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GCSE PE PLCs 1.2.2 A healthy active lifestyle and
your cardio vascular system End of Unit Exam
1 (g) If an individual had high levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL ‘bad’
cholesterol),which of the following should he/she avoid in order to
improve his/her health?
A Foods high in unsaturated fats (e.g. sunflower oil, nuts)
B Foods high in soluble fibre
C Foods high in saturated fat (e.g. butter, crisps)
D Moderate exercise
2 (g) Which one of the following statements correctly defines the term
cardiac output?
A Heart rate ÷ stroke volume = cardiac output
B Cardiac output = heart rate – stroke volume
C Cardiac output = heart rate x stroke volume
D Stroke volume x vital capacity = cardiac output
3 (a) Diet and rest are two important factors to consider when planning
for a healthy,active lifestyle. How may diet and rest influence personal
(i) Diet
A diet with lots of high density lipoproteins will influence physical
health by decreasing blood pressure
(ii) Rest
Rest will influence your cardio vascular health by increasing white
blood cells which will strengthen the immune system
(b) Why do you need to consider what you eat if you exercise
regularly? (1)
When exercising regularly you will need to consider energy so
your diet should contain 60% carbohydrate
4 If an individual had high levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL ‘bad’
cholesterol), which of the following should he/she avoid in order to
improve his/her health?
Foods high in unsaturated fats (eg sunflower oil, nuts)
Foods high in soluble fibre
Foods high in saturated fat (eg butter, crisps)
Moderate exercise
5 Rob and Imran regularly participate in physical activity.
Rob takes part in cross-country runs on a regular basis. State a
possible physical benefit of taking part in cross country.
One physical benefit of taking part in cross country is hypertrophy
of the heart
6 Diet and rest need to be considered when planning a healthy, active
Describe the impact of diet and rest on the cardiovascular system.
(i) Impact of diet on the cardiovascular system.
The impact of a diet with lots of high density lipoproteins is
decreased blood pressure. The impact of a diet with lots of low
density lipoproteins is increased blood pressure. The impact of a
diet with lots of sugar, salt and fat will increase the risk of
cardiovascular disease.
(ii) Impact of rest on the cardiovascular system.
The impact of rest is increased number of white blood cells which will
fight disease. A second impact of rest is that it will allow the heart
muscle to adapt through hypertrophy
7 The following statements are effects of participation in exercise and
physical activity on the cardiovascular system. State whether the effect is
immediate or long term.
Immediate or long term effect?
Increased heart rate .
Increased cardiac output
Increased maximum cardiac output
8. Describe the impact of alcohol and smoking cigarettes on the
cardiovascular system
One impact of alcohol on the cardiovascular system is decreased
blood pressure. A second impact is that it causes the blood cells to
clump together which reduces blood flow.
One impact of smoking cigarettes on the cardiovascular system is
decreased oxygen transport. A second impact is that it increases the
risk of heart disease
The equation in the box below is incomplete.
Complete the equation that is used to calculate the amount of blood ejected
from the heart per minute.
Blood pressure can be used to help monitor the health of an individual.
(i) A normal blood pressure reading would be 120/80. The 120 represents
systolic blood pressure. Name the other blood pressure represented in this
(ii) Explain the immediate effect of exercise on blood pressure.
The immediate effect of exercise is that it increases because more
oxygenated blood is required by the working muscles so energy can be
9* A healthy, active lifestyle will have an impact on the body systems.
Describe some of the effects of participation on the body’s
cardiovascular system. In your answer you may consider:
• the immediate and short-term effects of participation
• the effects of regular participation and long-term effects (6)
Knowledge list – Plan;
Immediate; heart rate, cardiac output, blood pressure (systolic
and diastolic)
Long term; resting heart rate, heart hypertrophy, stroke volume,
cardiac output, resting blood pressure, increased red blood cells,
increased capillaries
1. One immediate effect of participation on the
cardiovascular system is to the heart. 2. This is
through increased heart rate (the amount of
beats per minute BPM) and increased cardiac
output (amount of blood pumped out of the
heart in one minute L/min). 3. This happens
because more oxygen is needed in the working
muscles which is carried in the red blood cells.
This is important because a marathon runner
would need additional oxygen to react with
glucose in the muscles to release energy and to
maintain performance.
Total marks; 27 marks