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Name: _________________________
Date: ___________________________
Grade 9 Chemistry
Lesson 4 – The History of Atomic Theory
Ancient Theories
- The Greeks thought that all matter was composed of 4 elements: earth, air, fire
and water.
- These 4 elements would combine in different ratios to produce all the variety of
substances we see today.
- In ancient China, the elements were thought to be fire, water, wood, metal and
- Today we know there are over 100 elements that make up all the matter around
- In 440 BCE, Democritus came up with a theory that as you broke down
materials into smaller and smaller particles, eventually you would get a particle
so small that you could not break it down further. He called this particle an
John Dalton
- Dalton pictured atoms as small spheres with different properties.
- He created a table of elements and created symbols to represent each one.
- He created a 4 point theory to describe the nature of matter.
1. All matter is made of atoms.
2. All atoms of a certain element are identical in properties.
3. Atoms of different elements have different properties.
4. Atoms can combine to create new substances.
J.J. Thompson
- Using cathode ray tubes, he caused elements to give off a stream of negatively
charged particles (electrons).
- Since the elements did not have an overall charge, Thompson figured there must
be positive particles in the atoms as well.
- Thompson proposed that the atom is a positive mass with negative electrons
inside it.
- This is the raisin bun model. The electrons are negatively charged raisins in a
positively charged bun.
Ernest Rutherford
- Discovered that protons are located in a central nucleus.
Atoms had too much mass
- Scientists had discovered that atoms weighed more than they should if there
was only protons and electrons.
- There were also isotopes of elements that weighed different amounts but had
the same charge as a regular atom (eg. Lead 204 and lead 206).
James Chadwick
- Chadwick figured out there was another sub atomic particle called a neutron.
The neutron added weight to the atom but had no charge.
- Scientists then knew that there were protons and neutrons in the nucleus and
electrons orbiting around it.
Niels Bohr
- scientists knew that when certain elements gained energy, they would release
that energy only in very specific amounts.
- Niels Bohr figured out that the electrons could only exist in specific orbits
around the nucleus.
- This led to the Bohr model of the atom.
Quantum Mechanical Model
- In this latest model of the atom, scientists have agreed that they cannot know
exactly where an electron is or what momentum it has.
- To continue using equations to calculate predictions based on their model of the
atom, scientists have come up with a cloud of possible locations for the
electrons based on the probability of an electron being in any one spot.
Name: _________________________
Date: ___________________________
Grade 9 Chemistry
Lesson 4 – The History of Atomic Theory
Ancient Theories
- The ______________ thought that all matter was composed of ____ elements:
________________, ________________, ________________ and ___________________.
- These 4 ____________________ would combine in different __________________ to
produce all the variety of substances we see today.
- In ancient ____________________, the elements were thought to be ______________,
__________________, ________________, __________________ and __________________.
- Today we know there are over _________________ elements that make up all the
matter around us.
- In __________ BCE, ______________________ came up with a theory that as you broke
down materials into smaller and smaller __________________, eventually you would
get a particle so small that you could not break it down further. He called this
particle an _____________________.
John Dalton
- ________________ pictured ______________ as small spheres with different properties.
- He created a table of ___________________ and created ___________________ to represent
each one.
- He created a 4 point theory to describe the nature of matter.
5. All matter is made of _________________.
6. All atoms of a certain element are ______________________ in properties.
7. Atoms of different elements have ____________________ properties.
8. Atoms can _________________________ to create new substances.
J.J. Thompson
- Using cathode ray tubes, he caused elements to give off a stream of negatively
charged particles (______________________).
- Since the elements did not have an overall charge, Thompson figured there must
be _______________________ particles in the atoms as well.
- Thompson proposed that the atom is a positive ______________ with negative
________________________ inside it.
- This is the __________________ _____________ model. The electrons are negatively
charged ___________________ in a positively charged ________________.
Ernest Rutherford
- Discovered that ____________________ are located in a central ______________________.
Atoms had too much mass
- Scientists had discovered that atoms _____________________ more than they should if
there was only _______________________ and _________________________.
- There were also ________________________ of elements that weighed
_________________________ amounts but had the ___________________ charge as a regular
atom (eg. Lead 204 and lead 206).
James Chadwick
- _________________________ figured out there was another sub atomic particle called a
_____________________. The neutron added ______________________ to the atom but had
no __________________________.
- Scientists then knew that there were _____________________ and _______________________
in the __________________________ and electrons ____________________________ around it.
Niels Bohr
- Scientists knew that when certain elements gained __________________, they would
release that energy only in very ____________________ amounts.
- Niels Bohr figured out that the ________________________ could only exist in specific
______________________ around the __________________________.
- This led to the Bohr model of the atom.
Quantum Mechanical Model
- In this latest _________________ of the __________________, scientists have
_________________ that they cannot know exactly where an _______________________ is
or what _________________________ it has.
- To continue using ______________________________ to calculate _________________________
based on their _________________________ of the atom, scientists have come up with a
__________________________ of possible _____________________________ for the electrons
based on the _________________________________ of an electron being in any one spot.