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Adair County High School A.P. Psychology
Julie Brockman
[email protected]
AP Psychology covers the equivalent of a college freshman Psychology course and prepares students to
take the Advanced Placed examination. Students will investigate and acquire knowledge in the basic
foundations of scientific psychology. Through varied modalities, students will compare and contrast the
major schools of thought from a historical and sociological perspective. The students will examine
different methods of tests, measures, and assessment with emphasis on bias related issues: cultural,
ethnic, genre, contemporary controversies will be explored. The students will analyze ethical concerns:
objectively and subjectively. Particular emphasis will be placed on proper APA writing format as well as
extensive reading, both primary source and supplemental literature, essay writing, intense group
interaction, and individual presentations involving critical reasoning skills. The students will explore
possible career choice within the psychological community and evaluate current trends, which may
affect future occupations.
Ultimately, Students are responsible for their own learning.
The most important concept to understand is that this course is a college level course. It is designed
to replace Introduction to Psychology in a student's freshman year of college. I will be here to guide your
but It is you, and you alone, who is responsible for your success in this class. You must set out to own
the knowledge through your own sweat and desire. I will set a high standard of expectation, and I expect
you to keep up the work and to meet that standard. As with most college courses, there is no way to
expect all the information to be discussed in class. Excuses such as "We never went over this stuff," or
"You weren't specific about what we were supposed to know" are to be left outside the door. If I
tell you that you are responsible for all the information in a chapter, then I should not have to spell out
the tiniest details contained therein.
Questions To Think About Before We Begin
1. Why are you taking this class? Do you want to learn psychology? Are you ready for a college
class? Are you serious about the AP Exam in May? If not, this is probably the wrong class for
2. How much time will you need to devote to this class? Are academics near the top of the list,
or are you more concerned with
athletics, a social life, a part time job, television, family responsibilities and so on? If academics
are not a top priority, this
may not the class for you.
3. Are you a strong reader? In terms of course assignments, nothing will occupy more of your
time than reading the text.
Research has shown that the strongest correlate of success in high school AP classes is
reading ability. If you are a good reader you have a distinct advantage. If you are not a good
reader, know that is going to require extra time and effort on your part to compensate.
What can you do to help yourself?
1. Don't miss class! We move at a very fast pace and will cover new material everyday.
2. Don't be afraid to get help if you do not understand something. I am willing to help
3. Keep up! Don't fall behind! Set a schedule and be disciplined enough to stick to it.
*I do not accept late assignments. Late Work: All assignments must be turned in on the date
specified. Late work will not be accepted except in the case of excused absence, at which time
it will be due upon
return to class. It is a student's responsibility to check in and find out what was missed or to turn
in work if they missed the day of the deadline. This also applies to test, if you miss a test that
had been previously announced you are expected to take the test the day you return to
class. I will not track you down.
Myers, David G. (2009). Psychology (9th ed.) New York: Worth.
Supplemental Materials:
PsychSim 5
Various A.P. review books
Suggested Materials
3"to 4"Binder : This will be a critically important resource in your preparation for the AP
exam. If you keep an organized, detailed, neat, and complete binder, you will find studying for
the exam much easier. Please spend time setting up your binder, and maintaining it throughout
the year.
Note Cards: These will be used to create the Vocabulary Flash Cards.
Loose Leaf Paper
Blue or Black Ink
Highlighter: I recommend that you get at least 2 different color.
Grading Policy
The following assignments will be used to determine the twelve week grade.
