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Feature & Pattern Recognition in EUV Corona : Prospects for AIA Markus Aschwanden (Lockheed Martin Solar Astrophysics Laboratory) AIA/HMI Science Teams Meeting, Monterey, Feb 13-17, 2006 Session S4: Feature Recognition: Needs and Techniques Content of talk : (1) Scientific Motivation for reconstructing 3D structures: - Hydrodynamics of elementary coronal loops - Hydrodynamics and evolution of flare loops - Hydrodynamics and evolution of filaments - Tracing the real coronal magnetic fields (2) Methods and Problems of extracting 3D structures: - Fingerprinting (automated detection) of curvi-linear structures - Background subtraction, disentangling, confusion problems - Disentangling of multi-temperature, multi-thread structures - 3D reconstruction of 2D curvi-linear features - Stereoscopic analysis with 2 spacecraft (STEREO 2006) (3) Conclusions (1a) Hydrodynamic modeling of elementary and composite loops Problems: -Isolated loops don’t exist -Every background consists of loops itself -Disentangling of nested loop strands often impossible due to lack of 3D information and insufficient resolution -Background is often ill-defined because it requires modeling of background loops ad infinitum (1b) Hydrodynamics and evolution of flare loops Aschwanden (2002) - Spatio-temporal tracing of magnetic reconnection - Hydrodynamics, heating, cooling of postflare loops - Footpoint (double) ribbon separation and X-point height h(s) - Shear vs. height relation of reconnecting field lines (1c) Hydrodynamics and evolution of filaments Envold (2001) Aulanier & Schmieder (2002) -Geometry and multi-threat structure of filaments (helicity, chirality, handedness conservation, fluxropes) -Spatio-temporal evolution and hydrodynamic balance -Stability conditions for quiescent filaments -Hydrodynamic instability and magnetic instability of erupting filaments leading to flares and CMEs (1d) Tracing the real coronal magnetic field Aschwanden et al. (1999) Wiegelmann & Neukirch (2002) -Tests of (theoretical) potential field, linear force-free, and nonlinear force-free magnetic field extrapolation by comparison with observed EUV loops (projected in 2D) -3D reconstruction of EUV loop coordinates with “dynamic solar-rotation stereoscopy” or “two-spacecraft observations” (1e) Measuring the twist of magnetic field lines Aschwanden (2004) -Measuring the number of turns in twisted loops -Testing the kink-instability criterion for stable/erupting loops -Monitoring the evolution of magnetic relaxation (untwisting) between preflare and postflare loops (1e) Measuring the twist of magnetic field lines Aschwanden (2004) -Measuring number of turns in (twisted) sigmoids before and after eruption -Test of kink-instability criterion as trigger of flares/CMEs (1f) Measuring the twist of erupting fluxropes Gary & Moore (2004) -Measuring number of turns in erupting fluxropes -Test of kink-instability criterion as trigger of flares/CMEs 2) Pattern and Feature Recognition: Methods and Problems (2a) Fingerprinting (automated detection) of curvi-linear structures Louis Strous (2002) http:/www.lmsal.com/~aschwand/stereo/2000easton/cdaw.html -Strous detects curvi-linear segments from brightness gradients in 3x3 neighborhood areas -Problems: incompleteness of coronal loops no discrimination between noisy pixels and loops combination of curvi-linear segments to full loops (2a) Fingerprinting (automated detection) of curvi-linear structures Lee, Newman & Gary improve detection of coronal loops with “Oriented connectivity Method” (OCM): -median filtering -contrast enhancement -unsharp mask -detection threshold -directional connectivity Lee, Newman, & Gary (2004), 17th Internat. Conf. On Pattern Recognition, Cambridge UK, 23-26 Aug 2004 Lee, Newman, & Gary (2004), see poster by Lee et al. at this workshop Simulation results: -OCM renders most of the loop structures Remaining problems: -crossing loops -misconnections -ambiguous connections -faint loops -crowded regions Lee, Newman, & Gary (2004) Lee, Newman, & Gary 2006, “Dynamic Aperture-based Solar Loop Segmentation” (in prep.) Loop detection in triple-filter TRACE data (171 A, 195 A, 284 A) 1998-Jun-12 1205:20 UT -Manual tracing (10 pts) -spline interpolation x(s),y(s) -1D stretching with bilinear interpolation -multiple strands visible -spatial offsets of loop centroids in 3 filters -background loops -background moss Loops Widths Loop/Backgr. Instrument Ref. 1 10 30 1 41 ~12 Mm ? CDS ? 170%150% EIT 7.10.8 Mm 30%20% EIT ~5.8 Mm 76%34% TRACE/CDS 3.71.5 Mm ? TRACE 234 1.40.2 Mm 8%3% TRACE Schmelz et al. (2001) Schmelz et al. (2003) Aschwanden et al. (1999) DelZanna & Mason (2003) Aschwanden et al. (2000) (no highpass filter) Aschwanden & Nightingale 2005 (with highpass filter) (2d) 3D reconstruction of loop structures Full testing of theoretical magnetic field extrapolation models with EUV-traced loops requires 3D reconstruction of loop coordinates [x(s), y(s), z(s)] (1) Solar-rotation dynamic stereoscopy (2) Two-spacecraft stereoscopy Matching/Fitting of EUV tracings and extrapolated field lines allows to constrain free parameters: Alpha of nonlinear force-free field model. Wiegelmann & Neukirch (2002) (2e) Stereoscopic analysis with 2 STEREO spacecraft -Identification of a common feature from two views is difficult for nested structures (loop arcades, active region loops) -Stereoscopic 3D-reconstruction is least ambiguous for small stereo-angles, but 3D accuracy is best for large stereo-angles: optimum at angles of ~10-30 deg. Conclusions (1) Stereoscopic reconstruction of 3D structures can be used to detect and quantify coronal loops, filaments, and postflare loops. Conclusions (cont.) (2) 3D-reconstruction of coronal loop structures is most useful to test theoretical models of magnetic field extrapolations. Conclusions (cont.) (3) Hydrostatic/hydrodynamic modeling of coronal loops requires careful disentangling of neighbored loops, background modeling, multi-component modeling, and multi-filter temperature modeling. Accurate modeling requires the identification of elementary loops. Conclusions (cont.) (4) The latest TRACE study has shown the existence of elementary loop strands with isothermal crosssections, at FWHM widths of <1500 km. TRACE has a pixel size of 0.5” and a point-spread function of 1.25” (900 km) and is able to resolve some of them, while AIA (0.6” pixels, PSF~1.5”=1100 km) will marginally resolve the largest ones. Multi-filter analysis is a necessity to discriminate elementary from composite loops.