages and learnt to write Sanskrit.
They adopted from Indians about arts,
government, customs and ways of life.
Later the coastal people became Indianised.
Asia in the Past
Many Indian-type kingdoms arose in Southeast
Asia; they were ruled by Indianised - Southeast
Asian kings.
The Indian traders seldom visited the Philippines.
Vietnam was conquered by the Chinese in 111 BC.
The Chines ruled this country for the next 1000
years. As the result Vietnamese came under the
influence of Chinese culture.