Multiple Choice/Free Response Test
Vocabulary Flash Cards 100 points each
Projects/Presentations 100 points each
Quizzes 100 points each
Homework 50 points each
I. Methods, Approaches and History
A. Logic, Philosophy and the History of Science
B. Approaches
1. Biological
2. Behavioral
3. Cognitive
4. Humanistic
5. Psychodynamic
C. Experimental, Correlational and Clinical Research
D. Statistics
1. Descriptive
2. Inferential
E. Ethics in Research
Activities that maybe applied: PsychSim 5: Psychology's Timeline, Article over unethical
treatment at Tuskegee, PsychSim 5: Statistics: Correlation, M&M's Sampling Demonstration
II. Biological Bases of Behavior
A. Physiological Techniques
B. Neuroanatomy
C. Functional Organization of the Nervous System
D. Neural Transmission
E. Endocrine System
F. Genetics
Activities that maybe applied: PsychSim 5: Neural Messages, Neural Transmission,
PsychSim 5: Brain and Behavior , Build a PlayDoh Brain,
III. Sensation and Perception
A. Thresholds
B. Sensory Mechanisms
C. Receptor Processes
D. Sensory Adaptation
E. Attention
F. Perceptual Processes
Activities that maybe applied: PsychSim 5: Colorful World, TwoPoint Thresholds,
PsychSim 5: The Auditory System, Mapping Your Tongue,
IV. States of Consciousness
A. Sleep and Dreaming
B. Hypnosis
C. Psychoactive Drugs
Activities that maybe applied: PsychSim 5: EEG and Sleep Stages, Epworth
Sleepiness Scale, Attitudes Toward
Hypnosis Scale, PsychSim 5: Your Mind on Drugs
V. Learning
A. Biological Factors
B. Classical Conditioning
C. Operant Conditioning
D. Cognitive Processes in Learning
Activities that maybe applied: PsychSim 5: Classical Conditioning, Jaws
Music, Reinforcement Schedules
Activity, TV Episode: The Office: Jim Conditions Dwight, Bandura's Bobo Doll
Experiment video
VI. Cognition
A. Memory
B. Language
C. Thinking
D. Problem Solving and Creativity
Activities that maybe applied: PsychSim 5: Iconic Memory, PsychSim 5: Trusting Your
Memory, Remembering the Seven Dwarfs, The Tower of Hanoi Problem, Create a
Mental Model, Classroom Exercise: Doublespeak
VII. Motivation and Emotion
A. Biological Bases
B. Theories of Motivation
C. Hunger, Thirst, Sex and Pain
D. Social Motives
E. Theories of Emotion
Activities that maybe applied: Sensation Seeking Scale, The Meaning in Life
Questionnaire, PsychSim 5: Hunger classroom Exercise: The Sexual Opinion Survey ,
Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale, The MoodAwareness Scale, PsychSim 5: Catching
VIII. Developmental Psychology
A. Life Span Approach
B. Research Methods
1. Longitudinal
2. Cross-sectional
C. Heredity Environmental Issues
D. Developmental Theories
E. Dimensions of Development
1. Physical
2. Cognitive
3. Social
4. Moral
F. Sex Roles, Sex Differences
Activities that maybe applied: PsychSim 5: MindReading Monkeys, PsychSim 5:
Dating and Mating
IX. Personality
A. Personality Theories and Approaches
B. Research Methods
C. Assessment Techniques
D. Self-concept, Self-esteem
E. Growth and Adjustment
F. Conflict
G. Stress
Activities that maybe applied: Defense Mechanism Miniskits, Perceived Self Versus
Ideal Self, "Big Five" Inventories, PsychSim 5: Helplessly Hoping, Public and Private Selfconsciousness
X. Testing and Individual Differences
A. Standardization and Norms
B. Reliability and Validity
C. Types of Tests
D. Ethics and Standards in Testing
E. Intelligence
F. Heredity/Environmental and Intelligence
G. Human Diversity
Activities that maybe applied: PsychSim 5: Get Smart, "Reading the Mind in the Eyes"
Test: Sample Items, Classroom Exercise: CultureBiased and CultureFair Tests
XI. Abnormal Psychology
A. Definitions of Abnormality
B. Theories of Psychopathology
C. Diagnosis of Psychopathology
D. Anxiety Disorders
E. Somatoform Disorders
F. Mood Disorders
G. Schizophrenic Disorders
H. Organic Disorders
I. Personality Disorders
Activities that maybe applied: Adult ADHD Screening Test, PsychSim 5: Mystery
Client, Penn State Worry
Questionnaire, The Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire, PsychSim 5: Losing Touch With
XII. Treatment of Psychological Disorders
A. Treatment Approaches
1. Insight Therapies: Psychodynamic/Phenomenological Approaches
2. Behavioral Approaches
3. Cognitive Approaches
4. Biological Therapies
B. Modes of Therapy (e.g., individual, group)
C. Community and Preventative Approaches
Activities that maybe applied: The SelfConcealment Scale, PsychSim 5: Computer
Therapis, Frequency of Self Reinforcement Questionnaire, PsychSim 5: Mystery
XIII. Social Psychology
A. Group Dynamics
B. Attribution Processes
C. Interpersonal Perception
D. Conformity, Compliance and Obedience
E. Attitudes and Attitude Change
F. Organization Behavior
G. Aggression/Antisocial Behavior
Activities that maybe applied: Student Project: Violating a Social Norm, The Minding
Scale, PsychSim 5: Social Decision Making, Classroom Exercises: Using Personal Ads
to Teach Interpersonal Attraction
*****The activities listed for each unit is only a small