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PsychSimulation “Classical and Operant Conditioning”
Log onto the textbook website and go to the “PsychSim Tutorials”. Look at the list on the left hand tab… you will be
completing the following two: Chapter 8: Psychsim 4 “Classical Conditioning” and Psychsim 5 “Operant Conditioning
1. In Pavlov’s famous experiment, what did he call the:
Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)? ___________________________________________________________
Unconditioned response (UCR)? __________________________________________________________
Conditioned stimulus (CS)? ______________________________________________________________
Conditioned response (CR)? ______________________________________________________________
2. Pavlov demonstrated that the dog had formed a conditioned association between two events. What were those
events? What did the dog actually “learn”?
3. Acquisition: In the example of the child who fears doctors, what label would you give the painful injection? _______
In same example, what label would you give the doctor? _________________
4. What is extinction? _______________________________________________________________________________
5. What is spontaneous recovery? _____________________________________________________________________
6. What is generalization? ____________________________________________________________________________
7. What is discrimination? ____________________________________________________________________________
8. Conditioning an Eye Blink: CR= _____________, CS= ___________ UCS=______________ UCR=_______________.
9. Discrimination Trials: How would you interpret the graphs? Did your subject show evidence of stimulus
generalization, stimulus discrimination, or both. Explain your answer.
Now go back and click on PSYCHSIM 5: OPERANT CONDITIONING. Answer the following:
1. Create a mindmap below answering the question: How is classical conditioning different from operant conditioning?
2. Reinforcement: What effect does reinforcement have on behavior?
Give an example of:
Positive reinforcement _______________________________________________________________________________
Negative reinforcement ______________________________________________________________________________
3. Punishment: What effect does punishment have on behavior?
Give an example of:
Positive punishment _________________________________________________________________________________
Negative punishment ________________________________________________________________________________
4. If a subject continues to expect a reward after every response, what will happen if the reinforcement stops?
5. Match the schedule of reinforcement example to the everyday example:
Fixed ratio _____
a. a golfer endures a dozen bad shots before he finally hits a “beautiful drive”.
Fixed interval ____
b. A child gets a gold star for every 50 math problems completed.
Variable ratio ____
c. When pop quizzes are given, students are not rewarded for every night of studying, but the
payoff does eventually come to those who regularly study.
Variable interval _____
d. You put food in your pet’s dish twice a day. He won’t get rewarded for walking over to the dish
durning the rest of the day, but the first response after the dish is filled brings reinforcement.
6. Which type of reinforcement (continuous or partial) is MOST resistant to extinction? WHY?